i feel this way all the time nodrama ...everywhere I go, that I see a large chain-restaurant or store and people flocking to them, I'm filled with resentment and anger, and I can't help myself. Usually I see this on the way to my $9.50/hour UPS job...with a dollar value rapidly declining, I get paid crumbs to do draining manual labor for 9-10 hours/day.
what pisses me off more than anything is seeing people complain about corporatism....and then drive to DUNKIN DONUTS in the morning, grab a coffee, drink pepsi or coke, etc etc. How about EVERYONE start growing fucking gardens/getting chickens and learning what it means to have REAL communities...i know people like this and they have more personal integrity than most of the consumer-zombies could imagine
and who the fuck made up the idea of a full time work week? I work non-stop, no lunch break, for 9-10 hours/day....you and i know that people NEED 8 hours of sleep EVERY NIGHT. 24-10 hrs work- 8 hours sleep= 6 hours of ME time/day...so what you have, in almost every case- is people just like me- who thrive on the convenience that corporate america offers them...it's no wonder that speed/ampethamines/caffeine (call it what you WANT)...is the most widely-available drug in america....and that celeb worship stands where it does....it's because most people's spirits are shot, they're exhausted, and they fucking DREAM of living the lives of the celebs that this country praises
motherFUCK stupid ass americans...big-ups to the real ones who maintain their integrity