Aussie Growers Thread

Shite, that stuff is just expensive Colloidal Silver ... for less than the price of one bottle you can have gallons of the stuff, made fresh whenever you need it.

In about 2 weeks or so my Red Dragon clones will be ready to be treated with Colloidal Silver which I will make fresh when I want it.

Fuck, maybe I should print up some labels, and market the shit myself - it seems that there is a market full of willing punters.

... and it isn't too good to be true, Colloidal Silver does make a female produce male flowers.

I have started a Journal which is addressing the question of feminised seed production with Colloidal Silver, the next instalment of the journal will cover making the Colloidal Silver at home very cheaply.

<------- click on the number next to where it says "Journal Entries"
Have you checked out Colloidal Silver with Google

Do a search then click on images i think ill pass on making it myself i dont like blue that much

Why on gods earth would you drink this stuff i thought smack heads where stupid that takes the cake for sure
Have you checked out Colloidal Silver with Google

Do a search then click on images i think ill pass on making it myself i dont like blue that much

Why on gods earth would you drink this stuff i thought smack heads where stupid that takes the cake for sure

I'm certainly not drinking the CS that I make, therefore there is no reason why I will turn blue ... and you need to drink gallons of the shit to turn into Papa Smurf.

I have already made my CS generator ... cost bugger all really.
So from what i have read its just 6 volt power supply like for a train set or something
My only question would be where do you get silver wire from
If its that easy i might have to give it ago i don't know how ill go trying not to drink it but it should be ok:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P

From what it says in your journal it might be just as easy to cut a clone and just leave it the corner till it goes to flower so there's 2 methids to try

All i want is a couple of male flowers i remember when it was the heads i wanted :wall:

Thanks for the info
So from what i have read its just 6 volt power supply like for a train set or something
My only question would be where do you get silver wire from
If its that easy i might have to give it ago i don't know how ill go trying not to drink it but it should be ok:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P

From what it says in your journal it might be just as easy to cut a clone and just leave it the corner till it goes to flower so there's 2 methids to try

All i want is a couple of male flowers i remember when it was the heads i wanted :wall:

Thanks for the info

I bought tiny silver ingots from ebay - maybe cost $10.00 all up including delivery, or you can use jewellers wire it just has to be as pure as possible 99.99% or whatever - you really only need silver on the positive terminal (annode) but I was a retard and bought 2 ingots ... sheesh, $10.00 is cheap (compared to those lights of mine).

As for the power supply, I bet you can find one easily - a mobile phone charger is about 5.5v DC and is perfect and just about everyone has thrown several of them away ... get a new phone and the old charger is useless.

Just snip off the phone plug, strip the wires and crimp on two tiny alligator clips (45 cents each @ Dick Smiths) - no soldering and job done in under 5 mins.

Buy some "Demineralised Water" from Coles, Wollies or wherever (found in area where bleach and cleaning stuff is)

Put water in a glass, tape clips to side of glass so ONLY the silver is submerged, put in a dark place (silver molecules react to light and turns black), switch on power and come back in 12 to 24 hours, pack up your generator till next time.

Here is a quick pikkie of my CS generator rig.

So i had a good look around this site today
Let me just say there a lot of people that are pretty much wasting a lot time and effort by reading false information on the net
You have people putting all kinds of crap in their systems to solve problems that were caused by themselves by doing silly things
So i thought i might give my 2 cents and hopefully someone might get a better crop

First thing to remember is it&#8217;s a weed it will grow almost anywhere easily without our help
The first thing i noticed was people where playing around with their food to much being too picky about being spot on 1200 or 1400
Anything over 400 it will grow fine just a little pale 1200 and 1400 is the absolute high not a must be
When its under it fine close enough is good enough just don&#8217;t go over and if you can be a little lower it promotes root growth they go looking for food

My root ball weighs about2 kilos when i chuck it in the bin and is the size of a footy and pure white
Next was the system some don&#8217;t even have air pumps with my aero system they get more oxygen than it could ever use
Next was the yellow leaf deal thing people panic when a couple of the bottom shade leaves go yellow they add all kinds of chemicals Well they do that for a reason and it doesn&#8217;t need fixing the leaves above them are blocking the light so they just die off as they are no longer needed
So don&#8217;t try and fix it
If you want to give the bottom more light use mirrors not plastic crap on the walls mirrors reflect 90 percent of the light that is pointed at them so you can in theory double the amount of light simply by adding a couple of mirrors

