Astir Grow Led Panel Project...


between 80 - 120gr...

there is a leak on astirgrow... "now-find-em"
i'm sure you are wrong and i hope that you will be veeeeery wrong... :bigjoint: i would say over 1 gr/w..

p.s: there is also a leak in our bathroom ... :-P we can't find this either!!!


i believe over 100g. and under 200g.:clap:
maybe after a week , we can guess better...
Good job anyweight !

keep growing:hump:


Well-Known Member
The two unknown landraces prooved to be two different plants (easy to distinguish from their phenotypes...)...
Maybe so ,one is / looks more " Indica " dominant and the other more " Sativa " dominant ....


The "indica " dom plant ..Response under the "central flowering " panel -.
.....totally experimental
: Type ala EVo .....
10 x reds 620-640 nm
10 x CW 6500-7500 K
2 x WW 2700-3000 K
2 x Violet -UVa 390-410 nm ...
Flowers look like that -at " 2nd day of 7th flowering week " :
ind flow macro.jpgind flow.jpg

My hard guess is this...
Plant's PS rates reached 100% and more ..for prolonged period...
High PS rates means high needs of N ,P,K ...
Roots (or / and feeding program wasn't sufficient...Plant needed more ....),
haven't been able to provide sufficient assimilates...

100 % PS rates also means destroyed PS II systems ( Chlorophyll b ) ....
Thus also the high need of Mg ,to synthesize new CH b......
Still roots (or/and feeding ) failed to provide ...

Much light => much food ....
This plant is underfed....
Leaves started to dry up really slow , at the furthest away tip from leaf stem ...

Under more powerfull reds ,blues or UVs ,this type of plant will probably ,have a great difficulty surviving...

The other ...
Same feeding .... Same approx surrounding lights with a central one , like the one mentioned little before....
Sat flow.jpgst flow macro.jpg

This plant ,doesn't seem to have a particular promblem with much red ,blue or uv....

No signs of either under or over nutritional issues....
And quite large plant ,I should say ....

Edit: Either most of times i get the purple leaf stem color as a genetic trait....
Or the P levels are maintained pretty low...
As I wish them to be...


Well-Known Member


Theese heatsinks are from a local manufacturer in Greece.

Google is your friend
He tells nothing about heat sinks with this dimensions.

Anyway, 60pcs 1W in 3 panels of 20 two of them warm white 3000-3200k and one 6000-6500k for start will be OK? How big box I need?
How can I improve light spectrum ?


Well-Known Member
hey guys help, got my leds today , now i need mount leds on pcb , what is the best way to mount it on pcb , just put thermal paste under base and solder poles ,
put thermal glue under and solder polese , or something else ' please help:?


Well-Known Member
ok thanks , but do i need use a plaster or glue like in this video , or i can use regular hetasink paste?


Active Member
If the 660nm wavelength is so bad, why does Kessil, Illumitex, and every other big name LED manufacturer swear by them? This wavelength has been the magic bullet in my garden anyway, although it's been in addition to a 1000w Hortilux.