Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation since 81, when Ray Guns started fucking things up, the wage would be $25 dollars an hour.

CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978. Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time.
The increased focus on growing inequality has led to an increased focus on CEO pay. Corporate boards running America’s largest public firms are giving top executives outsize compensation packages. Average pay of CEOs at the top 350 firms in 2018 was $17.2 million—or $14.0 million using a more conservative measure. (Stock options make up a big part of CEO pay packages, and the conservative measure values the options when granted, versus when cashed in, or “realized.”) CEO compensation is very high relative to typical worker compensation (by a ratio of 278-to-1 or 221-to-1). In contrast, the CEO-to-typical-worker compensation ratio (options realized) was 20-to-1 in 1965 and 58-to-1 in 1989. CEOs are even making a lot more—about five times as much—as other earners in the top 0.1%. From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.
Why it matters: Exorbitant CEO pay is a major contributor to rising inequality that we could safely do away with. CEOs are getting more because of their power to set pay, not because they are increasing productivity or possess specific, high-demand skills. This escalation of CEO compensation, and of executive compensation more generally, has fueled the growth of top 1.0% and top 0.1% incomes, leaving less of the fruits of economic growth for ordinary workers and widening the gap between very high earners and the bottom 90%. The economy would suffer no harm if CEOs were paid less (or taxed more).
How we can solve the problem: We need to enact policy solutions that would both reduce incentives for CEOs to extract economic concessions and limit their ability to do so. Such policies could include reinstating higher marginal income tax rates at the very top; setting corporate tax rates higher for firms that have higher ratios of CEO-to-worker compensation; establishing a luxury tax on compensation such that for every dollar in compensation over a set cap, a firm must pay a dollar in taxes; reforming corporate governance to give other stakeholders better tools to exercise countervailing power against CEOs’ pay demands; and allowing greater use of “say on pay,” which allows a firm’s shareholders to vote on top executives’ compensation.

Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

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It gives workers free health care, 3 weeks paid vacation, a 50% match and $9,000 for Its basic burger costs $1.80. Remember this when someone says paying a living wage would make burgers cost $20!

There are a few bullshit articles trying to push this agenda. The fact is some states already have their own min wage. Look at California where it’s $14/hr. It was pushed by shitbag unions so they could try to unionize restaurants and get more money. The price of everything went up and the reasons they gave was “ Increased wages.” Yes you can still get a cheap burger off the dollar menu but everything else is through the roof. You also just made jobs which were meant to be living wage jobs ( unlike the kid at McDonald’s) worth less because those wages never went up along with min wage. So everything cost more and nobody wins. The poor secretary or office clerk is now fucked because some pimply faced punk in high school is almost making the same per hour as them. I know people this has happened to. So how does earning a little more for jobs not meant to be living wage jobs help if everything else goes up with it? It’s so stupid. It’s like those morons wanting to tax the companies not realizing they will just pass the cost down to consumers.
I’m sure some more stimulus checks and free rent for the next year will really motivate the masses LOL. The whole economy has taken a nosedive and EVEN CNN says it Brandon’s fault. But hey let’s give away trillions in socialism and go into debt. The shit for brains ideas this guy has is gonna lose the next few elections big for you guys. I mean I can admit Trump was an asshole but this guys incompetent
There are a few bullshit articles trying to push this agenda. The fact is some states already have their own min wage. Look at California where it’s $14/hr. It was pushed by shitbag unions so they could try to unionize restaurants and get more money. The price of everything went up and the reasons they gave was “ Increased wages.” Yes you can still get a cheap burger off the dollar menu but everything else is through the roof. You also just made jobs which were meant to be living wage jobs ( unlike the kid at McDonald’s) worth less because those wages never went up along with min wage. So everything cost more and nobody wins. The poor secretary or office clerk is now fucked because some pimply faced punk in high school is almost making the same per hour as them. I know people this has happened to. So how does earning a little more for jobs not meant to be living wage jobs help if everything else goes up with it? It’s so stupid. It’s like those morons wanting to tax the companies not realizing they will just pass the cost down to consumers.
Lol...your elevator clearly does not raise to the top floor bro. Best let the smart people do the thinking. You stick to weed.
You know what a shit tree is Ricky? You’re a shit tree and Trinity is a little shit apple and shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree Rick
Lol...your elevator clearly does not raise to the top floor bro. Best let the smart people do the thinking. You stick to weed.

At least the other person posted some nonsense article to try to prove their point. Are you going to tell me what I wrote was wrong and that increasing min wage doesn’t drive up prices? The companies just take a hit in the pocket because they are super generous ? Get real! It’s like how the price of a can of soup is going up because the steel they make the cans out of is costing more. Companies ALWAYS pass on any increased cost to the consumer. Fucking postage is going up again because some bullshit with the post office needing to hire more drivers and buy more trucks.
There are a few bullshit articles trying to push this agenda. The fact is some states already have their own min wage. Look at California where it’s $14/hr. It was pushed by shitbag unions so they could try to unionize restaurants and get more money. The price of everything went up and the reasons they gave was “ Increased wages.” Yes you can still get a cheap burger off the dollar menu but everything else is through the roof. You also just made jobs which were meant to be living wage jobs ( unlike the kid at McDonald’s) worth less because those wages never went up along with min wage. So everything cost more and nobody wins. The poor secretary or office clerk is now fucked because some pimply faced punk in high school is almost making the same per hour as them. I know people this has happened to. So how does earning a little more for jobs not meant to be living wage jobs help if everything else goes up with it? It’s so stupid. It’s like those morons wanting to tax the companies not realizing they will just pass the cost down to consumers.