Next where possible force the plant grow vertically bend it over asap it forces the side branches to grow up and instead of having one main bud i normally have 20 -25 good size crown heads
Pictures coming
Don&#8217;t know if i have already said but tip the whole plant twice once at around 40cm and again the day you put them on head
Stop tipping and touching the day you put it on head all you should need to do is support the buds from above with something that doesn&#8217;t burn Garden wire stuff is fine its covered in plastic just don&#8217;t do it too tight

Yes your all right i am full of it but it works for me and for others with great results

My Aero system
Bits needed
2 X reflex number 10 black plastic stackable tubs
1 X Reflex number 10 lid
1 X pump
1 Meter of black irrigation pipe 1 inch
6 x black clamps for the end of the pipes they hold the bungs in the end of the pipes and hold the pipe on the pump
2 X bungs 1 inch
2 X DAN Modular Sprinklers i use Small Black Swivel 360° Dont forget the bridge part it pokes in the pipe and the sprinkler pushes onto it X 2 from
You choice of clay balls or Quartz pebbles ( cleaned and rinsed ) I prefer Quartz pebbles but they can be a little hard to come by sometimes and i feel a little stupid digging around the pebbles in my front yard so clay balls are fine just wash them after each crop
I got stuck using them this crop the local nursery closed down
All this stuff can be picked up for under 100 bucks pump included delivered

Now the most important part of Aero is stopping root matter getting into the pump it will just push it straight through and clog the sprinkler most hydro stores have what&#8217;s called a root shield it normally goes in the bottom of pots to stop the roots clogging up your gear here its used to stop stuff falling through the drain holes in the top tank

I use 2 they about 20cm diameter round and just look like black cloth they cover the 2 drain holes in the top tank the holes need to be at least 3cm and have 2

The beauty of this system is it can&#8217;t flood your house cause the top tank will hold the entire contents of the bottom tank if it ever got clogged mine has never got clogged and besides the pump can&#8217;t lift the last 5 cm of water in the bottom tank

I normally set the system up put a seed in some Rockwool and as soon as the roots poke out of the wool i put it in the system on full strength food 18 hours light (don&#8217;t be fooled into giving them 24 it doesn&#8217;t work they just get shock ) water it every morning and night with tap water about a glass full is plenty until the roots poke out of the pot and are getting wet by the sprinklers all of this should take about 5 days (with a good seed) to poke out the bottom once they touch the food they explode pretty much i leave mine on grow for 3 weeks in that time it grows about 75cm on average sometimes a lot more i normally bend it over 90 degrees as soon as its tall enough and have it grow vertical till it reaches the other side of the tub (i plant to one side not in the middle as the sprinklers don&#8217;t shoot up just sideways)The plant should have al the tips taken out twice once at about 40cm and then the day you put it on head 12hours
I use canna i never use grow just Flower if you use grow your plant will just be totally uncontrollable mine can stretch up to double what they were before i put them on head when i use the grow and space is limited
I use a 10 litter watering can to mix my food 3 caps of each and once every 2 weeks roughly i just use fresh water it makes sure the plant actually uses the food and doesn&#8217;t get lockout (absolutely don&#8217;t put fresh water in it for 2 weeks prior to pulling it will weaken you choof
I fill every 2 days about 20 liters
Doing the food this way you dont need to change it at all through the grow just top it up

This way you have eliminated all of the variables if there is a problem just change the water there is nothing else to do or check and its all it can be
I have found Budrite to be a very good replacement for Canna when its out of stock
My 2¢....
I don't mean troll but this kid is misguided

So i had a good look around this site today
Let me just say there a lot of people that are pretty much wasting a lot time and effort by reading false information on the net
You have people putting all kinds of crap in their systems to solve problems that were caused by themselves by doing silly things
So i thought i might give my 2 cents and hopefully someone might get a better crop

[/U]Anything over 400 it will grow fine just a little pale 1200 and 1400 is the absolute high not a must be[/U]

From what I've found myself over the years, heard from people that know their shit and from manufacturers feeding schedules; I've found its best to feed plants as much nutrients as they can absorb without burning. I start flowering at 2.0 and finish up at around 2.4. I'm sure running it at lower levels will save you a few dollars at the hydro store but yeild, speed and quality speaks for its self.

[/U] If you want to give the bottom more light use mirrors not plastic crap on the walls mirrors reflect 90 percent of the light that is pointed at them so you can in theory double the amount of light simply by adding a couple of mirrors[/U]

ROFLMAO!!!!!! Why waste your money on panda film or mylar when you can use tin foil and mirrors? What a cack!!!


Zyme, Root stimulant, potash, silica, beneficial bacteria etc. are all great additions to hydroponic systems.

