Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Ok, here is a picture of the girls..
As you can see the SLH is owning the BC.. She is trying to grow into her light aswell.
Lights are 135W CFL's.


Well-Known Member
speaking of mothers, i have started another Blue Cheese mum. here she is in her new home. she was transplanted 10 mins ago.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from Iron Man 2, it was fantastic... I absolutely loved it... Heaps funnier than the first one....And I loved the first one....



Well-Known Member
Robin Hood with Russell Crowe doesn't get released until the 13th May Rock... :-) Saw the preview for it tonight, it looks like all the other Robin hoods, and that's including Men in Tights... Its the best one...


Well-Known Member
I was having a talk with my AI plant this morning, & we have reached an agreement that we are at a point in our relationship where we are comfortable introducing Fetishes.. I suggested Bondage & Voyeurism.. She was a little taken back by it, but after some re-assuring she came around 2 the idea..
So I jumped on the opportunity.. I tied her up just how I wanted her & took some lovely photos ;)

..She is still unhappy when I tend to the other female plants in the garden, but slowly she is learning that being with me is about learning to live with & love the other ladies that are part of my life..


Well-Known Member
you slut ninja.

i want to see the AI. post the pics you are talking about.

news from my part of the continent, i have all the components for my SEA OF BLUE grow. i am going to get it all set up this arvo. just waiting for the babies to get legs and then they are off and racing.they are looking good. cant wait to get it all set up.


Well-Known Member
howdy ,
use probly wont remember but i had some photos up of some of my seedlings that misteriously wernt growing well they have gone from 1 cm to 5cms in the last month and about 3 days ago "dont ask my why" i misted them with a very light dos of a bloom additive and now it looks like my seedlings have started growing balls ? wtf .. didnt think is was possible at that size.. im stumped