Aussie Growers Thread

Think what I did was run the lights during when it was coldest at night n shit then I feed lower ec more often to keep the root ball becoming to hot B79EE634-D862-4FE5-818B-1204DE3978C3.pnglol I no it looks like shit but if I can snap branches to get u der light I’m gunna argue that it did well enough although my best efforts are probly shwag compared to everyone here’s
That auto

its morning where he is, its an aussie thread and he isn't one. We can argue the rest of it but ill just quote the first sentence again- Thankyou Gigs.

(and Ive liked a few of their posts.)
Anyone ever consider he has just woken up ffs?
I’ve said good morning in the arvo before after a big night geez
And your opinion on uva and uvb as a supplement? Are you a fan? I think can do more damage then good if u don’t know what your doing

Regarding UVA, around 380nm, I'm only going on logic here I don't have papers to cite, but apparently small amounts of sunburn are part of the 'good stress' that you want cannabis to have. Like the stress of defoliation, or the stress of topping or the stress of some fans causing movement.

It seems to be common knowledge that the THC resin traps insects, is probably not very tasty to animals, and protects from the sun. The resin is like suncream for the plant, by giving it some mild UV stress is meant to cause it to produce more protective sunscreen which is what we want.
Wait so I am legit the only one who caught on to that lmfao as I live n breath lol of had nothing but internet drama lately somifmthat person ain’t all the other trolls or a troll than I have no problem
NO. O thought the same thing but then thought obviously he just woke up.
Anyone ever consider he has just woken up ffs?
I’ve said good morning in the arvo before after a big night geez

I didn't crash out till sunrise about 5 am, got up again at the crack of noon and meant to go back to sleep until the evening. I like to write at night when it's quiet and cool. But I ended up staying up. As I said, I get up when I wake up.

In the days when I used to work, which was in professional labs in London, I'd sometimes stay up for three days working. I'd be like 'bye' as everyone went home, then 'morning' it's gets weird by the third day. I actually really quite like throwing my circadian rhythm out.

What about Tears Of A Clown, did you like the über cool way that Smokey starts the song and then the back ups wander on.
And your opinion on uva and uvb as a supplement? Are you a fan? I think can do more damage then good if u don’t know what your doing

Agreed and I again haven’t yet taken the time yet to research it. I definitely will but I’m just trying to cut heat out atm without sacrificing quality so these leds are a bit of a gradual experiment. Luckily there’s already guys doing the comparisons and shit so it’ll just be a matter of doing some reading
I don’t troll people unless they give me a reason. He started spouting shit about co2 and then repping blurple lights. I simply call shit like it is. Sorry if I caused offence
Wouldn’t have a clue about the co2 but if the dude likes blurple LET HIM LIKE BLURPLE!! I don’t get it. Each to their own I say
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I wish I hasent of said anty thing tbh feel like everyone is fighting for the fun of it I dident even realise till like today or so I’m staying out of this one
Seems like you guys are running 2.5x2.5ft tents so need about 200w (give or take) if either strips or qb’s.

2 of these

With a Meanwell HLG-240H-54A (I’d use a hlg-240h-54B and wire a potentiometer for more control over the dimming. A series drivers only dim to 50% but have the potentiometer built in) wired in series. Run them at about 75%ish. They’ll need a heat sink so I’d mount them to a sheet of aluminium plate or buy the heatsinks to match the boards if your feeling rich.
hey mate what driver would you run 10x f series gen 3 23v strips with?
The dudes a cock smoker.
So you think being a condescending asshole is "doing nothing" ?
Nobody deserves respect,respect is a 2 way street you give it and you earn it here just as you do I.R.L
Ok I’ve had this debate in TnT and the way I see it is there’s a big difference between SHOWING respect and GIVING respect. I SHOW respect to each and every person I meet. It doesn’t for a second mean I respect the person. But until they offend me on a personal level then I have no good reason to DISRESPECT them. Respect shouldn’t be earnt at all. I shouldn’t have to PROVE my worth my nature my character to be treated with respect!! Wtf.

Disrespect is earnt.

Treat people how u wish to be treated. If more people acted like this.... well
Wouldn’t have a clue about the co2 but if the likes blur pls LET HIM LIKE BLURPLE!! I don’t get it. Each to their own I say

He called out an agreed apon conclusion in the led community both here and on other forums claiming white leds where less efficient/effective then “full spectrum” leds (read) blurple. Both coco and I called him on this.