Aussie Growers Thread

Quite a spread out group good to see! try to pry myself off my lounge and post some pics of me grow, (im guessin its safe to do so???)
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Yeah, I know. That was a little bitchy of me. The thing is, I know he knows more than I do about growing pot, and I'd really like to hear what he has to teach, 'cept what he's saying is frustratingly devoid of clarity. Almost deliberately so...

Just speak normal man! If you have something to impart, then do so. If you want to talk pseudo-gangster crap, allude to "special" grows and "patented" methodologies (with out any explanation) and then sign off with a clicheed "cultivate the nation", then I'm gonna call BS and have a go at you.

Honestly, I know we're all meant to get along and shy away from flame wars and the like, but am I the only one who thinks this is a little weird?
damn posted ish on a diff page accidently.....fuckn spewing..changing up my handle. soon buisy growing like a mad man............hope all are cool..its bn forever since ive had tym to post......hope u like the purple kush chocalate strain we b growing..n white widow..............all my plants out bush are purple with a chockalate couloured stripe thru the middle of them.....smells joy......:blsmoke::bigjoint::fire:..anyhow:leaf::joint:bongsmilie cutivate the nation my good people......grind it on...bongsmilie:joint::leaf:0315112027-01.jpg23-04-11_1713.jpg23-04-11_1710.jpg23-04-11_1712.jpg0315112027-00.jpg21-05-11_1658.jpg21-05-11_1653.jpg21-05-11_1659.jpg21-05-11_1652.jpg21-05-11_1647.jpg21-05-11_1648.jpg26-04-11_1634.jpg21-05-11_1650.jpg21-05-11_1651.jpg23-04-11_1713.jpg26-04-11_1634.jpg09-04-11_1722.jpg23-04-11_1712.jpg23-04-11_1714.jpg
lill better to understand?????????????i fuckn hope so..........................aint tryna b no one but me mate.if ur talkn on me...........and i will post u my tds mista airoponics system state of the art. in the fuckn entirew world..n my solar panles that are the latest tech also can run thousands of plants of s simple system........shit evn calls me by fone when it needs sumthin....uses 1% of the nutes any ordany system would me this comes from the to...tho i wont name any names.......excuse me for bn a buisy mofo...i guess its not allowed anymore..but no im no phsuedo ...jus a massive crop grower..i grow both indoor n out anywhere from sumthin like 10.000 growing............onwarrds we loose track..there is so many........bit fuckn wats with the hate????????got a question ask it..n ill answer..simple as fuck.........hydropinics n bio-organic hydroes also..n even sum without nutes.(i can grow with or without nutes.with different techniques....i have many..gotta b surgical wit em.....most growers willknow wat im talking about).fully lined and layered so each stage of growth is taken care of..with the correct soil..n nutes........more on that when i have tym...but calln b.s wtf ????????come see my property mate...then try call bullshit.....all of them....yes i have multiple.......we got several..tho since im bn dissed it seems fuck it i wont even bother going into my buisy organise-ing eminems australian tour n life consists of so much hard fuckn work..i doubt u have any its hate..but wtf excuse me if i aint got tym to b here always n answer 2 alota basic growing questions no ofence but ill do my best......but feel insulted straight b.s.......simple..if i did have a.d.d. would it matter????how does that tie in wit my grow techniques....or styles...n methods..........idk......who caresbasicly not me..want to know sumthin ask me......this is a growing forum.right??......not a grammah forum............if u want to ask sumthing ask away...jus dont insult sumtin u have no idea about right?????.......
No need for fighting :) everyone just needs a few more bongs lol
Tez keep the bud porn up I love looking at new photos.
Been a little slow around here lately not many new posts
got fucken hudreds of pics man..n nah not tryna b hostile..i jus get majour buisy running alota things...not only one i got bud porn cumming out my ass atm but no im not bn plants call when i need anything from nutes to wateva.....its all dieled in the best tech in the world.coz who i am n my family n connects i get my clones straight from amsterdamn seeds smuggled here..but i have the works when it comes to tds spray systems tells me all does it itself otherwise..i jus press a button on my fone..for ph.nutes s ect..then we have solar panels the best tech avaiable present in the world.running alota me.growing with no fuckn elctricity u have gotta see our setup..madness...all state of the art...i get em chep coz im family..n crew.....but they hold one i think olhd a billion giggaherts or sumthin akin to thousands of plants.easy as fuck...n cheap as fuck.......but yeah no hostility.ima keep it comming but im a buisy me organiseing eminems concert n tupac outlwas imortals conceret taking care of multiple properties.n companys ect ect ect growing at all of em...shit is crazy man.but aye i find tym...jus didnt like wise crack about shit was all..if u want sum tech's ask more than willing to a certain exstent anyhow.lmao....sum things gota stay legacy u we do we do............but ill give u techniques that i bn growing since i was 5\6 yo im 32 dad is a patch member to hells angels....n fam connected..n so am i its all gravy grew into it......its jus the way idk.lolz......anyhow more cumming up..soon......gotta shift back to my ranch......big ass country property lolz.....
Look man, I don't want to be hostile, it's just that what you post just doesn't stack up in the real world to me. I mean, honestly, if even half of what you said was true, I'd want to make a biographical film about your life! :-)

Let's look at some key words in your recent post:

Tupac outlaws immortals
Solar Panels
1% of nutes of an ordinary system
Phones you when they need water/nutes
10000+ plants
cheap as fuck
best tech in the world
growing since I was 5/6 (!)
state of the art
cheap coz I'm family
"some things gotta stay legacy" (lols)
dad a patched member of the Hells Angels

Plus other outlandish stuff too numerous to list in previous posts. But the thing is, you've only posted pics of these tired old plants growing in pits in the dirt with coke-bottles feeding them water!

