Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

What do you consider arsonists, looters, or rioters( not talking about peaceful protesters). Just curious.

what do you consider those 17 year olds with AR-15s begging med supplies from other because there were only bandaids in his play doctor bag?

if you need security for your business you get proffesional not militia..good ole boys slammin' Big Macs wanting to play WAR.

the guy below is professional (known to militia and other domestic terror groups as: INFILTRATOR)


notice the dead Big Mac'er.
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hell if I know I just wanted to know if they mentioned it in the trail...
i don't think he even shot looked fake too me...
the wound on that dudes arm seemed too big for an ar-15 wound to me as well...
i mean i haven't seen any wounds besides deer but idk..ive shot deer with a more powerful caliber an never made a hole like that
i even exexuted one point blank with a 30-30 and blood splattered everywhere and no hole like that idk...
like first I thought maybe he had one of those converted uppers that let you shoot 12 guage out of an ar type lower but nope...they said it was ar-15...
You need to get out more
Part of me says people need to move to where they can afford to live, or that they can find a job that pays enough to live in that area...but eh...many many people live in places now where the jobs haven't kept up with the cost of housing. That's a whole big complex topic, but we are facing a current immediate situation where workers can't afford to live where the work is. Ideally wages rise, jobs move around the country with workers following, etc ...but man, my idea sure doesn't play well with most as they have family ties and such in a particular area.
Everyone wants the value of the home they own to go up. Being convinced that the family home isn't a place to raise a family, grow old, and die in, but instead some fairytale investment has ruined housing.

Imagine if every car ever made went up in value every year instead of down.