You grow how ever you like and I'll stick to buds the size of my arm.

I had a good look around this thread today.
Let me just say there a lot of people that are pretty much wasting other peoples time and effort by giving false information on the net
So i thought i might give my 2 cents and hopefully someone might not ruin their crop
You grow how ever you like and I'll stick to buds the size of my arm.

I had a good look around this thread today.
Let me just say there a lot of people that are pretty much wasting other peoples time and effort by giving false information on the net
So i thought i might give my 2 cents and hopefully someone might not ruin their crop

Funny i never mentioned tin foil or growing at super low food levels but that's ok you just dribble on

If you cant read or just make it up as you go along please dont answer my posts
chill out fellas no need to have a go at each other, people do things differently, aslong as use are getting good results why bring each other down
if both of use are getting buds the size of your arm then use are doing something right, so keep on keeping on and zip it, i hope to get some buds the size of my arm :lol:
Hmm donno enough to comment on who is talking what kinds of shit, but one thing i do know is basic physics :P

If you want to give the bottom more light use mirrors not plastic crap on the walls mirrors reflect 90 percent of the light that is pointed at them so you can in theory double the amount of light simply by adding a couple of mirrors

Errrr not really true at all tbh. Conservation of energy would say this is impossible. You cant emit Xwatts then put up a reflective surface to create more energy. You would still lose it every time it "bounces" of a surface. As for using mirrors yer even i know that its not the best to use as it still scatters light and the wrong level of light. I guess people think that its the best to use as its the most reflective but its not really ideal for grows. I cant be bothered to go into the different bands of energy and all (not to mention i forget it all anyway :D ) but panda and myler will shit on mirrors.

That said i see no harm in suggesting your own ways to improve yields and while i may not agree with some things you have said im more than happy to hear any other suggestions you got :) Keep in mind though that nearly every other member on this thread has been here longer than you so probably not a good idea to start attacking some of the more "veteran" growers as it wont win you any brownie points :)

Keep it cicvil and keep the suggestions comming.
That said i see no harm in suggesting your own ways to improve yields and while i may not agree with some things you have said im more than happy to hear any other suggestions you got :) Keep in mind though that nearly every other member on this thread has been here longer than you so probably not a good idea to start attacking some of the more "veteran" growers.
I don't judge somebody on their number of posts as it has no real relevance 2 their amount of grow knowledge. Possibly the most knowledgable grower on this site has something like 180 posts - he is a member of other sites & just visits here.. On the other end of the scale I know of a member with 2,000+ posts who haven't completed their 1st harvest & was confused when I mentioned alternating nodes..
I always welcome different thoughts on growing for 2 reasons. 1stly - Some of the shit you hear is absolutely laughable & 2ndly - it gives u alternatives 2 ponder.
Personal attacks tho are bullshit & if they continue - by any1 - then garuntee i'll b the 1st person to hunt u down & wear ur skin as a costume..
Anyway moving on im not going to argue with people if you don't agree that's fine
My way has worked well for many years and im happy with it

If there is anything that is wrong in my post point it out politely i may have miss typed or explained it badly

Anyway moving on
Dear sir,

How are you today? No, really....I'm genuinely interested.

In relation to your recent post I wish to point out a few errors. Everything in red is either wrong or just bad advice. I'm happy to educate you as to why its all wrong but you don't seem like the type of guy who would listen. Everything in green is impossible to read for total lack of punctuation. I can read.... I just can't read that. I'm sorry if my earlier comments were somehow misconstrued as being malicious or defamatory. I forgot how touchy people can be when told that they're totally wrong on many levels.

Good luck in the future,


Your Friend

Rusty bongsmilie

So i had a good look around this site today
Let me just say there a lot of people that are pretty much wasting a lot time and effort by reading false information on the net
You have people putting all kinds of crap in their systems to solve problems that were caused by themselves by doing silly things
So i thought i might give my 2 cents and hopefully someone might get a better crop

First thing to remember is it’s a weed it will grow almost anywhere easily without our help
The first thing i noticed was people where playing around with their food to much being too picky about being spot on 1200 or 1400
Anything over 400 it will grow fine just a little pale 1200 and 1400 is the absolute high not a must be
When its under it fine close enough is good enough just don’t go over and if you can be a little lower it promotes root growth they go looking for food

