Aussie Growers Thread

Hey guys, brand new aussie grower here. Being doing a lot of research but was wondering if anyone has thought on some tried a true methods on soil composition, I was going to go with a "soiless" mixture of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite but im struggling to find what nutes i should be using. Any tips of exact threads or methods will be greatly appreciated. Its an inside grow inside a 1.5m-1.5m-2m tent. All the nutrient stuff i have come across has been from other countries and the stuff im finding here doesnt give much info on the labels.

Your local hydro shop is a great place to start and usually has a good range of aussie and international products.... just my opinion as a novice
You ever heard of a thing called Chemistry ?
All the damn time, one of my best mates its a research scientist, its all mumbo to me.
But that didn't sound to chemistry to me.

Back to the issue that Venus didn't end up having...
Just in case this Q comes up again somewhere. If no veg or flower nutes were available would Epsom salts have been a decent option?
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All the damn time, one of my best mates its a research scientist, its all mumbo to me.
But that didn't sound to chemistry to me.

Back to the issue that Venus didn't end up having...
Just in case this Q comes up again somewhere. If no veg or flower nutes were available would Epsom salts have been a decent option?
I wouldn't use them ,Epsom Salts are just Magnesium Sulfate so you'd end up with a heap of Mag taking up the Cation exchange sites and Mag has a double positive charge which means it doesn't flush out easily
This week is sleep week and back to the gym regardless of one fucked finger or not
The drug induced comas can take a hike I'm in my 40s and can't expect to keep this up just cos my oldest son and his crew love getting "on it " with the old boy
So that's 3 chemical drugs out straight away...gotta be a gd thing man we all now how you end up going like once you start dropping shit cos u got a problem or 2 that you can't fix.

I'm fucking back
