tip top toker
Well-Known Member
"Username released to the public"....that phrasing seems to be hanging a bunch of you (or a few with multiple accounts) up. It means....don't reconfirm (an email address you already confirmed in the first place) and your account will be deleted and the username will be obtainable by anyone creating a new account.
Semi different question - vB has the ability to prune inactive users by selecting a time frame of inactivity and removing them. Why not have tried that first to scale down all the old accounts that aren't being used? You could even go into the SQL db and run a query on the "last activity" (or very close to that) field and have it remove those with dates older than 365 days and then work your way backwards if needed. Of course, the built in admin function of vB would be faster.
Already been considered and dismissed apparently.