Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

yes it causes tissue damage the extends out...but it doesn't blow holes like that...look at the ballistic gell stuff on youtube... it makes like tears through the tissue that make the bleeding...not holes like that...

i think they make some bullets that open up and don't fragment to make a bigger hole but even then it's got to first go through some tissue to make it mushroom....
Yes, it's completely possible to form an opinion from watching the television. Nobody disagrees with this.
Everyone wants the value of the home they own to go up. Being convinced that the family home isn't a place to raise a family, grow old, and die in, but instead some fairytale investment has ruined housing.

Imagine if every car ever made went up in value every year instead of down.

This is such a humongous false equivalence.

There is no value added to a piece of equipment year over year because the equipment will wear down with time, not every single person needs one, supply ability far exceeds demand for new inventory.

Land and dwelling prices increase mostly due to demand, everyone needs a place to live, the value of land doesn't go down unless you mess it up badly and sometimes not even then because price is arbitrarily set by demand.
That's why they're going to keep losing. They make every opponent into Donald trump.

People in Virginia realized they weren't voting on Trump, Jan 6, or the Russian conspiracy that a main actor of of was just arrested for lying to the fbi.
The same russian "conspiracy" that half of trumps campaign went to prison for?
What it looks like to me from the aerial footage was that there was a fire in that car that I’m assuming Rosenbaum set and Kyle tried to put it out. That’s what it looks like. This upset Rosenbaum who then chased Klye. The fact that there was a gunshot just seconds before Rosenbaum was shot makes me think Klye thought he was being shot at. Of course this is speculation. Anyways Rosenbaum from witness testimony went for Kyles gun and hot shot. I wonder if he was on meth or something. Other witness accounts say he was acting erratic and aggressive even to other protesters/rioters.
Rittenhouse shot rosenbaum in the back. Spin that, retard
Well you gotta have ambition too. You can’t just stand there with your hand out. Like I was told long ago “ the piglet that doesn’t fight his way in and grab a tit-Starves.” I’ll tell you what trickles down. Any taxes or added cost to companies. They just pass it down to rest of us. It’s like how high gas prices makes shipping more expensive so stores charge more. Just remember when you go after the rich they go after you.
What do you do for work besides cash social security checks
How about this. The January 6 rioters and the idiots in Kenosha were in the wrong?
After the police shot an unarmed black man 7 times and people protested for three days, no one got hurt until rittenhouse shot someone in the back with an assault rifle 15

Eat shit trumptard

ask and you shall receive. Guy fucked kids AND said the N word. ew. Rest in piss pedo.

Thankful little kyle had hollowpoints that night. Great marksmanship. Dont hit people with skateboards or run up on them with a gun in your hand and youll be fine. Should have burned a wendys or looted a liquor store instead of hitting people lol. I bet the dude with one bicep wont be assaulting 17 year olds again anytime soon.

ask and you shall receive. Guy fucked kids AND said the N word. ew. Rest in piss pedo.

Thankful little kyle had hollowpoints that night. Great marksmanship. Dont hit people with skateboards or run up on them with a gun in your hand and youll be fine. Should have burned a wendys or looted a liquor store instead of hitting people lol. I bet the dude with one bicep wont be assaulting 17 year olds again anytime soon.
This sounds remarkably like you cheering a murderer on.

ask and you shall receive. Guy fucked kids AND said the N word. ew. Rest in piss pedo.

Thankful little kyle had hollowpoints that night. Great marksmanship. Dont hit people with skateboards or run up on them with a gun in your hand and youll be fine. Should have burned a wendys or looted a liquor store instead of hitting people lol. I bet the dude with one bicep wont be assaulting 17 year olds again anytime soon.
so if he did nothing wrong then why arent you out right now shooting pedophiles?

Is it because you suport pedophilia?
guy was chasing someone and hit them with a skateboard truck. You ever been hit with a skateboard? thats a legit weapon. Clear self defense.
I have never seen a skateboard listed as a deadly weapon.
Calling one to be equivalent with an autoloading rifle is not for the sane.
so if he did nothing wrong then why arent you out right now shooting pedophiles?

Is it because you suport pedophilia?
maybe i am out right now on patrol with my super duper scary loud assault machine or whatever you unarmed pussies call them. Lucky for you, you stayed inside when people were burning cities, typing away here.