are my plants ready for a 12/12 flowering??? beginner please any info is appreciated


Well-Known Member
it's because you are a new member, continue to post on other threads and you should be able to do it soon.


Well-Known Member
Your a lucky man Jordan ghb knows his shit and with his help you are going to be leaps a head of any other first timer and a good resource to a successful first grow

I really hope you enjoy your first grow its all about having fun and being rewarded with some nice home grown buds and it always taste better if you grow it yourself

Anyway all the best with your grow look forward to seeing more once you get your log up and going all t best


Well-Known Member
Thanks DirtyNerd that's exactly what Ninjabowler said. so I am going to choose to follow his advise and hopefully il get great results which im sure I will.

I enjoy It alot but I don't wanna get excited too early lol! but thanks for the encouraging words guys I really appreciate it.

like arnie once said " il be back"


Well-Known Member
for some reason I cannot do a journal on here as I haven't got the permission :|
Gonna have to wait for more posts or likes or something I think - you should be able to make a new thread in the 'Grow Journals' section though:
it's because you are a new member, continue to post on other threads and you should be able to do it soon.
Is it the "My Journal" section that you can't create an entry in or is the grow journals thread/forum closed to new members?


Well-Known Member
i forgot to mention dont go to grow journals at the top, they confuse the hell out of me and i don't follow a single one lol

you can start a new thread like you did this one, just lower down on the thread list, it is also called grow journals just to confuse you :)


Well-Known Member
Guys im in abit of a situation i have tiny tiny tiny white bugs in my soil and i dont know if there good or bad...they crawl in and under the soil they dont fly or dont jump from what iv seen...what are these little buggers...i cant get a photo because they are that tiny :( i cant describe too much as they are so hard to see

Ghb have you ever encountered this while youve been growing???


Well-Known Member
bugs in soil is not good. they are probably gnat larva. there are different things you can use. i just put 3 drops of liquid soap in your water. then i let the soil dry out almost completely


Well-Known Member
could be springtails, i've had them once and tried a few things but could not kill them. i've heard they can be beneficial as they can only eat dead root matter and fungus so are actually cleaning the roots and not harming them.

i don't know how i got them, it could possibly be contaminated coco, when i got the next batch they never came back.


Well-Known Member
im hoping it is springtails because Iv been reading there not bad at all... its just being able to see the little buggers because there like breadcrumbs in size.

will be investing in a pocket magnifying glass to hopefully zoom in and see if its spring tails or aphids/gnats


Well-Known Member
hi guys

im back after a week with some recent photos to show you

GHB how do the babies look to you now? I took your advice and trimmed the bottom branches.... I also included some zoomed pics of those white bugs I had a problem with and im 99.9% SURE there springtails but see what you think ?



Well-Known Member
plants look brilliant lad, the insects certainly aren't doing them much harm. i would agree springtails.

are you gonna get them flowering then? you will be in for a shock when you see how much they grow when the light goes down to 12 hours.

how far is the light away from them? looks like it could be closer but best to have it far away than too close and burn them, once they have buds you have to be very careful the light doesn't get too close.


Well-Known Member
I was going to move the light a few inches up today mate and put then in flower tonight...i cant wait for em to be shooting lol

And they dont seem to be doing any harm so i am taking it as if its not broke dont fix it.. I didnt top them cus i was quite scared of how to do it but im gna slowly learn that...

So they lookin good to you ?


Well-Known Member
yeah they look fine, are you still only on half strength feed with them?

if so, you may want to up it a bit as they will grow like crazy for the first couple of weeks 12/12. they need all the nitrogen they can get and if they go hungry early on you will seriously damage your final harvest weight.

topping is not a must with this strain, cutting off the bottoms is imo. i just like to build nice bushes where your plants will end up more like christmas trees from not being topped, it's all good.


Well-Known Member
Im on 3ml a&b per plant...with 2 litres per plant of water...i do get run off but i jus filter it through and empty the saucers...they only started bloomin when i upped my a and b so after next week im going to use the feeding chart you gave me and kick that into action


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Those are often Thrip larvae. I use Spinosad 1tb/gallon of water with 1 drop of dish soap or you will think you are chasing all kinds of nutrient deficiencies (right around the middle of flower they will hit with a vengeance). I never premix this and I use my regular nutrient as the base solution.


Well-Known Member
But theres no damage to the plant what so ever and thrips look more of a wormy type where this looks more ant-ish and compared to a springtail there very similar..size,colour,body type
Thrips are more yellowish and longer...i really dont think ita those mate


Well-Known Member
i think if it were thrips you would have seen them on the plant by now, they move very quickly and you can spot them a mile off.

if you stick to that list i can pretty much guarantee you will have no problems. did you try and start a journal yet? i think you should