Asked to Re-confirm

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"Username released to the public"....that phrasing seems to be hanging a bunch of you (or a few with multiple accounts) up. It means....don't reconfirm (an email address you already confirmed in the first place) and your account will be deleted and the username will be obtainable by anyone creating a new account.

Semi different question - vB has the ability to prune inactive users by selecting a time frame of inactivity and removing them. Why not have tried that first to scale down all the old accounts that aren't being used? You could even go into the SQL db and run a query on the "last activity" (or very close to that) field and have it remove those with dates older than 365 days and then work your way backwards if needed. Of course, the built in admin function of vB would be faster.

Already been considered and dismissed apparently.
hahaha...and proud of it to. typical attitude from you. you never change do why should i feel intimidated to say how i feel. is this natzi land or something. will i be banned now for having my own thoughts and opinions to. get over it. once you do your thing here ill be gone and you wont have to put up with someone standing up for how they feel as we should be all entitled to. without being slandered like you do....

ya i had mentioned the pruning. the released to public i get, means i think that the name is up for grabs for others is all...i hope.

if you feel intimidated it's on you.

paranoid much?
seems it would be easy enough to just make that home page a newsletter instead of sales and repeating whats posted in the forum sections. then anyone wanting to can read when and if they wanted and not have our info sent to someone else.
so when the dea sends a warrant to this 3rd party do you assure us they wont hand it over as they have to by law then. doubt it. you cant even keep hackers from here how do you control someone elses site or data....unless you own that one to

ya seems funny as there is that built in feature on these boards but dont want to use it. thats why we question the need to prune for a newsletter. why not reconfirm also and opt out of a news letter as we reconfirm as well.....oh,...,no money involved in that way maybe is the reason.....must be just us canadians that dont like the "for profit" thing
not paranoid at all..why would fed...are you..not. i have nobody but crop thieves to watch for here....greedy maybe on your roll it up.
I do take issue with newsletters that don't give an opt-out option, by principle.

That said, Aweber is a legit company; this can be confirmed by doing a simple 'net search on them. I've been on a few mailing lists managed by Aweber, and all I've ever received was email that I'd explicitly requested and/or approved. I highly doubt they've ever shared any of my information with anyone. I've signed up for newsletters and the likes with a made-for-spam email addy, and my spam has never increased afterward.
newsletter realy isnt my issues anyway..l.its more we have no choice in it. i dont like being told what to do and with what companies. just reminds me of how the gov does things
That's the principle to which I was referring: no option to opt out. However, you're not a condition-free person... no one is. People have to do some things and refrain from others in order to have relations with you, be they romantic or friendly or business related. So RIU wants to advertise to us, via a once-in-a-while newsletter that can easily be deleted without even opening it first. I can think of bigger battles to pick.
sure there is. but like said...its our choice to. we do get told everyday what and when to do things so when there is one we actualy have a choice on i excersize that choice. and this is one of those. ill run here till getting removed then move on to bigger and better places. not relay a big deal.
sure there is. but like said...its our choice to. we do get told everyday what and when to do things so when there is one we actualy have a choice on i excersize that choice. and this is one of those. ill run here till getting removed then move on to bigger and better places. not relay a big deal.

If it's not a big deal, then why keep going on about it?
as fdd said...its what us canucks do...we ramble. could ask the same of you to...why question my feelings or thoughts on it. am i not allowed to post my feelings or opinion on it....sounds familiar
No, you said that rambling is what Canucks do. :roll: FDD simply asked why all the rambling.

There's a difference between rambling and whining ad nauseum. We got it many, many posts ago... you don't like this new implementation and the fact that you're not being given a choice in the matter.

If you can question my questioning your whining, then I can comment on it.

Bored now. :sleep:
There is a difference between free choice in reading or not reading something and being banned from a forum because you don't accept a newsletter, regardless of whether you read it or not :lol:
ok play on words...pruned then. removed cause we dont want an email newsletter.
so if we let the account laps then re-reg under new name or even same one is there the choice to opt out of the newsletter or will we even be informed our info is going to a 3rd party as we re register?
So what would you class it as? Or are you stating that if i do nothing, nothing will happen to my account?

i'm not involved in any of this. i'm a spam mod. i have no control over site operations. i just don't get the drama.

i'm long done, you keeping fighting the fight. ;)
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