are my plants ready for a 12/12 flowering??? beginner please any info is appreciated


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hi guys I am currently running a 1.2x1.2x2 grow tent with a 600wt light, RVK 5" buddhagod carbon filter 5" and a standard intake fan at 5".... I am using 5 20lt pots and using coco and canna a+b. my plants are 3 weeks old from when I received them. I normally feed them a litre every 2 days and used 1ml each of a+b per litre also used rhizo but stopped that now. my plants aren't looking too bad considering its my first grow but I still feel they haven't as big as they could have. they are roughly around 20-24" tall but they aren't very bushy.. I am going to start using boost excel in around a week or 2 but I just wondered if anyone could look at my pics and see how they feel im getting on and if there abit small or what not as Iv been told that I should really start floweing now and according to someone on here my lights are too far away? . any info will be helpful and appreciated guys thanks ( p.s its UK cheese from cutting)



Well-Known Member
first off, good job so far, the plants look great.

i grow the same strain,in the same size pots, in the same medium, under the same lights, using the same nutes and have been doing so for a while now. i feel i could teach you a few things that would ensure you have a successful first harvest and a head start in growing so to speak.

usually i would do 4 in 20l pots under each 600w light, cut the main top out and let them bush out. remove all side and lower branches to make the plant grow vertically as cheese will prefer to grow outwards like a christmas tree. if you are doing 5 the plant in the middle will grow into the others more and potentially steal their light, i'm not going to tell you to get rid of it as that would be foolish for a first grow, for now you want all you can get from these plants.

please watch this playlist of videos from my grow this summer, i show how i go about doing all the pruning to ensure that all the buds i harvest are of a similar size, shape and quality, if you do the same you are more or less guaranteed 20 oz per light DRY WEIGHT.

if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, there is no reason why you shouldn't have a great grow even as your first time.


Well-Known Member
first off, good job so far, the plants look great.

i grow the same strain,in the same size pots, in the same medium, under the same lights, using the same nutes and have been doing so for a while now. i feel i could teach you a few things that would ensure you have a successful first harvest and a head start in growing so to speak.

usually i would do 4 in 20l pots under each 600w light, cut the main top out and let them bush out. remove all side and lower branches to make the plant grow vertically as cheese will prefer to grow outwards like a christmas tree. if you are doing 5 the plant in the middle will grow into the others more and potentially steal their light, i'm not going to tell you to get rid of it as that would be foolish for a first grow, for now you want all you can get from these plants.

please watch this playlist of videos from my grow this summer, i show how i go about doing all the pruning to ensure that all the buds i harvest are of a similar size, shape and quality, if you do the same you are more or less guaranteed 20 oz per light DRY WEIGHT.

if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, there is no reason why you shouldn't have a great grow even as your first time.
Thanks ghb as it was my first time I didn't really want to start to cut any branches just incase I killed it before I even got anywhere lol... but I will take a look at that video and I will contact you with my progression.. its nice to meet someone who is on the same path I hope to learn a lot from you :) so please keep in touch :D


Well-Known Member
first off, good job so far, the plants look great.

i grow the same strain,in the same size pots, in the same medium, under the same lights, using the same nutes and have been doing so for a while now. i feel i could teach you a few things that would ensure you have a successful first harvest and a head start in growing so to speak.

usually i would do 4 in 20l pots under each 600w light, cut the main top out and let them bush out. remove all side and lower branches to make the plant grow vertically as cheese will prefer to grow outwards like a christmas tree. if you are doing 5 the plant in the middle will grow into the others more and potentially steal their light, i'm not going to tell you to get rid of it as that would be foolish for a first grow, for now you want all you can get from these plants.

please watch this playlist of videos from my grow this summer, i show how i go about doing all the pruning to ensure that all the buds i harvest are of a similar size, shape and quality, if you do the same you are more or less guaranteed 20 oz per light DRY WEIGHT.

