Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?


Well-Known Member
Wow! thanks for the rep! Doing that much LST lets me at least see where I am watering now lol I did that yesterday and was witness to, out of the corner of my eye, my fan falling on top of my plant... It was fortunate both that it was so low a profile because while it did get a bit bent, it was largely protected by my thermometer that sacrificed itself to cushion the fan before it got the the crushing/killing point. There are no pics of the damages because after the lights came on, there was not a bit to show... she is 100% fine!


Well-Known Member
That was very intense to read.. Like an action movie.. Im blazed and was at the edge of my seat when I read that.

It may not have been that exiting, but i interpreted it that


Well-Known Member
Alright I am back in action after a rather hellish week, I have been checking on my baby and more and more pistils are showing up in various places, I should be seeing little urchins all over the place within a week! And you can bet your asses that I will have some pics of that! I think the stretching is just about over and I say, "Finally! Sweet Jesus!) I was running out of places to stake stuff! I will send up one or two pics today before work, and you can have a look for yourselves!

Take cae of your plants and I simply must check in on yall's grows... I must be tempted again by the awesome awesomeness of those HPS grows that you are working on... Well, till then.


Well-Known Member
That was very intense to read.. Like an action movie.. Im blazed and was at the edge of my seat when I read that.

It may not have been that exiting, but i interpreted it that
too funny, i mean really. I got pretty into it to, cause my fan fell out of its holster 4 days in a row(i know to rig the cord so it never falls all the way though), **ALWAYS TIE FANCORDS AND ETC. to something where if it does fall,(unless its bolted in) it cant fall all the way to the plants**,
i walked into my grow room 3 days in a row in the morning to see my fan upside down hanging an inch from my smallest girl and the temps are back up, im like FUCK NO, at least no plant damage


Well-Known Member
so either my planning and organization skills are for shit, the weed had destroyed my memory in just 5 short months or the school is trying to kill me with test... two major tests in one day!!!! I got high grades on both, though... I dare not taunt the Beast, but I am confident that I can survive these last few weeks of classes and clinicals... the sad casualty is my time... I will have those pics of today and tomorrow up sometime today... Take Care!


Well-Known Member
Well, I do be lieve the Muslim day counts from sunrise to sunrise so I guess tomorrow isn't here yet... Anyhow, I have the makings of a few urchins and the temps do very well when you have a couple of frozen bottles in there and the water seems to saok up a little heat even when not frozen and it seems to keep my plant warm during the dark cycle. With it being a nice cold Autumn and the fact that my area receives no heating beyond my CFLS, it is a good idea to not let my babies freeze during their night and mine. Here you can see how much my flowers are groing, there are about 16 or so hairs in total on this one stem and while it seems I will be harvesting this plant at different times over the course of a couple of days, I have every confidence that 4 more weeks of growing will have these little devils blowing the top of my skull off. I just really want to sample it before the end of my Thanksgiving Break. Hell, I think a 'AI nightcap' will be a T-day treat! I will get to watch the game without the aid of a TV or football players! I did absolutely nothing to her for the past couple of days... just took pics, and most of them are close up at that!

Even though I find it easy to keep myself occupied to the point where I don't obssess about looking at the buds when it is dark, I still want to just peek in and see how big they grew in a day. Well class starts and 9 and the pics are up;oaded so I will check on the many better grows that you guys are working on... FINALLY!



Well-Known Member
The first pick you have Hackelsaw, looks like a hand.. Like that leaf down in the middle.. looks like a hand clapping. LOL

You are working on urchins. I would almost call the hairs within your budsites, starfish!

I have no clue whats up with me, weed plants, and sea creatures.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! I Had a little set back but thanks to the Magic of LST I am not completely screwed... I was training the "real" top cola and hear this horrid SNAP! :shock: I totally broke off the top of my plant! I am still a bit too traumatized to show the damages, but you guys will get to see it eventually. I have been trying to keep a stiff upper lip ever since it happened and I console myself with the knowledge that I have about 10 more that will be just as big and the ones that will grow secondary to those will be more little consolation prizes. Still didn't stop me from almost balling my eyes out and then sinking into a high that, while still pleasant, was much darker than anything I would have imagined on my own...

