Aussie Growers Thread

lol what a steaming load of horse shit. why what is it going to do? i flush once when i flip, and once in mid flower.
what is the first thing you do when you run into trouble. flush with plain water and reset. im really looking forward to hearing this one... the deadly poisonous plain water sucked all my nutrients out and turned my coco toxic. please enlighten me @OzCocoLoco
Whenever I’ve run into trouble I flush with 1/4 strength not plain ph’d water. Something about something bonding to something that helps it flush better. Lol. Sorry if that was too scientific for you to understand!:)
venus was kind enough to link me some good reading material and it seems that flushing with plain water in coco may not be the best idea after all. looks like i need to go eat some humble pie.

i have personally flushed with plain water hundreds of times with no ill effects but just because it works doesnt always mean its the best way so i guess it always pays to be open to new ideas
Whenever I’ve run into trouble I flush with 1/4 strength not plain ph’d water. Something about something bonding to something that helps it flush better. Lol. Sorry if that was too scientific for you to understand!:)
Use drip clean and you won't get salt build up then you won't have to flush
Use drip clean and you won't get salt build up then you won't have to flush
I’ve read where u’ve talked about this before and I do like the sound of it. But tbh I don’t usually have to flush.
The only reason I had to flush so much this grow when they were still in veg is because I kept locking out because I was ph’ing too high. The moment I dropped the ph the lockouts stopped.
Hey guys, brand new aussie grower here. Being doing a lot of research but was wondering if anyone has thought on some tried a true methods on soil composition, I was going to go with a "soiless" mixture of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite but im struggling to find what nutes i should be using. Any tips of exact threads or methods will be greatly appreciated. Its an inside grow inside a 1.5m-1.5m-2m tent. All the nutrient stuff i have come across has been from other countries and the stuff im finding here doesnt give much info on the labels.

Hey guys, brand new aussie grower here. Being doing a lot of research but was wondering if anyone has thought on some tried a true methods on soil composition, I was going to go with a "soiless" mixture of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite but im struggling to find what nutes i should be using. Any tips of exact threads or methods will be greatly appreciated. Its an inside grow inside a 1.5m-1.5m-2m tent. All the nutrient stuff i have come across has been from other countries and the stuff im finding here doesnt give much info on the labels.

This is an organic website for soiless indoors small grows...
Click on this then go to the organic section.