Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Necrophilia does it for some ppl
Nah, Necrophilia is dead boring :roll:

Also, someone who's into flagellation, necrophilia & bestiality is just flogging a dead horse.....:P

Sorry for the necro on the thread (pardon the obvious pun - still reading from this time last year.....)

Pistil Kid

Well-Known Member
lol i wouldnt worry too much, just another top post from a lurker who feels like top dog since everyones fucked off
Top dog I hardly ever post so what the fuck are you on about? Lurker how would you know how often I frequent the thread unless you are here all the time or are an admin. Chill the fuck out dope on a rope ( I guess we can only hope you fulfill. )


Well-Known Member
Top dog I hardly ever post so what the fuck are you on about? Lurker how would you know how often I frequent the thread unless you are here all the time or are an admin. Chill the fuck out dope on a rope ( I guess we can only hope you fulfill. )
I'll give you 2 out of 10 for your reply. But that's only cos you said "fuck" twice there big dog. The good news is you have a lot of room for improvement. Keep at it - I'll watch your progress with interest

Pistil Kid

Well-Known Member
I came here to link up with fellow Australians to discuss growing weed but this experience has been some what tainted by a FEW self important individuals that think this is their own private forum. No worries you guys can have it I don't feel it worth the agro replying to dopey halfwits. Nicer people elsewhere on the forum .... ciao


Well-Known Member
lol and woof woof frog got the last laugh, adios cocoloco! :P now that's what I call fun @reza92 o_O !
Hope you enjoyed your 5 minutes of fun with me lol, I certainly enjoyed watching part 2 and I didn't have to hide behind a fake screen name like a little boy with his balls still up in his guts.:hump:
ciao ladies!

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Your always entertaining.

redeyedfrog Well-Known Member
Fick me all my seedlings are dying, have sprayed them with roundup .
I don't even know how to Express how stupid I feel "


Well-Known Member
Last laugh???? Yeah mate, all this is now yours, and look how great the thread has been since its come under new management........lmfao
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Well-Known Member
Last laugh???? Yeah mate, all this is now yours, and look how great the thread has been since its come under new management........lmao
lol well you enjoy it now! like I said I got better things to do than to hang with bullies and little boys, I came back with no ill feelings and these guys decided it was going to be fun to fuck with me collectively and make up fake screen names, yeah I miss bazza too! that was a great idea. I didn't start it I'm just letting them know it's not nice to fuck with people. so before you judge me look up the page history and see how these guys went after me then make your judgement.


Well-Known Member
Last laugh???? Yeah mate, all this is now yours, and look how great the thread has been since its come under new management........lmfao
actually I dont care what you think you've already made up your mind and I dont answer to you as you've already made your opinion clear. but cheers anyways
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Well-Known Member
Funny how you and a few others keep saying you dont give a fuck, and yet you all kept pissing and moaning about the thread and that nobody loved ya when all you really had to do was to fuck off to another thread, or start your own, or whatever, thats the beauty of the net and yet.......