Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I think it was BB that asked me a while back for photos of the bud i got off the lone rangess. No laughing people. My first plant. Its been hanging drying and has just gone into a jar. Fingers crossed it gets me stoned.


Well-Known Member
hey guys just thought id post some pics of my new grow space, i knocked down 2 bunks and then just put up panda film everywhere, so much better then my shitty closet.
the plant is top 44 at about day 25 in flower.


Well-Known Member
hey rock did u weigh it wet ? im guessing about 13-15 grams dry , good effort. i got 20grams off my first harvest but it was cut short by 3-4 weeks because the old man poped hes head in my caravan whilst i was away and when he heard a fan running he pulled the power ... a week later when i came back it was to late.


Well-Known Member
Nah i didnt weigh it wet. I dont have any scales that measure such small amounts. Your setup looks cool. Do you live in a caravan?


Well-Known Member
so i thought i'd share my progress on the cyco range. haven't noticed TOO much difference with the baby plants yet, i mean they're growing well, but the clone! it's just growing SO healthy and fast it's crazy. i'm gonna take some clones off her this week and then put her into flower once she's recovered. very happy with the nutes, but i'd say i'll be continuing my use of these nutes! it'll cost me a fortune to buy them all in 3 & 5 litres but i have no doubt it'll be more than worth it.

cross yer fingers for me that the bubblegum clones i got off knickers survive, that would be awesome!! mwa :)


Well-Known Member
Camera is still in the fkn shop but managed to get a new phone with a cam, that is my little outdoor winter bonsai, she's kicking arse


Well-Known Member
And week 2 of flower in the grow room. Need to put a fluro in there and take some good pics coz the cam don't like 1000watts30042010008.jpg30042010010.jpg


Well-Known Member
Bit late but I keep my promises, 2 PPPs in the back, now cloned and vegging out at a mates place, 1 Cousin It in the front, same old strain as the bonsai just an arse-load bigger.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
hey guys just thought id post some pics of my new grow space, i knocked down 2 bunks and then just put up panda film everywhere, so much better then my shitty closet.
the plant is top 44 at about day 25 in flower.
I wish I lived in a caravan. I could park it next to work so I wouldn't have to commute every day and I could check on my babies during smoke breaks. It would be fun to be able to take your plants on holiday too. You could take pictures of them at major landmarks like Parliament House and the Big Banana. They would definitely be more potent after a scenic tour up the eastern seaboard.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I think it was BB that asked me a while back for photos of the bud i got off the lone rangess. No laughing people. My first plant. Its been hanging drying and has just gone into a jar. Fingers crossed it gets me stoned.
Looks good Rock. I must shamefully admit that my 1st indoor harvest was filled with seed @ I fucked up lighting schedules & caused both my plants 2 Hermie.. Look @ me now tho.. So you are well on ur way to great grows bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeh rock it looks real good,a lot of first timers dont even get far enough to even flower their first season,let alone get sumthin smokeable off,i know my first buds didnt look that good i chopped way early.(actually my buds dont look much better this year,wasnt my season)

U tellin me u havent even had a taste yet? now thats self control.