Good Lord, Cannabizness! If I didn't have absolute confidence that you can easily keep your stash topped off, I would worry about you! LOL Are you settling in on a new strain to grow steadily?

The buds are all now getting more pistils each day at about a uniform rate. I know that I have effectively nixxed about 1/3 to 1/2 of my yield, but I am still encouraged and I will continually check for male flowers because of the extent of the damages.

I'm starting to notice some glistening on the newest fan leaves and one of my pics that had a flash accented a few bands of really shiny hairs on the bottom of an older leaf. Could there be resins forming already? I fertilized and watered again yesterday and I guess this is what helped along the problem that occured earlier, but the extra nutes made a definitely recognizable difference.

Take Care

I will have pics up after I am done with clinicals this week.


Active Member
Eyup H datz a fine bucket o green u got goin there ma man doin sumut simla wiv a NL x EARLY GIRL uzin a round basin bowl had dis strain goin 2 yrs now done clone after clone but always finished outdoors but ad such a shite summer in blighty always pissin it down last crop most went 2 mold but yr grow az inspired me 2 go 4 it indoors will u b toppin yr main cola 4 that even sog effect?


Well-Known Member
interesting grow. it gets me excited!
Well, damn! Now I'm gonna update like 50 times a day now! Wow! I really had believed that there were only the same 6 people following but I see these new watchers! Fantastic! Thanks for following along!

Well I will have those pics of the damage that happened and then re-introduce the Now-Shameless Beast that shrugged off dendrocide!!! But first a little bud timeline. Keep in mind that I would never do a thing like take these three consecutive days of pictures of the same bud... NO NO NO! That would be too much like right! Right? But here you go anyhow:

DSC00375.jpg DSC00379.jpg DSC00395.jpg

Now in that last one and in a couple more of today you will notice some black powdery stuff along the edges of leaves and on some of the pistils in the last pic. That is just soot from a large candle that burned WAY too long without trimming and it has been washed off with plain water.

Next up is to show the three day growth of my basin. Macclad, you're right! lol Many moons ago I had the occasion to be shown a 5-gallon LST bucket grow that had been some sort of an occult classic way to grow back in the 80's. (If there are any Pagans out there I just want to note that the use of 'occult' was in keeping with the preference meaning, "hidden". I meant no ill will.) But it just go to show that the cliche "nothing is new anymore" might have some merit! I would have loved to have seen a root ball from one of those wide-mouth basin-type pots! Almost like a little UFO I would imagine! :mrgreen:

Here they go:

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Next, up is the three day growth of the rim with a couple of pics Johnnie's profile. The last two are consecutive days as well and you can see how the leaves reacted to my attempts to stretch the rim around the middle big bulb. I swear that thing is like twice the size of my fist! And I am not a small man... Here they are:

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Well here is the Showstopper that you've been waiting to see and I will now reward your patience with an exhibition of destruction and carnage that is best viewed by only mature eyes that are at least halfway blazed shut! ...Still here? ... Well you were warned...:roll:

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And here is Nature's twisted face of tenacity!

There is hope yet! The other sites may get the deferred energy that the plant might have devoted to the main cola... Maybe I did a marvelous and very fortunate thing! With the loss of all that potential... That is what I saw each time I looked at that withering sprig, but I don't see the formation of male flowers and the growth is seeming to pick up from one day to the next. I hope I am right!


Well-Known Member

That shit made my jaw drop. Im blazed so I forgot what had happened and I see the pic.. it's head just laying there.. .so peaceful yet so.... horrible.

Are you going to try to turn it into a clone now?!?!?


Active Member
eyup H luks like da toppins bin dun now stand back an watch dat sucker bloooom.ICURBYOU iz right get dat littlun cloned waste not want not az day say in these parts.An yeh back in da day it was an still iz a great way 2 grow keep promotin it suits cfl big style dun right it shud b a nice yield.Will b watchin gud luk ma man.