Aussie Growers Thread

I won a Bronze auction on the Mr Nice site and get to pick a pack of any of these. I keep changing my mind,,
What would you pick out of these 16? f
I also won the Pink Floyd spring cleaning pack (60 plus seeds for 15.50 Euro's- score!..) and still in the running for the Devil so ignore those two please.

  1. ASH (Afghan Skunk x Afghan Haze): €57,00
  2. Critical Skunk: €57,00
  3. Devil: €57,00
  4. Dreamtime: €35,00
  5. Early Queen: €45,00
  6. Early Skunk: €57,00
  7. G13 Skunk: €57,00
  8. Master Kush Skunk: €57,00
  9. NORDLE: €57,00
  10. NL5 Afghan: €57,00
  11. NL5 Skunk: €57,00
  12. Shark Shock: €57,00
  13. Shit: €35,00
  14. Spice: €57,00
  15. Walkabout: €23,00
  16. Pink Floyd: €50,00
I would probably go with ASH
Aww ok well if mixed a tiny bit through the top of the soil just to kill the gnats, that should be ok would only use more if I see more gnats and could mix a little In spray bottle and kill them that way?
Mix it in a spray bottle to kill them that's kinda funny man. I didnt catch that the first time.
Oh sorry I thought you were being funny.
You can apply it wet to leaves and when it reconstitutes and will kill mites but not wet
Lol nah it’s all good that’s all I wanted to know, sounds like wetting this stuff Turns it to a mess, should kill the gnats I have so wont have to use it often after that.. been reading it balances the ph in your soil so could be good to mix into my soil in the future
Lol nah it’s all good that’s all I wanted to know, sounds like wetting this stuff Turns it to a mess, should kill the gnats I have so wont have to use it often after that.. been reading it balances the ph in your soil so could be good to mix into my soil in the future
It takes a while to break down but it Is chock full of silica as well which will benefit everything and a good source of bio available calcium too. If you dont apply it too thick it's fine but the mother of all fuck ups is when people put a half inch on it's going to get messy and gluggy. Just spread over the soil then reapply when it gets low, I've never needed more than 2 or 3 applications even with hot composting soil they all die.
It takes a while to break down but it Is chock full of silica as well which will benefit everything and a good source of bio available calcium too. If you dont apply it too thick it's fine but the mother of all fuck ups is when people put a half inch on it's going to get messy and gluggy. Just spread over the soil then reapply when it gets low, I've never needed more than 2 or 3 applications even with hot composting soil they all die.
Yeah it sounds like it has a lot of benefits, I’m keen to start using more organic products in the future
I won a Bronze auction on the Mr Nice site and get to pick a pack of any of these. I keep changing my mind,,
What would you pick out of these 16? f
I also won the Pink Floyd spring cleaning pack (60 plus seeds for 15.50 Euro's- score!..) and still in the running for the Devil so ignore those two please.

  1. ASH (Afghan Skunk x Afghan Haze): €57,00
  2. Critical Skunk: €57,00
  3. Devil: €57,00
  4. Dreamtime: €35,00
  5. Early Queen: €45,00
  6. Early Skunk: €57,00
  7. G13 Skunk: €57,00
  8. Master Kush Skunk: €57,00
  9. NORDLE: €57,00
  10. NL5 Afghan: €57,00
  11. NL5 Skunk: €57,00
  12. Shark Shock: €57,00
  13. Shit: €35,00
  14. Spice: €57,00
  15. Walkabout: €23,00
  16. Pink Floyd: €50,00
His newer Haze/Sativa gear has been a bit more solid than his Indica work lately but I'd go Critical Skunk,Early Girl or Shark Shock