are my plants ready for a 12/12 flowering??? beginner please any info is appreciated

Yeh 1200w.

They ent very yellow but deffo slightly.

U think only an oz per? I thought some of them looked mental.

Alot bushier and branched than some of my previous grows.

I have less than 5 under my belt so im a major beginner. Always had a decent amount and grade tho.

I think it is split solution jus wanted to double check lol

Im scared to up my feed because altho the majority are a tad pale there are still a couple with dark dark green leaves an twisted new growth.

Ill shall try get some pics without hps on tonight altho some1 told me thats bad? I never go in with the lights off?


Well-Known Member
you can get away with doing it just before or just after lights off, it's just hard to tell with the orange glow what colour the plants are. usually though if they are pale you just up the a+b and they green up for you. i find the first couple of weeks the A+B needs to be very high, you can lower it slightly after about the third week.

some of the plants are quite bushy but there are a couple i noticed that only have a couple of branches, they are straight up and down like beanpoles so will not produce a great amount.


Well-Known Member
looking good man. they are a little stretchy looking, probably caused from being too far from the light but not to worry.

they will grow for a few more days yet, once the little clusters of white hairs start to form you can put the bamboo canes in and start loosely tying the stems to them, after about 4 weeks of 12/12 all stretch should stop and the buds will start to fill out. i always prefer to support the plants before the need it as once the cheese goes floppy it's a nightmare lol.

that will be your next job, from now til then just keep feeding them strong, try to let them dry slightly between waterings too. what are temps like ion the tent?


Well-Known Member
the bamboos are there I just haven't got round to supporting them yet..
lights on the temps varies from 20-25 and the humidity ranges from 40-60 It shoots up as soon as start feeding and taking the run off out as soon as I leave em it stays roughly around 50


Well-Known Member
that sounds good, you want to keep the humidity as low as possible the later you go in flower.

how often are you watering? do you check to see how much they drink? sometimes if one plant is not drinking as much as the others it will do better if you just give it less. you can check the weight of the pot or look to see if it is drying out by the colour of the top of the coco, it will be dark brown when wet but orange when dry.


Well-Known Member
well I feed each plant 2 litres of water

the first litre goes down well with a few bits of water drop as run off... then when I chuck the next litre in id say 3/4 of that runs back out and I have to empty it....I feed them every other day so one day feed one day off one day feed and so on and my coco is always a browny colour its only ever gone orange when I let it dry out when I thought I was over feeding in early vege stages.

id say they can comfortable have a litre each then any more causes a run off


Well-Known Member
you are watering too often i reckon, i give my plants 4-5 litres and very little comes out of the bottom because the coco is always so dry it soaks it all up like a sponge. if the coco is constantly wet you can run into problems where the plants roots don't get enough oxygen and then they can rot leading to a lot of other problems.

try and go every 3rd day and see how they do, you might find some of the bigger plants really dry out on you where some of the others stay wet. getting the watering down is one of the most difficult jobs in my opinion, it can make a big difference though if you can find the sweet spot of letting them dry out slightly. it makes the roots go crazy and more roots always means bigger fruits.


Well-Known Member
so would you say stick to the 2 litres and feed a day and miss 2 days then feed again or would you recommend me increase the water levels and jus feed twice a week or? what do you think would be best for me


Well-Known Member
hard to say really, it's for you to decide ultimately. i would recommend if you have the time, to water less volume but more often ( 0.5l -1l per plant per day) rather than 3-4l per plant every 3-4 days.

if you would rather do less work then i would say give them a really good dousing then leave them for 3-4 days to dry out and repeat, this is what i do but i find you will have better growth if you water more often. the key is to make sure the roots aren't constantly saturated.


Well-Known Member
I think the litre sounds good and saves me a lot of work with the run off( was using a 100ml syringe to suck out of saucers lol)
I might try with a litre every day but if the cocos still wet il feed a litre every 2 days and see if that helps dry the coco up. then atleast I know the roots have sucked it up and my soil isn't constantly wet
Ghd is overwatering to the exent of root rot possible in coco?

I use smart pots and am fairly confident that my roots get enough oxygen,

but my pal who taught me ses he had more success keeping the coco moist?


New Member
hi guys I am currently running a 1.2x1.2x2 grow tent with a 600wt light, RVK 5" buddhagod carbon filter 5" and a standard intake fan at 5".... I am using 5 20lt pots and using coco and canna a+b. my plants are 3 weeks old from when I received them. I normally feed them a litre every 2 days and used 1ml each of a+b per litre also used rhizo but stopped that now. my plants aren't looking too bad considering its my first grow but I still feel they haven't as big as they could have. they are roughly around 20-24" tall but they aren't very bushy.. I am going to start using boost excel in around a week or 2 but I just wondered if anyone could look at my pics and see how they feel im getting on and if there abit small or what not as Iv been told that I should really start floweing now and according to someone on here my lights are too far away? . any info will be helpful and appreciated guys thanks ( p.s its UK cheese from cutting)
They are ready as soon as they are out of seedling stage...but focus on using your space as efficiently as possible if your going for yield ..looking good tho bro!


Well-Known Member
Ghd is overwatering to the exent of root rot possible in coco?

I use smart pots and am fairly confident that my roots get enough oxygen,

but my pal who taught me ses he had more success keeping the coco moist?

i have had root rot in airpots before, so yes it is definately possible to over water in coco. i'm not just talking about root rot though, over watering in general will lead to less yield and poorer quality buds in my experience.

you should always keep the coco slightly moist and never let it fully dry out but the point i'm trying to make is you don't want the pot to always be heavy with water, the plants will do better if you allow them to slightly dry up between feeds.

then again everything is subject to opinion because of there were truly one way to do this that was better than all others we would all be doing it. some like to always keep it wet and it works for them, some never use a ph tester or e.c meter and are happy with their results so the key really is to do what makes you happy.
Im out for the best quality and best yield i can achieve lol. I realise nothing is set in stone. U seem very clued up so ur advice is helpful to me. A question i do have for u.... U mentioned upping the a+b but the plant magic stuff i use is jus 1 part a bottle for veg and a bottle for flower. They have been on water on its own for about a week as i thought them round leaves were ova feed. My question is before the suspect over feed i was givin 1.1ec and now am abit scared to give that amount. I gave them 0.9ec the day before the last pics i sent last, do u think this is ok? How often do u feed between waterings?


Well-Known Member
i feed every water and depending on how much the plant is drinking they will get watered appropriately, usually every 3-4 days.

if you use the veg feed for the first couple of weeks of flower your plants should do better, they require lots of nitrogen when they are in the stretch phase. bloom feeds generally have lower N levels and Higher P and K levels which the plant doesn't need so much until she has buds on.

0.9 e.c is extremely low, maybe you need to increase it slightly as i don't think it would be possible to give nute burn with that low an e.c, it could be stunting them slightly.


Well-Known Member
I think the litre sounds good and saves me a lot of work with the run off( was using a 100ml syringe to suck out of saucers lol)
I might try with a litre every day but if the cocos still wet il feed a litre every 2 days and see if that helps dry the coco up. then atleast I know the roots have sucked it up and my soil isn't constantly wet

how are you getting on man?, not heard from you in a while, hope all is well with you.


Well-Known Member
alright mate

how u been? sorry I haven't been on had some humidity problems that have taken me a week to sort out.

figures having my out take venting into the same room as the tent isn't a good idea lol !

they are looking lovely though... all showing popped out and just increasing daily... will get some photos tomorrow.

there holding more water down now aswell so it all looks good to be fair GHB
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can't wait to see them, i'm expecting baseball bats lol

are you still seeing the bugs when you water?