if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, there is no reason why you shouldn't have a great grow even as your first time.
I was going to say top them and keep em going for like 3 more weeks. 600s can pound it out. OP, listen to ghb and take him up on the offer. Pick his brain and stalk the crazy fucker if you have to. From what ive seen hes a credible source round these parts. I may need his help in the future. I just switched my whole grow from dirt to co-co.....oh shit. ;)


Well-Known Member
well seeing as it is your first grow you should play it safe, get this one out the way and then next time try 4 like i mentioned, it makes things a lot easier as they fit under the light more evenly. for this run i would keep everything as simple as possible, give them another week then flip to 12/12, place your shortest plant in the centre and support with canes around week 4.
if you tell me what list of nutrients you have i could make a feeding schedule for you, this plant likes a lot of food i can tell you. keep up the good work.

and ninja bowler welcome to the 21st century bro :P you won't regret it!


Well-Known Member
well seeing as it is your first grow you should play it safe, get this one out the way and then next time try 4 like i mentioned, it makes things a lot easier as they fit under the light more evenly. for this run i would keep everything as simple as possible, give them another week then flip to 12/12, place your shortest plant in the centre and support with canes around week 4.
if you tell me what list of nutrients you have i could make a feeding schedule for you, this plant likes a lot of food i can tell you. keep up the good work.

and ninja bowler welcome to the 21st century bro :P you won't regret it![/QUOTE

I am currently feeding 5litres with 5ml A and 5ml B every 2 days

will be introducing boost excel in a week or 2 aswell

so each plant gets a litre with 1ml a and b

but I was going to increase to 2-2.5ml as they are bigger now

please advise by all means :)
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Well-Known Member
Excellent positive energy. Canna grow is in my future got a book all about it. Good growing to you. GHB much respect to you.:peace:1415647037260.jpg
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i'll do a simple feeding plan that will work well for the cheese, no problem. i'll just use the A+B, pk 13/14 and the boost, not sure if you have anything else to use but those 3 will get good results on their own.

week 1 A+B 3ml/l 2-3l every other day per plant
week 2 A+B 4ml/l 3l every other day
week 3 A+B 2ml/l, pk 13/14 1ml/l, boost 2ml/l 3l every other day
week 4 A+B 3ml/l, boost 2ml/l 3l every other day
week 5 A+B 4ml/l, boost 2ml/l 3l every 3 days
week 6 A+B 3ml/l, boost 4ml/l 4l every 3-4 days
week 7 A+B 2ml/l, boost 2ml/l 4l every 4-5 days
week 8 A+B 2ml/l 4l every 4-5 days
week 9 just plain water as often as you like but let the coco dry out before harvesting

i like to let the coco dry slightly after each watering, it can prevent a lot of health problems for the plant, lets oxygen get to the roots and will boost resin production, never let the coco fully dry out though so if not sure just water them. notice out the regularity of waterings lowers throughout the grow, most people do the opposite to what i do but the plants will slow down how much they drink unless you are giving them root inoculants like rhizotonic etc.

. depending on hot hot your room gets and how much the plants are drinking this may vary from day to day so best to check the weight of the pot by moving it slightly, if it's heavy it's wet.

if you follow that list then you will have a large harvest of stinky cheese.


Well-Known Member
are you starting from week 1 as in the cutting entering the pot for the first time? and thanks that looks great I will start using this from today I haven't got pk13/14 but will purchase that this week along with my boost excel... I am going to attempt to prune the bottom bits of my plants tonight aswell or would you advise just as it goes into flower? because I took your advice and left them on vege for another week
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i am talking flowering time, so week one is obviously the first week after you switch to flowering.

i remove the very lowest branches as i don't want the plant wasting time and energy on these lower bud sites that end up producing low quality fluff that will not ripen at the same rate as buds higher up in the canopy. you can do this later (around 3 weeks into 12/12 when you can see what will be a decent bud and what won't) i prefer to do it earlier as i mentioned to prevent the plant "wasting" energy on the lower stuff.