More like I’m a cheap bastard and I pay attention to prices. Not having anything to do with min wage but having a moron in office I noted many items I buy up several dollars in the past couple weeks. My Heineken used to be 24/28 now it’s 28/28 for example. A sack of rice I bought months ago went from 24 to around 28 as well. Many other items were up across the board.
More like I’m a cheap bastard and I pay attention to prices. Not having anything to do with min wage but having a moron in office I noted many items I buy up several dollars. My Heineken used to be 24/28 now it’s 28/28 for example. A sack of rice I bought months ago went from 24 to around 28 as well. Many other items were up across the board.
Just curious, do you collect Bratz dolls?
At least the other person posted some nonsense article to try to prove their point. Are you going to tell me what I wrote was wrong and that increasing min wage doesn’t drive up prices? The companies just take a hit in the pocket because they are super generous ? Get real! It’s like how the price of a can of soup is going up because the steel they make the cans out of is costing more. Companies ALWAYS pass on any increased cost to the consumer. Fucking postage is going up again because some bullshit with the post office needing to hire more drivers and buy more trucks.
Why would I make any effort to discuss anything with sombody who's level of education was admitted to be...i went to the store and the prices were higher than it must be the pimple faced kids at McDonald's that are responsible for this.

This is...I went out side and the land looks flat...there fore the world is flat...level thinking.
At least the other person posted some nonsense article to try to prove their point. Are you going to tell me what I wrote was wrong and that increasing min wage doesn’t drive up prices? The companies just take a hit in the pocket because they are super generous ? Get real! It’s like how the price of a can of soup is going up because the steel they make the cans out of is costing more. Companies ALWAYS pass on any increased cost to the consumer. Fucking postage is going up again because some bullshit with the post office needing to hire more drivers and buy more trucks.
Hey jenius
This is the Kyle the killer thread
Not the bash President Biden thread
You seem to feel everyone needs to work for poverty wages just cause
Sounds like your lawn service can’t find help for the same reason :hug:
Why would I make any effort to discuss anything with sombody who's level of education was admitted to be...i went to the store and the prices were higher than it must be the pimple faced kids at McDonald's that are responsible for this.

You obviously didn’t read the part where I wrote that I wasn’t blaming the raise in prices in recent weeks on min. Two different topics.
This is...I went out side and the land looks flat...there fore the world is flat...level thinking.
More like I’m a cheap bastard and I pay attention to prices. Not having anything to do with min wage but having a moron in office I noted many items I buy up several dollars in the past couple weeks. My Heineken used to be 24/28 now it’s 28/28 for example. A sack of rice I bought months ago went from 24 to around 28 as well. Many other items were up across the board.
Heineken? Assholes like you buying imported beer is why prices are going up.
Hey jenius
This is the Kyle the killer thread
Not the bash President Biden thread
You seem to feel everyone needs to work for poverty wages just cause
Sounds like your lawn service can’t find help for the same reason :hug:

Ok fair enough. Are you watching the trial? What are your thoughts on it? There is a lot of interesting testimony about that night. Hearing the backstory fills in some gaps.
Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger made it a point to start off his opening argument on Tuesday that the evidence in the trial will show it was actually Kyle Rittenhouse who first chased Joseph Rosenbaum and killed him during the riots in Kenosha last year.

In the video recorded by Washington, he captured Rittenhouse being chased by Rosenbaum, not the other way around.

Upon cross-examination from the defense, Washington agreed in the time before the shooting, while Rittenhouse was at first behind Rosenbaum at some distance, Rittenhouse was not chasing him.

Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger made it a point to start off his opening argument on Tuesday that the evidence in the trial will show it was actually Kyle Rittenhouse who first chased Joseph Rosenbaum and killed him during the riots in Kenosha last year.

In the video recorded by Washington, he captured Rittenhouse being chased by Rosenbaum, not the other way around.

Upon cross-examination from the defense, Washington agreed in the time before the shooting, while Rittenhouse was at first behind Rosenbaum at some distance, Rittenhouse was not chasing him.

What it looks like to me from the aerial footage was that there was a fire in that car that I’m assuming Rosenbaum set and Kyle tried to put it out. That’s what it looks like. This upset Rosenbaum who then chased Klye. The fact that there was a gunshot just seconds before Rosenbaum was shot makes me think Klye thought he was being shot at. Of course this is speculation. Anyways Rosenbaum from witness testimony went for Kyles gun and hot shot. I wonder if he was on meth or something. Other witness accounts say he was acting erratic and aggressive even to other protesters/rioters.