Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

You also just made jobs which were meant to be living wage jobs ( unlike the kid at McDonald’s) worth less because those wages never went up along with min wage. So everything cost more and nobody wins. The poor secretary or office clerk is now fucked because some pimply faced punk in high school is almost making the same per hour as them.

I fully concur and that is my argument on why raising the minimum wage is inferior to UBI as a means to address inequality.
I fully concur and that is my argument on why raising the minimum wage is inferior to UBI as a means to address inequality.

Getting a job helps UBI not handouts from the government. People don’t know how good they have it in this country. What we consider poor would be considered well off in some countries. People just bitch because others have more. Nobody is happy with what they have.
Getting a job helps UBI not handouts from the government. People don’t know how good they have it in this country. What we consider poor would be considered well off in some countries. People just bitch because others have more. Nobody is happy with what they have.
Oh the wealthy seem pretty happy especially all the money they made off Trumps tax cut for himself and anyone who is a country clubber
He saved the wealthy billions and told us minions get back to work
Good luck with that
Oh the wealthy seem pretty happy especially all the money they made off Trumps tax cut for himself and anyone who is a country clubber
He saved the wealthy billions and told us minions get back to work
Good luck with that

Well I’m not wealthy so I couldn’t tell you if they are happy or not
Getting a job helps UBI not handouts from the government. People don’t know how good they have it in this country. What we consider poor would be considered well off in some countries. People just bitch because others have more. Nobody is happy with what they have.

Part of me says people need to move to where they can afford to live, or that they can find a job that pays enough to live in that area...but eh...many many people live in places now where the jobs haven't kept up with the cost of housing. That's a whole big complex topic, but we are facing a current immediate situation where workers can't afford to live where the work is. Ideally wages rise, jobs move around the country with workers following, etc ...but man, my idea sure doesn't play well with most as they have family ties and such in a particular area.
I'm just wondering how the Red states would survive if the Blue states remove the welfare they give them.

O. Thats easy Q to answer. Because the children are the next generation and the future of the country. You want them well fed, well educated, preferable well travelled as well. Some would say that's the American dream right there.
the south actually is starting to have a lot of economic power now....
that's why so many people are moving down here...
in my neighborhood all the houses were almost empty for years...

they were just built as investment... like I could ride all over my nieghboorhood and hardly ever see anyone driving...
now when i leave there are people in their yard everywhere lol.. cars driving all the time... walmart is allways filled up at all hours of the used to be empty all the time...pretty wierd stuff...

like in one town near me I never ever saw anyone at the boat launch and now there are like people at all hours of the day boat riding lol...doesn't make any sense...and all of sudden all these japanese are moving down here and saying they lived here for years but i've seen kids from every single school in this city and never seen one japanese in 20 years...they were planning this for a while...screw real american grow outside...don't support imperial take over of america...
Hey Tepublicans promised it would trickle down even to you
Bask in the windfall they delivered

Well you gotta have ambition too. You can’t just stand there with your hand out. Like I was told long ago “ the piglet that doesn’t fight his way in and grab a tit-Starves.” I’ll tell you what trickles down. Any taxes or added cost to companies. They just pass it down to rest of us. It’s like how high gas prices makes shipping more expensive so stores charge more. Just remember when you go after the rich they go after you.
Well you gotta have ambition too. You can’t just stand there with your hand out. Like I was told long ago “ the piglet that doesn’t fight his way in and grab a tit-Starves.” I’ll tell you what trickles down. Any taxes or added cost to companies. They just pass it down to rest of us. It’s like how high gas prices makes shipping more expensive so stores charge more. Just remember when you go after the rich they go after you.
And in turn they can enjoy a labor shortage till they change
Defending the wealthy is as right wing as it gets

sorry for the jack
Kyle needs to spend eternity paying
Part of me says people need to move to where they can afford to live, or that they can find a job that pays enough to live in that area...but eh...many many people live in places now where the jobs haven't kept up with the cost of housing. That's a whole big complex topic, but we are facing a current immediate situation where workers can't afford to live where the work is. Ideally wages rise, jobs move around the country with workers following, etc ...but man, my idea sure doesn't play well with most as they have family ties and such in a particular area.

That’s exactly what I say. If you can move to where you can make it. Why struggle
And in turn they can enjoy a labor shortage till they change
Defending the wealthy is as right wing as it gets

sorry for the jack
Kyle needs to spend eternity paying

Back to Kyle. So what makes you think that he should be found guilty. Not trying to change your mind just hear all sides.