Asked to Re-confirm

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I like to post pics of my grow and use my acct for questions. If I let my acct get deleted does all of my post go to or are they stored as "guest"? When will our Accts be deleted? I'm on the fence about signing back up...I'd prefer to stay off the radar but I also like to throw my $.02 in every now and then...I'm gonna go smoke a bowl and may think about this. :)

I think there are other ways to weed out non active pun intended
The only way to know for sure is to send yourself a message then carefully inspect the headers, select show all headers in your email client software and see if your home IP address is in there anywhere. I'm *guessing* they wouldn't do that since it would kill the privacy but it's certainly possible since your IP address is exposed to their web application that you're composing mail in.

Of course the same applies to this site, if the authorities compel the owner of this site to reveal server logs they can *easily* tie your account and posting to your IP address.[/I]

Thanks so much for this post, yep, the first thing that I did was send myself an email and check it for tracks. Thanks again, Smuggler
Whats funny is it's easy for the users to get the other users IP address. All you need to do is upload a pic that's hosted on your own server and use mod rewrite to push the request to a php script... There really shouldn't be any remote hosted images allowed.
That's why photo hosting sites should be used for photo uploads here, no tracks left behind if done correctly.

By saying no remote hosting allowed, what you're actually saying is that all photos posted here should be uploaded from users computer and should contain all the users info????? S
That's why photo hosting sites should be used for photo uploads here, no tracks left behind if done correctly.

By saying no remote hosting allowed, what you're actually saying is that all photos posted here should be uploaded from users computer and should contain all the users info????? S

The photos should only be stored on this sites server/s no place else.
Admin, can we just a concrete confirmation that our accounts are safe and confirmed if we get the message:

'Your account has already been activated so please try logging in.'


EDIT: Just received my confirmation :D
If I were to confirm my account then unsubscribe because I dont want your newsletter - are you still going to "release" my name?

I mean, its just for confirming so that should be okay right?
maye get the vbulletin up to date before doin this. kinda jumpin the gun when the whole forum is out of date. its now up at vb 4.07
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