Astral's Magical Boxes of Light


Well-Known Member
updates! i rearranged everything again, im not that happy with it but i had to do something yesterday after i disassembled everything. my new lighting setup for the flower area is ok but will be changed. i have only two plants in veg now, my clone that wont grow and my other skunk bagseed that i think is indica.
I LST'd more of my big plant so it is really wide now, and i put my indica into the flower room too. i could have vegged the indica longer but i have some reasons to try and speed things up where i can.
there is also a picture of my homemade growbag for blazed! on to the pics! :joint:



Well-Known Member
time for some updates! lots of changes. my big plant turns out to be female! :hump: but my nice looking indica and funky retarded plant turn out to be male :cry:
ahh well thats the way it goes. at least the one that is female is by far the biggest.
i still have one plant i sprouted in veg, its been a few weeks and it looks kind of weird but its growing well. the original clone i had never made it, but now i have a new clone that i put straight into flower today with my sativa.
still need to redo my light set up and get better coverage, but penelope seems to be doing well so far at 2 1/2 weeks into flower. man i wish i had some nutes.
on to the pics!



Active Member
I dunno, maybe it could just be the strain. You did say you werent using nutes however. So heres what I found, see if your plants start showing these symptoms. Remember, if its not broke, dont fix it.

"Magnesium (Mg) deficiency: Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins....This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime both will effectively reduce the lockout.Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients.

Phosphorus (P) deficiency:Fan leaves are dark green or red/purple, and may turn yellow. Leaves may curl under, go brown and die. Small-formed buds are another main symptom.
Phosphorus deficiencies exhibit slow growing, weak and stunted plants with dark green or purple pigmentation in older leaves and stems.
Some deficiency during flowering is normal, but too much shouldn't be tolerated. Red petioles and stems are a normal, genetic characteristic for many varieties, plus it can also be a co-symptom of N, K, and Mg-deficiencies, so red stems are not a foolproof sign of P-deficiency. Too much P can lead to iron deficiency.
Purpling: accumulation of anthocyanin pigments; causes an overall dark green color with a purple, red, or blue tint, and is the common sign of phosphate deficiency. Some plant species and varieties respond to phosphate deficiency by yellowing instead of purpling. Purpling is natural to some healthy ornamentals."

Peace, and happy growing. :)


Active Member
I neglected the shit outta my seedlings and theyre bouncing back crazy good, since I posted the last update in my 'grow journal' theyve already shot out their third set of leaves in a day with signs of 4th set.


Well-Known Member
nice man! im gonna try and get some bloom nutes today, im not sure where to find FF now that my local hydro shop closed ( dam you wai kula!! ) but i think some other brand might be ok if its not too strong.
penelope is looking better everyday, i will try to get more bud pictures up tonight. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
alrighty here we go! this plant (penelope) continues to amaze me. the buds show growth everyday and are everywhere! im not even at 4 weeks flowering yet i dont think. the clone is growing so i know it made it, although it hasnt shown any more hair growth that what it had on it when i got it. my one other plant is under 24/0 light and is looking pretty good too. on to the pics!



Active Member
Hey man everything is lookin real good. Ive been using fluro's for my grow but want to start my next one with CFL's. Im curious to know though, where did you pick up those bulb fixtures. Ive been looking around and cant find anything like those split fixtures.