Anyone Know What Type of Pepper is This?


Well-Known Member
I always have a few peppers in my outdoor garden. I'm thinking of trying Bhut Jolokia this year. Hottest
pepper in the world.
I got some seeds and a friend of mine wanted some. It never occurred to me since I used forceps to place the seeds in peat pellets due to my huge and oafish hands, but my friend made the mistake of wiping his face after planting his directly outside. (we live in a warm clime) He did not have a good afternoon.

GrandDaddy Remy

Active Member
Does anybody know what type of peppers these are and whether or not they are going to turn red? I know a few have started to turn orange, but I believe this is a thai variety and I assumed it was going to turn red. They started off yellow too. Is that normal? Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :-)