My root ball weighs about2 kilos when i chuck it in the bin and is the size of a footy and pure white
Next was the system some don’t even have air pumps with my aero system they get more oxygen than it could ever use
Next was the yellow leaf deal thing people panic when a couple of the bottom shade leaves go yellow they add all kinds of chemicals Well they do that for a reason and it doesn’t need fixing the leaves above them are blocking the light so they just die off as they are no longer needed
So don’t try and fix it
If you want to give the bottom more light use mirrors not plastic crap on the walls mirrors reflect 90 percent of the light that is pointed at them so you can in theory double the amount of light simply by adding a couple of mirrors

Next where possible force the plant grow vertically bend it over asap it forces the side branches to grow up and instead of having one main bud i normally have 20 -25 good size crown heads
Pictures coming
Don’t know if i have already said but tip the whole plant twice once at around 40cm and again the day you put them on head
Stop tipping and touching the day you put it on head all you should need to do is support the buds from above with something that doesn’t burn Garden wire stuff is fine its covered in plastic just don’t do it too tight

Yes your all right i am full of it but it works for me and for others with great results

My Aero system
Bits needed
2 X reflex number 10 black plastic stackable tubs
1 X Reflex number 10 lid
1 X pump
1 Meter of black irrigation pipe 1 inch
6 x black clamps for the end of the pipes they hold the bungs in the end of the pipes and hold the pipe on the pump
2 X bungs 1 inch
2 X DAN Modular Sprinklers i use Small Black Swivel 360° Dont forget the bridge part it pokes in the pipe and the sprinkler pushes onto it X 2 from
You choice of clay balls or Quartz pebbles ( cleaned and rinsed ) I prefer Quartz pebbles but they can be a little hard to come by sometimes and i feel a little stupid digging around the pebbles in my front yard so clay balls are fine just wash them after each crop
I got stuck using them this crop the local nursery closed down
All this stuff can be picked up for under 100 bucks pump included delivered

Now the most important part of Aero is stopping root matter getting into the pump it will just push it straight through and clog the sprinkler most hydro stores have what’s called a root shield it normally goes in the bottom of pots to stop the roots clogging up your gear here its used to stop stuff falling through the drain holes in the top tank

I use 2 they about 20cm diameter round and just look like black cloth they cover the 2 drain holes in the top tank the holes need to be at least 3cm and have 2

The beauty of this system is it can’t flood your house cause the top tank will hold the entire contents of the bottom tank if it ever got clogged mine has never got clogged and besides the pump can’t lift the last 5 cm of water in the bottom tank

I normally set the system up put a seed in some Rockwool and as soon as the roots poke out of the wool i put it in the system on full strength food 18 hours light (don’t be fooled into giving them 24 it doesn’t work they just get shock ) water it every morning and night with tap water about a glass full is plenty until the roots poke out of the pot and are getting wet by the sprinklers all of this should take about 5 days (with a good seed) to poke out the bottom once they touch the food they explode pretty much i leave mine on grow for 3 weeks in that time it grows about 75cm on average sometimes a lot more i normally bend it over 90 degrees as soon as its tall enough and have it grow vertical till it reaches the other side of the tub (i plant to one side not in the middle as the sprinklers don’t shoot up just sideways)The plant should have al the tips taken out twice once at about 40cm and then the day you put it on head 12hours
I use canna i never use grow just Flower if you use grow your plant will just be totally uncontrollable mine can stretch up to double what they were before i put them on head when i use the grow and space is limited
I use a 10 litter watering can to mix my food 3 caps of each and once every 2 weeks roughly i just use fresh water it makes sure the plant actually uses the food and doesn’t get lockout (absolutely don’t put fresh water in it for 2 weeks prior to pulling it will weaken you choof
I fill every 2 days about 20 liters
Doing the food this way you dont need to change it at all through the grow just top it up

This way you have eliminated all of the variables if there is a problem just change the water there is nothing else to do or check and its all it can be
I have found Budrite to be a very good replacement for Canna when its out of stock
So the teenager are board tonight

I have better things to do than waste my time with piss ants so fuck up and find something else to waste your life with you sycophantic fuck
So the teenager are board tonight
I have better things to do than waste my time with piss ants so fuck up and find something else to waste your life with you sycophantic fuck

"So the teenager are board tonight?" WTF?!
There is no need for your hate here even if it makes no sense. This is a site for growers and pot-heads, not crack heads with bad advice and even worse tempers.
"So the teenager are board tonight?" WTF?!
There is no need for your hate here even if it makes no sense. This is a site for growers and pot-heads, not crack heads with bad advice and even worse tempers.

Honestly every time I go somewhere else and find a community of people that communicate well with little fighting someone comes along with their panties in a twist and riles the whole group up. <sigh>