are thhese spider mites?

I removed my plants from tent to clen and flush found theese when i was foliar feeding. the mist shown them up they are on most of plant on leaves and some buds have webs on them, im 4 wks into flowering .

Does anyone know of effective and safe formula to use as there are lots on the market ,i have read that some are inefective and i dont want to waste any money or time in killing the little buggers .I hace sprayed them using a week nicotine solution today,how long or what should i look for to know its working ?:cry:
Thanks terrorfish


Well-Known Member
Spider mites are little white lave that stay in the pot, you can see them jump when wattering, sorry mate dont know what that is


Well-Known Member
INCORRECT! Those in fact appear to be spidermites- these then to migrate toward the top of the plant where the can catch a breeze and float to the next victim plant, get 3 different kinds of pesticide, oil, chemical, and miticide they evolve rapidly so u need to keep it changed up or they'll adapt,I personally like einstein oil (concentrated neem), azamax (deforems the mite so its eggs are sterile and can't hatch), and serendae, serenade, sorry can't spell today, it kills on contact, just alternate the 3 for the next month.


Well-Known Member
Green- perhaps u meant springtails or the like? Possibly gnats? I've never had an infestation affect purely the roots. Noy much there the mites want

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i haven't had them yet but i'd say your pics and description fits the bill of spider mites from my understanding mites is what you have if i were you i'd get some neem oil and start wiping the leaves over with it also try and get some lady bugs the more the better it looks like you got a bad infestation and i'd get on that today before they get even more out of control and devastate your crop i'm no expert but from what i have read they will suck all the goodness from the areas they are feeding and leave your crop sickly and underdeveloped not to mention you don't want to be smoking them suckers, if it were me i'd be ordering lady bugs off the net or wherever you can get them now also try pest strips i've been using them as a counter measure not sure if they're doing much but they got little black things stuck to them so they're catching something. best of luck mate i hope you get them under control as fast as possible and hopefully some1 who knows will chime in and give you a better and more precise answer either way get on top of it mate it looks bad


Well-Known Member
I just stated this on another thread:
Wow that sucks, I just found out today I have them too!:cuss:
So I went out and got some Schultz Fruit and Vegetable Insect Spray.
It has pyethrins 0.01% Canola Oil 1.00% Inert Ingredients 98.99% $8.00 per bottle.
I put almost the whole 24 ozs. on 8 20" plants.
My Poor Babies!!!!:wall:
I hope all goes well for everyone
Piece Tim :leaf:
So the little white things that run around fast in the pot and dive in and out of the dirt, are you saying those are spider mites? I have quite a lot of them in the dirt, none on the plants.

I tried H202 + alcohol, but it didn't bother them one bit. I'll look around the yard for some lady bugs, saved one out of the dog dish just this morning.

But could someone tell me meanwhile, do spider mites just stay in the soil for a long time? Move real fast, look like spiders smaller than a pencil tip, like a pin prick size but a little bigger.


Active Member
spider mites do not live in the soil

yes they are white before they become reddish in their life cycle

common symptoms of spider mites include white dots on the upper side of leaves


eggs on the undersides of leaves


Well-Known Member
I hate spidermites ,are they in flower ?
I have a solution with pytherins in ,says not to use in open flower!!!

Not sure Mine are in Veg. for 3-4 more weeks.
I just got back from the store with 1500 ladybugs for $10. The wife ain't too happy about releasing them in the house but I'd rather put up with them for a while than those pesky mites!!!:evil:
Use a mixture of Neem Oil and water. You can buy it at most hydro stores or osh or home depot. Mix it and apply it by using a never be4 used spraybottle. Its an all natural pestiside. So just follow the instructions on the back of the bottle.


Well-Known Member
Not sure Mine are in Veg. for 3-4 more weeks.
I just got back from the store with 1500 ladybugs for $10. The wife ain't too happy about releasing them in the house but I'd rather put up with them for a while than those pesky mites!!!:evil:
Just keep in mind that the ladybugs will keep flying to your light source. If your bulb isn't air-cooled or enclosed your ladybugs may die off more quickly than they can fight the mites.

Did you get the ladybugs at a nursery?
just been emptying my nute tank after flushing for a few days with canna flush,
as i got to the bottom of tank i noticed hundreds of small white lavi swimming in water ,here are some pics sorry not the best magnification will try to get betteP1000137(1).JPGr ones. there were also some black creatures that seemed to be very interested in the lavi !! any ideas
Thanks TerrorfishP1000135(1).JPG


Well-Known Member
Just keep in mind that the ladybugs will keep flying to your light source. If your bulb isn't air-cooled or enclosed your ladybugs may die off more quickly than they can fight the mites.

Did you get the ladybugs at a nursery?
I got them from Humbolt Hydroplontics in Redding,
The trick to keep them from flying into the lights for
awhile is to spray them down with a mixture of soda pop and water,
it glues down their wings for about 5 days.


Well-Known Member
I got them from Humbolt Hydroplontics in Redding,
The trick to keep them from flying into the lights for
awhile is to spray them down with a mixture of soda pop and water,
it glues down their wings for about 5 days.
Cool! I'd never heard that before. Learn something new every day.