Asked to Re-confirm

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I think it is fucked up that they threaten to release the user name if you do not switch over.seems like extortion
Geezus man I barely check that email account!!! I could have lost all my history and shit, that would have sucked..

New message seems clear enough

Your account has already been activated, please try logging in. If you are re-verifying your account this is completely normal.
Im not very computer friendly, not sure what to do. but this is the first time in over a week i have been able to log in it kept saying wrong password
Posting here confirmation? Only got a link to this thread asking to reconfirm. Not certain going about it.
Thanks Admin for the info on the confirmation. I too was a little wary about the Calgary thing mis spwled lol. No worries though I can understand the 3am thing. I support anything you folks have to do here to clean house, I manage another forum and it can be brutal at times.


I just checked out the id's in the mail I got.

The site does appear to have some credibility.
There's some interesting stuff on damien industries however. Here's the top 2 hits from altavista:

I notice a reference to in the 2nd link that I didn't expect to see.

After reading those I'm not filled with confidence at all.

You have to remember mate, that SPam on the net is HUGE I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone that LOL. Any program that can be configured by criminals will be abused. The Admin is correct, Aweber is at the top of it's game, however affiliates (Myself included) use it extensivly, some of use it properly, while Jerks abuse it's awsome power, (and it is a powerful tool) so they tend to take a hit from people thinking it's all awebers fault. I'm not saying you think that at all, just that it's a credible company, used my millions.

These sites cost ALOT of money to keep up, and if the Admins reply confirming everything from a reputable forum such as this, then the newsleter is not a problem either, they need to keep functioning some how. Some guys make thier living with sites such as these while providing a great community. The Knowledge contained, and openly given here is worth any newsletter, or confirmation every now and again.

I was a bit skeptical when I seen that spewlng mistake too (lol) among other things, but everythings peachy it seems.


So by clicking the link it basically authorizes rollitup to give (or sell) our email and/or personal information to 3rd parties for the purpose of a 'newsletter' ?
Well I clicked the link despite myself. I'm in no hurry to be deleted for anything other than inactivity. Luckily Canadians don't have the FBI to worry about. Cheers to our American brothers biting the less savory bullet.
Here’s what I don’t get with this whole thing.

#1. I appreciate this site very much and you know that from the emails I have sent to you stating that.

BUT… Why take the chance of pissing off all or most of your regular members by mandating this obvious security risk? You have all kinds of IT experts telling you this is a bad idea and you’re still in full speed ahead mode.

If money to support this site is the end game, why not accept donations of less than the elite membership amount? You could have added a PayPal spot to donate an amount of “OTHER”. That’s easy and pisses off no one!

I’m unemployed right now but I would have been all over giving $20 or $25 to support this site and I think most here felt the same. $20 by 30% of the members would have raised far more $$$ than the email list you will be selling. You can ask me for anything and I’ll break my neck to help out but don’t demand it of me for God’s sake!

I’m just not getting it, how is this a good strategy?

Do me a favor and reply to these questions please, because I really don’t understand. Smuggler
Does confirming release my email to a 3rd party? Sorry to be a pain.

So by clicking the link it basically authorizes rollitup to give (or sell) our email and/or personal information to 3rd parties for the purpose of a 'newsletter' ?
It looks like the answer to this is yes, but I can't understand why admin does not assure all the members of keeping the confidence of their privacy in this matter, if he legitimately can. I have not seen the reworded message, but at this point it looks like I'm just one more member that's being pushed out by all this.
what i don't get is why you all are trippin'.

you confirmed an email address when you first joined. just do it again and move on.

it's not spam, it's a newsletter. sheesh.

seems a handful of people want to make something of nothing.

i'm still waiting for my reconfirm.

what i don't get is why you all are trippin'.

you confirmed an email address when you first joined. just do it again and move on.

it's not spam, it's a newsletter. sheesh.

seems a handful of people want to make something of nothing.

i'm still waiting for my reconfirm.


You are clicking the confirm button to agree to give your email to a 3rdparty, it's completely different :) And if it's unwanted email then it's spam.

I really cannot understand why you simply don't but a big button on the main page saying "subscribe to newsletter". Kinda makes sense, instead of having to pay another company to send out emails the RIU server can't handle, that most likely never needed to be sent in the first place.
Don't wan't spam? Answer is below

1. Create an new Yahoo email account, this will be used for Marijuana "unwanted" shit (Write down the info!!)
2. Change your email on to be that new email address
3. Block all emails from RollItUp or affiliates and report them as spam to make any current emails to you stop.
4. Your email will be sold if you have listed it and you will get some more spam hitting you. Nothing to do about that now.

Who would actually use their real email address for RollItUP? That was my complaint, I never check that email address I almost missed this message. So that would be the inherent danger..

Edit: Don't block emails from RIU on new address or you can lose account all the same.. (In case 3 was unclear, never block the RIU email addy that will fail ya)
This sounds like a phishing scam, has someone hacked the admin account or something. Cops maybe?
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