Aussie Growers Thread

wish i never told the bloke i wanted 2 get seeds of what i wanted he put them away for me and i dont like waiting days to pay for things im hoping tommoro tnis other blome gets back to me get hes busy witch is fine but fuk after smoking that shitty weed i need some rosin lol
thought i killed one of em forgot about em for 2 days one od em was pretty droopy and i was tjen woried cuse the mediem was going to be dry so i was then worried about salt build up but after a good water the next day that where all praying maybe it was for death maybe thay where happy but ill take ot as there doing good lol
ye true doubt out of all the people doing it and not getting it thrue customs thay cant afford 2 thayd be after big busts of ice an stuff not a few seeds