Aussie Growers Thread

for the cost of the vipar you could have built a decent led rig from scratch that would have been more efficient. most pre built lights dont accomplish what the user is buying them for, to replace a hps without the added heat and using less power without sacrificing yeild or quality.

No doubt, but I don't have the tools or the desire or the knowledge to do that when for $320 I could have the Vipar at my front door in a few days. But I do want to learn because I can't buy the UV that I want so I"ll have to make it.
My biggest concern was heat because it's currently 28ºC in the house and it's soon going to get to 35-40º

The latest model PAR series from vipar not their earlier stuff has excellently dispersed cooling. My grow area is only 2ºC warmer than the rest of the house. The hottest part of the Vipar is 39ºC Which is about 20ºC cooler than I like my coffee. The fans are almost silent. The air pump is louder by quite a margin.

I was nervous getting the Vipar, but when I saw it in operation I was thrilled and pretty glad I didn't spend 800 on the Platinum P450
I do all the work on the gf's Suzuki S40, but she was away from home recently and the fucking clutch cam snapped, the bit that presses the clutch pushrod. It cost her $240, I could have fixed it for $10. It's like the lights though if you don't know how to do it, then you have to pay someone.

I hate bike mechanics in general they are lazy fucking tools. They took the fucking clutch cover off and they didn't even inspect the cam chain tensioner which is notoriously bad design on this bike, if it pops out that's $1500 damage right there. I already have purchased a modified cam chain tensioner from someone in the States, ready to replace.

Now because they didn't check it which just meant looking at it. I've got to do all the work they charged her for again anyway. I hear you about building your own, but I don't have that knowledge yet.
Everything I have given to friend has started to flower I guess when you go from 8 weeks of 18/6 and then normal daylight hours are enough to flip them lol.... isn’t that called indoor/outdoor
mine where u der 24 hours but thay could be stretching to flower think one is a male
I thought plants could only use uv b isent uva ufared I thought plants could only use ultraviolet or ar uv a n b both oltravoilet

UV is on the short end of the spectrum, if you get shorter you go to microwaves then x rays then gamma rays, Infra red is on the long end when you go longer you get radio waves. UV is high energy, if it lands on your roof it slams into the matter pushes electrons into a higher orbit then they immediately drop back down and release infra red.

Read what they say here about UVA, basically you're giving your plants a mild dose of sunburn, so they say, ooh we'd better slip slap slop a bit more suncream on. Cannabis suncream is what we refer to as THC resin. Is this correct? I don't know but from what I do know it makes sense.
Blurple sounds good on paper but go have a look around the grow community. Plenty of people tried them but they have all moved away from them.

In real world results they just arent doing what they say they should be on paper.

Im sorry but its just the way it is

Apparently the reason that the high green in the white LED is wasted light is for two reasons. 1. It's less efficient anyway, and 2. plants use the green light as information that tells them they are being shaded and need to grow taller, this is good in the wild but unless in a controlled environment grow room. So having a more efficient light meaning more PAR per W consumed is undone if that bit of PAR is not the bit you want. Good for industrial lighting though which is how they were first used.
Blurple sounds good on paper but go have a look around the grow community. Plenty of people tried them but they have all moved away from them.

Plenty of people are making errors elsewhere that are not to do with their lights. A good grower with a good light will always do better than a bad grower with a better light.

Have you read this because you should read it and then process it then come to a conclusion.

ChiLED actually give you more information on other people's lights than they will give you themselves!

Products From Other Companies:
Cree XLamp CXB3590 3500K CD Bin Test Report

Eye Hortilux Super HPS Enhanced 1000W SE Lamp In Reference Hood

Gravita Pro 1000 DE HPS @ 1000W

Gravita Pro 1000 DE HPS @ 1150W

Advanced LED Lights – Diamond Series XML 650

Black Dog LED – PhytoMAX 1000

California Lightworks – SolarStorm 880

Spectrum King – SK600

Kind LED – K5 XL1000

– Stay tuned, more reports coming soon!
Why dont you go look around the forums and see peoples results and get real opinions instead of regurgitating information pumped out by the people selling the lights.

