Aussie Growers Thread

Problem I'd like to have, oh looking back no I don't, trimming is my nemesis. I love to grow, love to dry andmy cure is the best part so fun.
Haha what’s fun about the drying process? I’m pretty patient but shits out of control around here atm and it’s all starting to become pretty fucking stressful!! I just want everything dry and away as soon as possible. I have ocd and it’s hard for me being cornered in by weed. Literally. I’ve got a tiered hanging net thingy, two clothes airers and lines across my walk-in. Five vegging in the spare room and still a whole one left to pluck. Yeah I’m pretty stressed out LOL
Haha what’s fun about the drying process? I’m pretty patient but shits out of control around here atm and it’s all starting to become pretty fucking stressful!! I just want everything dry and away as soon as possible. I have ocd and it’s hard for me being cornered in by weed. Literally. I’ve got a tiered hanging net thingy, two clothes airers and lines across my walk-in. Five vegging in the spare room and still a whole one left to pluck. Yeah I’m fucking stressed LOL
I stopped indoor growing years ago and started growing outdoors exclusively so I only had to go through trimming once a year lol.
I have a very neat home but yeah it smells and there's mess so that does make me a little nuts but drying and curing is like Christmas for me. Love boning the stems after its dry how the little nugs just pop off and then burping and smelling it as it ages going from green pot smell to aromas that give me a instant grin. Then having a smoke and noticing the differences how the flavors and aromas change over time love it!
I have a very neat home but yeah it smells and there's mess so that does make me a little nuts
Yes. This ^^^ is very hard for me on its own!!

Then add extra anxiety over getting caught with it hanging and growing in every corner of the house with a young child in the home too. Pot or not I doubt they’d be too impressed with my mothering skills.
So yeah that plays on me too
Yes. This ^^^ is very hard for me on its own!!

Then add extra anxiety over getting caught with it hanging and growing in every corner of the house with a young child in the home too. Pot or not I doubt they’d be too impressed with my mothering skills.
So yeah that plays on me too
U will be ok my fair is the cops being smartasses or just cunts I’d end up telling em to fuck off n being stupid it’s not just a plant to me thay want mine thay can gazer me or whatever bullshit I’m not going down easy
I dont think the system as as draconian as it once was, the police yes they are brainwashed automatons who believe cannabis as the same as ice. The courts have judges who over the years have softened with media coverage and changes in societies views on weed.
My mate got caught with 8 plants got a fine, 6 mos good behaviour bond, and no conviction. His defense was he needed it for his ADD PTSD and a sleep disorder and was for personal use only for him and his wife. Things are slowly changing.
I’m not sure what to do with these plants gunna try n find something better today with better drainage for the two in the coffie cup things that way maybe I can actually water n feed em I can tell f there look like they’ve grown I feel I need to get I. A bigger pot n have a wet dry cycle thay will be sweetCF64005B-2EA6-4CF5-99C6-77AAD3B10604.jpegi get the metel halide tonight tho so hopefully should be here after tomorro maybe. Water a tad today and trans plant then am worried bout like me showing the plants cuse of the light but thay where started need the sun so fuck it my other seeds dident make it lol ended up rotting gunna pop some more might pop one of the seeds from last round
I won a Bronze auction on the Mr Nice site and get to pick a pack of any of these. I keep changing my mind,,
What would you pick out of these 16? f
I also won the Pink Floyd spring cleaning pack (60 plus seeds for 15.50 Euro's- score!..) and still in the running for the Devil so ignore those two please.

  1. ASH (Afghan Skunk x Afghan Haze): €57,00
  2. Critical Skunk: €57,00
  3. Devil: €57,00
  4. Dreamtime: €35,00
  5. Early Queen: €45,00
  6. Early Skunk: €57,00
  7. G13 Skunk: €57,00
  8. Master Kush Skunk: €57,00
  9. NORDLE: €57,00
  10. NL5 Afghan: €57,00
  11. NL5 Skunk: €57,00
  12. Shark Shock: €57,00
  13. Shit: €35,00
  14. Spice: €57,00
  15. Walkabout: €23,00
  16. Pink Floyd: €50,00
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I dont think the system as as draconian as it once was, the police yes they are brainwashed automatons who believe cannabis as the same as ice. The courts have judges who over the years have softened with media coverage and changes in societies views on weed.
My mate got caught with 8 plants got a fine, 6 mos good behaviour bond, and no conviction. His defense was he needed it for his ADD PTSD and a sleep disorder and was for personal use only for him and his wife. Things are slowly changing.
I don’t think so I mean Idk shit people are still thinking weed makes u gay and trans n shit so I think people in general have a little ng way to go but Ye cops come to my house n take my plants fuck that I need my mdacine