Look, I genuinely hope you are as busy and successful with your enterprise(s). I want SO VERY MUCH to believe you. But when I see and hear braggacio from someone who says he's too "busy" to show us his bud porn, then yes, I'm sorry to say, my BS metre rings like an alarm bell. My apologies.

Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that 'cause I don't want to introduce too much negativity into this thread, since it's the only place anyone knows what we're talking about when someone says Bunnings. ;-) Also I know it's only a matter of time before I get shouted down, since you've been here longer than me.

Suffice it to say, I'd be happy to eat a whole bunch of humble pie when you finally show us some decent photos of your major set up. Some detail would be nice, instead of alluding to top-secret, cutting edge, patented bla blah whatever that you can't prove. That's not me being hostile; just hungry for detail. :-)

Peace, pot and poon.
hey, yeah a lot of the old lot off here have gone to another forum can't link ya cause some ppl have been banned for linking to it
man my state of art will b up soon....lets jus say that much its im doing sumthin atm with other things.....jus rebuilt a whole hydro room..the rest of the shed..doing big grows...big shed as ull soon see........gonna use as a clone the near future...its cumming so are some in cocco.but most are going to b in tds systems.have a few already at cheap prices thru sumone i have to much respect to name...ask me personally..maytbbe hook u up..if u wasnt bn such so fuckn blunt n sarcastric about it all..fully done by my mates sum pix ill have to throw up.......simple......its an autoran t.d.s spray system does self feeding its all automated......does all the levels for ur ph atomaticly.......set it and go....rings the fone to give u a idea of anything it might need......from ph down to nutes to co2 to watever....additves ect ect...tds spray it every second or is it two\three mins to b thinking about it the root system of ur plants mate. all covered in rubber n all galvanized...all done will b comming,..have gonna grab me some pic of my pride and joy........yes i will...cumming up soon.......n wouldnt mind doing my own independent movie on doing the shit...basicly.....wouldnt mind........and yesi can back all im sayn about the outaws imortal n eminem.......u want facts ask away.i work with rappers u tripper....idk wat u thinkin...most of oz outlaws wise is paid for except perth...n i gotta put up 5k for a 20k concert,.make my tikets of it.the money back.........then eminem later this yr.,...which is going to b hot........i dont play also do art work for rappers n such......i wont go into my life storey..its mine....n ask me personally i ll talk to u on it if i trust u .........but certain pics are on the way.......fuck me im buisy enough already.....without havn to prove myself..but all will come when i have seconds or tym to spare considering this shit takes alota effort...yeah...n lill dirt grow...fuck me those lill dirt grows were quite bountifull this yr..we got 40 oz of one.damn wtf..b4 these check back sum pages mate......i had killers...lucky we had femanized it and kept it so..coz that simply put was a siko strain.yeild wize..lill dirt they look like atm but trust they are old pics......theyre bigger n more mature now......n hps sux taking pics wit..but ill get there.but then ...i have led's also .....jus anoys me gotta grab me a better fone.....or hd of them....the one i got atm is pretty panles yes...they are small od say the size of a desk... u get two they can power millions of crops........basicly they convert the latest solar tech n convert it to 1mill giggahert or sumthin...ima try find my u tube them to show u z i cant b fucked gettn on my roof of the shed..she's big..but ill try get pics...n yes as amtter of factman..without father is a patch wearer...simple......most of my fam are too..but diff crews.diff things..i wont get involved talking on.....such is illprove myself man...give it a bit of fucking buisy...seriously......but ima grab u sum pics of it in suburbia atm at my other yeah...gotta wait till i head back out....but cost me around about the same price for twelve autorun tds spray systems n shit...coz of my status in the com....with who i talk it is as 12 buckets of cocco n pots...simple...around the same cost..ill grab sum details..n i have proved my growing techs...sumwhere on ere.....but peace n pot to u to mate..........jus dont b so quick to jump to conclusions......aight.blaze on
sorry solar panels can power 10 of thousands of crops sorry..they are using this tech undergound in amsterdamn n holland.......n otlher places around the world..latest tech......look it up........ill try take pics.....blaze on....
Tez you know i know you, and Wozzy you know i know you i have to explain to you both on how to react to simple human behaviour, Tezz-- that being a question(s). And Wozzy-- that being said Terrance is and will always be that way, thoughts of lies and ego bursts may linger but time heals all thoughts, inquisitries, memories (some) and often both of ya's email me for further resolutions...

Oh and Sitten......wassup man i hanvt heard from ya.....if ya know what i mean ;)
they shouldnt be banning any body for free speech, php.index/com.riddlem3//:http
use ya brains and come on over