There are people right here in this thread telling you they have owned them and they had poor results.

That is the common consensus of most growers that have used them.

If you feel like you want to continue using them by all means do so but please stop making this thread a giant argument about which is better.

Grow with them. Produce the dankest buds ever with the biggest yields and post pictures so we all have to eat some humble pie
Why dont you go look around the forums and see peoples results and get real opinions instead of regurgitating information pumped out by the people selling the lights.

There are people right here in this thread telling you they have owned them and they had poor results.

That is the common consensus of most growers that have used them.

If you feel like you want to continue using them by all means do so but please stop making this thread a giant argument about which is better.

Grow with them. Produce the dankest buds ever with the biggest yields and post pictures so we all have to eat some humble pie

I say this with respect but don't tell me what to do. You can take any information I post and wipe your arse with it if you like. Are you telling me the majority is always right? That's the most lame reason for believing anything of all time.

Knowledge either stands or falls on it's own merit, it doesn't matter who says it or who believes it or how many people agree with it. That was the point of my earlier post about the breaking of the weak force. The entire physics community agreed it was in the words of Wolfgang Pauli, "utter nonsense". However it was correct. I can give dozens of examples of that and I already did. If you don't bother to understand my posts then you'd be better off not bothering to answer.
I say this with respect but don't tell me what to do. You can take any information I post and wipe your arse with it if you like. Are you telling me the majority is always right? That's the most lame reason for believing anything of all time.

Knowledge either stands or falls on it's own merit, it doesn't matter who says it or who believes it or how many people agree with it. That was the point of my earlier post about the breaking of the weak force. The entire physics community agreed it was in the words of Wolfgang Pauli, "utter nonsense". However it was correct. I can give dozens of examples of that and I already did. If you don't bother to understand my posts then you'd be better off not bothering to answer.

"results" are meaningless unless they are part of a controlled test. Where ALL variables are controlled for not just clones to control genotype but a selection of clones to get two that are expressing their phenotype the same.
I say this with respect but don't tell me what to do. You can take any information I post and wipe your arse with it if you like. Are you telling me the majority is always right? That's the most lame reason for believing anything of all time.

Knowledge either stands or falls on it's own merit, it doesn't matter who says it or who believes it or how many people agree with it. That was the point of my earlier post about the breaking of the weak force. The entire physics community agreed it was in the words of Wolfgang Pauli, "utter nonsense". However it was correct. I can give dozens of examples of that and I already did. If you don't bother to understand my posts then you'd be better off not bothering to answer.
Start your own thread In the LED forum and watch you get laughed at, please we don’t want to argue with some guy that thinks he’s a professor, you copy and paste from your google search or whatever website you find your rebuttal on, Just post pics of your plant we don’t care if the Led you want is water cooled65EFB934-F73A-446B-BB5C-7DA7FD8F7DD1.gif
I say this with respect but don't tell me what to do. You can take any information I post and wipe your arse with it if you like. Are you telling me the majority is always right? That's the most lame reason for believing anything of all time.

Knowledge either stands or falls on it's own merit, it doesn't matter who says it or who believes it or how many people agree with it. That was the point of my earlier post about the breaking of the weak force. The entire physics community agreed it was in the words of Wolfgang Pauli, "utter nonsense". However it was correct. I can give dozens of examples of that and I already did. If you don't bother to understand my posts then you'd be better off not bothering to answer.

Actually mate if you knew me and new my history you would know i was growing with the old phillips mastercolor 400w cmh lamps for years.

Everybody told me they wouldnt grow good buds. I did it anyway. I liked my results.

Look at them now cmh lamps dominate the market.

So when i say if you want to keep growing with them i mean it. Do it properly. Impress us change our minds.

Every one of us in here is a passionate weed grower who has read all the specs you have posted. We all want the best for our plants and put loads of research into what we do.

Many in here went down that path after reading the exact same information your posting now. It didnt work out for them. Maybe being aussies they were a little abrupt in how they went about it but they were really just trying to help you and let you know they didnt have any luck and maybe save you some heartache by letting you know now instead of finding out for yourself.