Aussie Growers Thread

Like Santa blessed it himself lol 13 days till Christmas, maybe I should chop some and get it drying for Chrissy day, this Texas butter looks like it’s about done. I don’t see it getting any better, they look sharp like they would poke a eye outView attachment 4247524
You got plenty matey lil I'd chop enough to be dry and fill a half ounce bowl of fresh bud with a quick one week cure for xmas day ;)
It’s something that I can’t quite understand - when did weed become meds in Australia. Seems like an unnecessary rationalisation when you just enjoy some smoke. Unless you only use it medicinally it seems a bit of a wank fest
Im considering it medication atm because I’ve been bed ridden since Saturday nite quite literally. So when I smoke it clears me up so I can breathe as odd as that sounds and then helps me sleep.
Is that ok with you? Sheesh. Get off a gals case once in a while would yas
Yup meds sounds like what someone would call it if they wanted to elevate themselves above the status of your average drug user.

So many better alternative names for marijuana - just shits me that meds seems to be common in oz these days
Yep well if I’m fucking sick and the shit makes me feel better than any white little pill can then it will temporarily be my medicine.
Time to get off high horses and shove judgements up your ass ffs!! Getting beyond a joke now