anyone usw mad farmers MOAB? need advice.

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
Says to cut base nutrients in half when useing. Is this legit? Does it really raise the e.c. that much? Im just worried when i cut my base nutes in half im going to deprive my plants of the nutrients and minerals they been getting thus far. What do you guys dpo/suggest? I have no probelm cutting them in 1/2, just trying to be cautious. Ive actually used something similar, shooting powder my last run. I was useing it at 1/2 strength and dident decrease my base nutrients (humboldt nutrients natural line) with great result. But obviously different circumstances wiith my organic nutrients.
Heres what im useing, ALL house and garden nutrients
Cocos a&b
Drip clean
Bud xl
Top booster (going to stop soon/before MOAB)
Growing hydroponic style, coco DTW


Well-Known Member
your gonna get hit with the response 'you don't need boosters'.

follow the directions on the bottle. Most bloom Boosters only ever change the ratio of P and K, do you really think that you need to change YOUR ratio?


Well-Known Member
Does it really raise the e.c. that much? Im just worried when i cut my base nutes in half im going to deprive my plants of the nutrients and minerals they been getting thus far.
You only do it once or twice. It shouldn't deprive your plant too much. And, yes it will raise your EC that much.

I don't know if boosting is productive or not. I'm experimenting with doing it and not. But, what concerns me about it is that people are just rolling the dice when they cut their nutes in half and add a booster. One person might be overfeeding -- reducing their base nutes in half may not be enough. Or, they may have a relatively mild NPK ratio of 1-1.5-1. Using a 1-10-4 booster they get a relatively sane (for soil) 1-3-2 ratio. Someone else might be pushing it hard at 1-3-2 with their base nutes. They use the same booster and get a harsh 1-6-3.

You can use this spreadsheet to see the actual NPK ratio (and PPM) of what you feed with your base nutrients. You can adjust the strength of your base nutes (and the amount of a booster) to get an NPK ratio you're comfortable with, and a PPM level similar to what you normally feed.

The nice thing about doing this (aside from eliminating the mystery) is that you'll know exactly what you're doing. If you choose to replace your base nutes some day, you can recreate your NPK ratio. It won't be another game of chance. (You'll also see that you don't have to buy expensive cannabis-specific products. Anything, like $6 Grow More Hawaiian Bud & Boom or Hula Bloom does the same thing. It's just about raising PK.).

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
You only do it once or twice. It shouldn't deprive your plant too much. And, yes it will raise your EC that much.

I don't know if boosting is productive or not. I'm experimenting with doing it and not. But, what concerns me about it is that people are just rolling the dice when they cut their nutes in half and add a booster. One person might be overfeeding -- reducing their base nutes in half may not be enough. Or, they may have a relatively mild NPK ratio of 1-1.5-1. Using a 1-10-4 booster they get a relatively sane (for soil) 1-3-2 ratio. Someone else might be pushing it hard at 1-3-2 with their base nutes. They use the same booster and get a harsh 1-6-3.

You can use this spreadsheet to see the actual NPK ratio (and PPM) of what you feed with your base nutrients. You can adjust the strength of your base nutes (and the amount of a booster) to get an NPK ratio you're comfortable with, and a PPM level similar to what you normally feed.

The nice thing about doing this (aside from eliminating the mystery) is that you'll know exactly what you're doing. If you choose to replace your base nutes some day, you can recreate your NPK ratio. It won't be another game of chance. (You'll also see that you don't have to buy expensive cannabis-specific products. Anything, like $6 Grow More Hawaiian Bud & Boom or Hula Bloom does the same thing. It's just about raising PK.).
Thanks so much for the awesome in depth advice, greatrly appriciated dude.
I think thats exaxtly what im going to so; dial my base nutes down a bit and dial down the MOAB, check e.c. then if needed adjust to my target e.c.

Also that excel spreadsheet is killer bro, thanks for that, now i can easily calculated my NPK ratio's without mad cxalculations and shit


Well-Known Member
Glad you like it. Using the spreadsheet you can try different NPK ratios (keeping the PPMs in a sane range). It would be interesting if you tried no boost (1-1.5-1 to 1-2-2) modest boost (1-2-1 to 1-3-2) strong boost (1-3-2 to 1-4-3). See how they compare.

What I don't like about the typical cannabis-specific base nutes is that they don't inform you of the NPK ratio you're using. Then you get a cannabis-specific "booster" and it doesn't tell you an NPK ratio to target, it just says "sprinkle this fairy dust on your nutrients..." At least if you know what you're feeding, you can make an objective decision about what works and what doesn't. And, like I said, if you find something that works you're not locked into opaque NPK ratios resulting from multi-bottle "lineups" and the random chance that one "lineup" works with one boutique bloom booster product.

(I think the cannabis-specific "lineups" want to keep it that way because if you deal with objective criteria like actual NPK ratios, you can pick up and move to any fertilizers you choose. It's not hard to recreate a ratio that works for you.).

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
Glad you like it. Using the spreadsheet you can try different NPK ratios (keeping the PPMs in a sane range). It would be interesting if you tried no boost (1-1.5-1 to 1-2-2) modest boost (1-2-1 to 1-3-2) strong boost (1-3-2 to 1-4-3). See how they compare.

What I don't like about the typical cannabis-specific base nutes is that they don't inform you of the NPK ratio you're using. Then you get a cannabis-specific "booster" and it doesn't tell you an NPK ratio to target, it just says "sprinkle this fairy dust on your nutrients..." At least if you know what you're feeding, you can make an objective decision about what works and what doesn't. And, like I said, if you find something that works you're not locked into opaque NPK ratios resulting from multi-bottle "lineups" and the random chance that one "lineup" works with one boutique bloom booster product.

(I think the cannabis-specific "lineups" want to keep it that way because if you deal with objective criteria like actual NPK ratios, you can pick up and move to any fertilizers you choose. It's not hard to recreate a ratio that works for you.).
Yes! My thoughts exactly. And my girlfriends dad is a professional horticulturist and he told me the same thing when we were discussing nutrients; that the companies are usually vague with their overall npk values of their specific lines( line ups). Because you can easily and very cheaply make your own nutrients with the ratios that your crop of choice will thrive in.

Dude also had a chance to look throught the workbook you had, and wow, so in debth whwn i looked through the sheets.
Did you create this yourself?
I definatly think this workbook should be incorporates into the "sticky" section. (If something simular isn't already).