Aussie Growers Thread

@OzCocoLoco look for the white spots on my last pic and you can see the fabled white fly that only seems to fuck with people who happen to live South of Newcastle. These cunts lay eggs like nobodies business. For some reason they aren't interested in flowers (for me anyway) but there unsightly fuckers and they've gotta go
Mine will just be hand watered soil grown solo cup and a reg seed...might jizz on it now and then
T5 lights so I ain' out to win no comp just wanna see how long the plant survives lol
Motherfucker. You're onto the secret recipe too. Been spending the last week fillin the rez with jiz for the solo challenge and you cum in shooting from the hip saying you're gonna pearl necklace the plants. Game on on cunt.
Yeah pretty shit when you're dry as a nuns nasty and you score a bag of rubbish - widow is a good grow. Hardy plant. Make it to the end you'll be happy. I've grown it twice and it's really good weed if the breeder is up to snuff
breeder is seedsman im sure u blokes have a difrent sense of whats good and is shit i think for me just to have some properly grown dried and cured bud like it was good when u had the 1st sesh but after that im not ecen gunna smoke whats left i cant it doesent look mouldy but strugling to smoke a cone without gagging hedaches got tje runs tje next day somthings not right i dont think this was even properly dry owell shit happens i spose im going to give thise grow and every one after it my all cuse holly shit think im gunma buy one of those drying basket things will defenetly not be cutting corners witj the dry and cure lol i honestly feel sorry for any one who has no choice but 2 smoke this shit lol
breeder is seedsman im sure u blokes have a difrent sense of whats good and is shit i think for me just to have some properly grown dried and cured bud like it was good when u had the 1st sesh but after that im not ecen gunna smoke whats left i cant it doesent look mouldy but strugling to smoke a cone without gagging hedaches got tje runs tje next day somthings not right i dont think this was even properly dry owell shit happens i spose im going to give thise grow and every one after it my all cuse holly shit think im gunma buy one of those drying basket things will defenetly not be cutting corners witj the dry and cure lol i honestly feel sorry for any one who has no choice but 2 smoke this shit lol
You won't get any weed snobbery from me. White widow is good stuff and almost everything is worthwhile after a good dry and cure. It's seriously not much different from your first good root. You poke around for a while, work out your rhythm and then it's all good after that
@OzCocoLoco look for the white spots on my last pic and you can see the fabled white fly that only seems to fuck with people who happen to live South of Newcastle. These cunts lay eggs like nobodies business. For some reason they aren't interested in flowers (for me anyway) but there unsightly fuckers and they've gotta go
Fuck I hate shit like that,maybe try some Spinosad it’s pretty good shit
Motherfucker. You're onto the secret recipe too. Been spending the last week fillin the rez with jiz for the solo challenge and you cum in shooting from the hip saying you're gonna pearl necklace the plants. Game on on cunt.
I’m going the opposite direction,I know a chick that’s a bit of a squirted so I’m getting her to save up as much pussy juice as she can and I’ll do a little bubble bucket with it. That’s pure organics ;)
I’ll have a smoke of almost any properly grown,dried and cured bud,I’ve got my preferences but as long as it’s been done proper I’ll burn one down
My old boy would call anyone a fucken idiot if they weed snobbed it or even tried to comment on it haha! A lot of these old boys seem to smoke a tiny pinch of weed in a pipe or cannie and they're set? Along with as much piss as possible.
Hitting the patch early(ish) going to spray with some Potassium Silicate again ended up putting a whole bag of gypsum and 5 in 1 and half a bag of guano on for their top dress,I’ll give them another hit of mycos today or tomorrow and some Gogo juice next weekend so the soil should be nice and alive for when I start hitting them with the bloom frets.
Boys can I run my weird fabric pot/Hempy/perlite column cup in the comp? Its volume is 16oz I measured it. Can't wait ill be using random seeds since clones not allowed right? I have an ak47 im baby sitting for a friend id love to run/keep in a cup... Have 230w of bridgelux EB series led strips I'll make in a 2' circle surrounding the bitch.. Ultimate illumination hah

Fuck I'm pissed.
Hitting the patch early(ish) going to spray with some Potassium Silicate again ended up putting a whole bag of gypsum and 5 in 1 and half a bag of guano on for their top dress,I’ll give them another hit of mycos today or tomorrow and some Gogo juice next weekend so the soil should be nice and alive for when I start hitting them with the bloom frets.
Nice bro sounds like you're having a lovely morning in Paradise doing gods work ;) I want to buy that gogo juice from bunnings is it really good? I'm thinking of 10-20% dose of gogo juice, eco seaweed, rhizotonic and greatwhite? Any idea if that's good to get the benefits of all dem benniez?
My old boy would call anyone a fucken idiot if they weed snobbed it or even tried to comment on it haha! A lot of these old boys seem to smoke a tiny pinch of weed in a pipe or cannie and they're set? Along with as much piss as possible.
Im pretty critical when it comes to pot but I’m more critical of my own then other people’s but if your going to pull a bud out I’ll have a smoke but I’ll be letting you know if it’s shit,there’s no point in telling someone they’ve grown nice weed when it’s not.
My old man still does 6-8 double paper joints a day at a minimum.
Nice bro sounds like you're having a lovely morning in Paradise doing gods work ;) I want to buy that gogo juice from bunnings is it really good? I'm thinking of 10-20% dose of gogo juice, eco seaweed, rhizotonic and greatwhite? Any idea if that's good to get the benefits of all dem benniez?
The Gogo is good gear,I’m using Myco Gold it’s half the price of Great White and I’ve got pretty good root growth better than last year when I was using Great White but there could be other factors affecting that. My view is the more bio diversity you can get in your soil the better the results.
My old boy would call anyone a fucken idiot if they weed snobbed it or even tried to comment on it haha! A lot of these old boys seem to smoke a tiny pinch of weed in a pipe or cannie and they're set? Along with as much piss as possible.
my old boy is the slowly teaching him that a 300$oz of good weed may be steep but a $200 oz of moldy premy sticks and seed actualy costs you more.
Im pretty critical when it comes to pot but I’m more critical of my own then other people’s but if your going to pull a bud out I’ll have a smoke but I’ll be letting you know if it’s shit,there’s no point in telling someone they’ve grown nice weed when it’s not.
My old man still does 6-8 double paper joints a day at a minimum.
Haha yeah that's the way silence sucks and breeds bad you may as well let someone know where to improve if you're educated to give that advice. What a stoner :P sounds like someone good to smoke with I'm a about the big joints if I can afford to burn it! I love a smooth smoke too and will give my honest opinion on it, even more so as you say anything of yours.
My old boy would call anyone a fucken idiot if they weed snobbed it or even tried to comment on it haha! A lot of these old boys seem to smoke a tiny pinch of weed in a pipe or cannie and they're set? Along with as much piss as possible.
Sounds a bit like me...Ill have a cone every week or three but drink piss everyday.
When I do have a cone or a joint. I drink twice as much piss.
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I've heard this and seen about 4 stages of life on this run. They are def at the stage where they're a cunt to get rid of. Garlic and chilli as well as pyrethrin has been used so far with neem next option but I'm not keen to use it 4-5 weeks through flower. Eggs are the drama at the moment, I've already pissed off any badly affected leaves but can't get rid of all of em. Going to have to bomb the shit out of the tent when these are done. Going to give cocos vacuum suggestion a go tomorrow and see if I can get rid if some of the eggs. The good side is that the plants don't seem too bothered but want to get rid of these fuckers.
Any of your leaves getting purple looking blotches or colours