i would look to get to flowering maybe as soon as this weekend, the plants you have will get a bit wayward if you leave them much longer. some have multiple tops some have one main top, the one in the middle of the first pic you posted had 2 main heads, i would imagine that will be you best plant, ideally you would have 4 like that. the ones with one main branch will want to grow a lot more vertically than the bushier plants so you will have an uneven canopy with some tall and some short plants. you want the short plants under the light and the taller ones around the outside of the canopy.

if you have any doubts or fears about cutting stuff off the plant then just leave them to it, they will still perform and at worst you will have some fluffy buds that didn't ripen fully. you can make hash out of these or even smoke it if you aren't a weed snob, i sometimes do if i'm running low.

look at my latest run, i removed a lot of material and these plants will still give me 4+ oz each. i'll still end up with some crappy buds, not as bad as if i'd left the plants alone though.


Well-Known Member
I will deffo start cutting because it does make sense and I do want a high yield of nice dence buds not bits of scraggles.

would you advise to drop my light or leave it to where it is? and I will switch back to 12/12 Friday and do exactly the plan you have gave me

I will keep you upto date with photos if you would like to see how there getting on.

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you want the light within 2ft of the plants (15-20" is ideal), once they get buds on you will have to keep the light no closer than 18" or you may burn them. always be wary of how hot it can get under a 600w light ( you have a tonne of air exchange so i would imagine your temps are well in check) just make sure to check on the plants as often as possible, look for signs of the leaves curling up or going crispy as a sign that it is too hot for them and raise the light.

i think you should start a grow journal and try to update it as often as possible, it really will help you learn fast what does and doesn't work.

i know it may seem hypocritical to say it but i think you should just leave the plants to do their thing, don't cut anything off this round except maybe the very lowest stuff that is falling in the coco. you wan't maximum production for your first run and it will help you see the difference next time you grow between plants that are properly groomed for maximum quality production and a plant that has been left to grow naturally.


Well-Known Member
yeah i will play it safe then and only cut the ones i feel are zapping the most energy but i will examine the plants properly before i even think to start snipping. also one last thing... with the feeding schedule, say if i start to get a nute deficiency would you advise to maybe jus reduce the ml of the nutes or will i have no problem with that?
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i've grown this strain at least 20 times before and assuming you have the same one as me you need to know that no matter what you throw at it she just wants more! if you stick to that plan i can pretty much guarantee you will have no issues. if the plants go a bit pale in green you add more A+B if the ends of the leaves go brown on the tips and get a bit crispy or if the leaves start clawing downward you lower the amount of A+B. the pk 13/14 is very strong but you should only be using that for 2- 3 feeds maximum so i don't see any chance of you running into over fertilisation in this grow.

like i mentioned earlier, start a journal and try and get pics every time you water the plants, take one out of the tent if possible and get a decent picture in the light so you can see the plant from bottom to top. if you do have problems somebody will spot it sooner and may help you rectify the problem.

also be wary of who you listen to on this forum, there are a lot of people who know very little about growing but will try to give you advice or tell you where you are going wrong, try to always make up your own mind what you are going to do ( that goes for listening to me too! :P). only you know your garden, and everyone is different so take everything i say with a pinch of salt because i'm certianly not the messiah when it comes to growing. i just noticed you have a very similar setup to me so i thought i'd share with you what i do then you can have 5 years experience before you even harvest your first plant.


Well-Known Member
id rather listen to you to be fair considering we are using near enough the same of everything so it makes perfect sense and every little bit of knowledge you pass on is much appreciated... cant go wrong with a fellow coco grower. but I will start a little diary from today and take plenty of pics.

will be following what you have said very carefully and will report back with photos as soon as i see some nice differences which i can only imagin i will

even if i get 10 oz all in that's better then nothing and its more then i started with so this all for me is a big learning curve
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10 oz is a sensible goal, 2 oz per plant is a good target for a first grow. i think you'll more likely get 3+ but better to aim low and be happy when you over achieve than aim high and be disappointed.

post us a link here when you start your journal.