Aussie Growers Thread

I'm on the fence here , I have a Billy just about the minute I wake up nearly every morning cause I have a much better rate of not having a seizure, or If i do , I recover 10x faster than without.. Buuttttt I fucking love smoking the shit ... So yes it is medical..but I won't stop if my epilepsy goes away . Fuck that
I use it for my "back pain" haha. I smoke it because I love getting high
Could this be my problem or what??? ""Plant is getting root or nutrient problems – A cannabis plant can start showing rootor nutrient problems when it's kept in a too-small container or if it's become root-bound. These root problems can cause the plant to become droopy, or show unexpected leaf symptoms or deficiencies (such as spots or yellowing leaves). Whenever literally everything else is right but you're still experiencing these problems, it may be a sign you need to transplant.

Plant has grown a lot or been in the same container for months. If you're keeping a mother plant for months, or if a plant has doubled in size in the same container, those are signs you may need to transplant to prevent your plant from getting rootbound.View attachment 4247635
Any ideas
I'm on the fence here , I have a Billy just about the minute I wake up nearly every morning cause I have a much better rate of not having a seizure, or If i do , I recover 10x faster than without.. Buuttttt I fucking love smoking the shit ... So yes it is medical..but I won't stop if my epilepsy goes away . Fuck that
my missus has epilepsy and she can stop taking epilim and a couple other things entirely with weed. no petit or grande mals, nothing in the way of symptoms. It's pretty amazing. theres a time and a place to refer to it as medicine but I reckon semantics matter sometimes
I'm really not on here enough to even know what this is all about. I only hate when my own judgement tells me to . It is sad your all fighting when you guys seemed tight only a few weeks ago. It's not my beef . As for gas if your taking it for fun than that's alright in my book. I used to wak 2 g's a week for the wrong reasons aslong as you feel fine and don't think you have a problem than krac on.
Thank you for at least someone understanding how it’s coming across to me too.
As for the gas I never take the shit I’m more mdma on a childless night. But it came around and I thought why not I’ll swallow some. And it was good yeah but that’s me done. I thrive on sleep.
I prefer to play the ball not the man (or woman in this case). Meds is a fuckin stupid thing for a rec drug user such as yourself to call it and that applies to anyone who uses them for their amusement. But that's OK, keep making it about you if you like, you obviously love the attention.

Im normally over chem induced monday-itis by tuesday. You've hit Wednesday and still going strong - must have been either really good (or really shit) MDMA - too hard to tell yet. Happy hump day!
Or menopause
hardly ganging up when I merely stated that calling it meds is dumb - it's called an opinion and I'm entitled to it. If you reckon thats offensive and get all riled up about it then thats your drama - try and stay on topic though. ranting makes you sound a bit mental ;)
Hahaha! I am a bit mental! And..?
my missus has epilepsy and she can stop taking epilim and a couple other things entirely with weed. no petit or grande mals, nothing in the way of symptoms. It's pretty amazing. theres a time and a place to refer to it as medicine but I reckon semantics matter sometimes
It is amazing..I'm on epilim and tegretol and a private one that's not cheap.. uncontrollable atm but my neurologist was speachless how much it was helping me.. I can stop petit mauls by concentrating on something else .. only after a Billy or 2 .otherwise 2 days b4 I'm back to normal