Flowie... Do you ever have trouble with botrytis? Last grow I did i started getting a few spots and had to cut early.
Boytritis/mould ..... I have never had an issue as i run 4 fans, lots of circulation, and a good air exchange.... my tent has an extreme amount of suction, my fan easily capable of extracting enough air for a tent double this size. I have a centrifugal type extractor fan and this works both ways. and flows massive amounts of air up all 4 sides of the tent. Boytritis happens when air is sitting stagnant, not usually because buds are big and fat, or i would get them EVERY time. My buds are literally wider than your clenched fist, and thats guessing any of you are big men

If you have heaps of air flow the buds breathe. They are alive and need fresh air just like they would outside, and i have thought about this considerable drawing in fresh air into the house via other fans.
My rule of thumb: There should not be 1 single leaf that doesn't get passed by with fresh air and/OR in this case wind from a fan. THIS IS ESSENTIAL TO THE EVERY PART OF THE FLOWERS AND LEAVES SURFACE. Put your hand everywhere and always make sure you can feel a good breeze going that way.... if you don't, adjust your fans, or get some more!! even a few small ones can be very effective but make sure on the quality. Bad fans use cheap components and sometimes bushings instead of bearings and they may last a grow if that.... and they can stink with cheap noxious grease. BUY GOOD FANS i cannot stress this enough. I also run my 40cm heller fan on the ground of the tent pointing up into the plant pushing fresh air thats sucked in from the bottom vents all around the plant. ( Heller ) This is a very powerful fan.
GOOD AIR is as important as your lights coming on each day.
So nope

no boytritis for me thanx

Boytritis happens alot earlier than you may think, it's only usually later on people find it, after chopping and finding buds that just don't quite look right. There will be Hell happening inside your buds before you see signs on leaves if you don't have massive circulation.