Aussie Growers Thread

ive had all three orders arrive from the Plannet, and some freebies came a week later, gypsy nirvana, are good too

just use a previous tennents name, and order away, its hardly as big a crime to order some seeds through the mail, from the uk, compared to the crime of how lazy and useless and corrupt, and self serving our government and politians are, ?????

i never received any freebies from planetskunk and i've ordered quite abit from them, what were they?
Hey Growers. Im also from Melbourne, growing from dynamite bagseed - from 4 plants (f*cking males!) down to 2. I've also got some really odd reversed hermie issues. Hermie turning full female. Not a problem you'd think but on a scientific level it's puzzling the f outta me. See my forum post.

Im also not a dude...But ya'd never know here :)
gah. My lil seedling got buried a lil too deep and the first set of leaves are a tad yellow!!!! Put them under my fluro on a 18 hour cycle to try rectify the issue.
Those Articles about seed busts are largely bullshit IMO and used to deter people from buying overseas, cops do not do any detective work in order to bust large or small marijuana grows people blab or they get lucky but mostly someone talks and they go charging in because they don't need any reason or evidence to do so and are not only not obliged to they are forbidden under the Drugs misuse act to give a reason or suspicion or evidence of any sort.

Love this

The prosecutor said the marijuana plants were being grown under a sophisticated hydroponics system. "They were under several lights, being ventilated by fans, using a power converter and an amount of fertiliser," he said.

lolwut they said my brothers was a sophisticated setup 3 buckets and some air pumps for a DWC setup easier than growing outdoors lol. They called the air pumps power converters and took a fluoro light and said it was a grow light, the power converter would be a power board or a timer they bullshit like crazy to make it seem like they busted down a Bikie operation when in reality they screwed over some guy trying to make a little dosh or grow his own weed.
opps hope it survives give it a drop of superthrive with its feed

I wont feed it for a while or it will burn. The thing is tiny so nute requirments should be pretty much nothing. All i give it atm is light, small amount of water and some root accelerator :D

Ive managed to germ MANY seeds (shame i usually have to get rid of them) and if i have learnt anything from all my fuck ups, it is that the longer i can let the plant do its own thing without me messing around the better. At least with the larger plants its big enough to SLOWLY show signs of weakness before it dies so can fix the problem normally. With seedlings they too small so the fuckups however small tend to result in a swift death.
superthrive isnt a nute i used for germ and seedling lol but i understand the cation lol

meh in the end the fluro did the trick as the dicot leaves are a nice dark green and starting to see the new fans shooting out too. All within a few hours of some light therapy.

As i said in my last post the less shit i do to the plants the better :P No point dosing them up with chemicals as a first resort as in my VERY narrow field of experience it tends to make shit worse.

On a side note:
Seems how im not that fussed about plant growth for this one, i think im gonna use nothing but fluro for it, as im only using it to take cuttings so large internode gaps isnt an issue i dont think. Meh i will see how well the fluro works on them and if they do the trick keep with them, if not i got my HPS ready as a back up :)
ive noticed a lot of comments on breeding seeds and would like to share a link ive been researching on "selfing" polinating a female mj plant with a female turned into male due either by stress or chemicals. the main reason ive been looking into it is to get a supply of fresh seeds and by doing this you are guaranteed female seeds. there is a risk of hermi's but sounds pretty solid. as per an aussie seedbank id love to take part but with the prospect of getting trapped in a 2.4x3.0m cell with a kidney fiddler doesnt sound to appealing. im rather suprised the hippies up at ninbin havent got a network setup but i suppose the cops would be pretty hot on it. maybe after the next election and more greens get seats we might see weed legalised even if only for medication..... will believe it wen i see it
as for coppers rocking up at your house ive been freaking out about ordering seeds online and have found plenty of stories of orders being confiscated if ordered from Amsterdam but thats like waving a red flag at the customs guys i mean i know government workers and they're not that diligent that they check every single package from overseas. shows like border security are just a bandaid to deter people from trying it. banks in the UK, Spain and Ireland sound like the go. as for that drop kick that got raided his mum probably ratted on him to get him out of her house :P they reckon most people get caught are dopped on by jealous ex girlfriends or mates that get jealous your not sharing
I just received my seeds from PlanetSkunk - took about a week after they finally identified my payment and processed my order (3 weeks late). PlanetSkunks communication is a bit slack but they do respond to texts to their mobile.
Their "stealth" packaging is not the best but the seeds arrived.
I now have 5 feminised Magic Bud seeds to add to my 5 Red Dragon seeds ... I can't grow them as that would be illegal, I just collect bloody expensive seeds and admire them ... umm, ok.
I just received my seeds from PlanetSkunk - took about a week after they finally identified my payment and processed my order (3 weeks late). PlanetSkunks communication is a bit slack but they do respond to texts to their mobile.
Their "stealth" packaging is not the best but the seeds arrived.
I now have 5 feminised Magic Bud seeds to add to my 5 Red Dragon seeds ... I can't grow them as that would be illegal, I just collect bloody expensive seeds and admire them ... umm, ok.

nice plan but im sure each seed is = to 1 plant. I been scoping there site also, havnt made up my mind yet
I would actually recommend rather than Planetskunk as their stealth packaging is far superior and they remove the V.A.T. from the price which comes as a very pleasant surprise at checkout ... 17 1/2 % V.A.T. is a decent amount to be saving.
i got 1 month left of flowering. im on my way to the local hydro shop i got $200 to spend.

im using canna coco a+b,zyme,boost,pk, cyco swell and cal/mag

anyone got any suggestions i could add for the last month? cheers
hehehe forgot how good fluro are for seedlings :) Only 2 days since broken soil and they already chucking out leaves left right and centre.

EDIT: leeroy, some pk-13/14 for flower couldnt hurt ;)
Hello all,
just wondering about ordering seeds if they don't get through customs,can you expect a letter from them? Ordered from planetskunk recieved confirmation and order had been shipped but nothing this end!Will have to try seedsman hate not getting a run for my money.