Armed Robbery

I'm afraid your right they may be back. Pretty sure it's the local gang. There was at least 4 of them. They didn't try to kick the door down. I put word out that I got it all out of here and that I'm armed. It's not that easy to just up and move. It's definitely time to start looking into it.
Also handcuffs, handy as fuck. They break in, you hit them with a bat or whatever and then handcuff them while they are out. Save you having to hit them again. I keep a few sets of smith and wessons around here, don't buy the cheapo ones lol. Good ones are only 30 bucks.

Yep , one nice hickory bat next to an aluminum one ...... in case some dirtbag wants a “ Bat Shampoo “:joint:
Yeah ... I got a few lead “ dispensers “ at the ready .... always , but for the OP ..... a bat , pipe , baton , can of bear mace ( good shit ) are very good melee weapons ..... katana , large Bowie knife ........ even a super soaker full of bleach.

Sometimes improvised protection can bring the pain .....
Move this week, asap. Not worth ur boy getting hurt or traumatized.

Lol my boy I was referring to is my neighbor and he was flipping out. He was hiding in my grow room when i went back upstairs. I agree need to move asap. Till then I will be armed.

A crossbow is cool but 1 shot. There was 4 of them
Get a fake security cam for $15 and put it in a highly visible place on your front porch. Criminals hate the thought of being on video.
Did you not read that part about THEY HAD A FUCKING GUN!!! Nothing funny here at all!!
I was just saying Renfro's post was funny man. You took that the wrong way. I can possess weapons, so I have plenty. All I can say is it wouldn't be a good idea to try that shit to me, and if they did they better bring more than 4 dudes. If they are truly hardcore gangsters than that's a bit scarier, but I'm in the mountains so there're no gangs up here.
Those are better than nothing but really the attacker is gonna be all up on you with whatever weapon they brought. Also you will need to make contact with bare skin on say a neck. Contact to a wrist may make them drop whats in that hand. I actually have some of those laying around, had an ex girl friend freaking out trying to beat the shit outta me, I shocked her on the tit with it and it just made her madder. I didn't wannt hit her on the neck or face but the way she was acting I should have. The one I used was more like 80 bucks, high grade supposedly.

Also remember when in close quarters combat, your weapon can become their weapon unless you are really good with it. If facing multiple attackers without some sorta ninja skills or a gun you are likely fucked.

Fortify the fuck out of that place, pepper spray could be used through a partially opened door but if they have a gun they can shoot through the door. You could get a un-registered firearm, if they break in, and i mean actually break in then you cap their ass and it was their gun they dropped breaking in. Thats the story and nobody should be alive to contradict it.
Sounds like your ex was a lot of fun Renfro. Why aren't you still together, lol?
Well I live in the second most populated city in Michigan so yeah REAL gang related activity is very real. That hillbilly shit would only cause bigger problems. I have no choice but to be armed to match.
Well I live in the second most populated city in Michigan so yeah REAL gang related activity is very real. That hillbilly shit would only cause bigger problems. I have no choice but to be armed to match.
Just curious who your calling a hillbilly. I'm from Seattle originally, but live in the mountains close to Denver now. And I didn't think you could own a gun, so how are you going to be armed? I'm confused.