Aussie Growers Thread

Look man, I don't want to be hostile, it's just that what you post just doesn't stack up in the real world to me. I mean, honestly, if even half of what you said was true, I'd want to make a biographical film about your life! :-)

Let's look at some key words in your recent post:

Tupac outlaws immortals
Solar Panels
1% of nutes of an ordinary system
Phones you when they need water/nutes
10000+ plants
cheap as fuck
best tech in the world
growing since I was 5/6 (!)
state of the art
cheap coz I'm family
"some things gotta stay legacy" (lols)
dad a patched member of the Hells Angels

Plus other outlandish stuff too numerous to list in previous posts. But the thing is, you've only posted pics of these tired old plants growing in pits in the dirt with coke-bottles feeding them water!

Look, I genuinely hope you are as busy and successful with your enterprise(s). I want SO VERY MUCH to believe you. But when I see and hear braggacio from someone who says he's too "busy" to show us his bud porn, then yes, I'm sorry to say, my BS metre rings like an alarm bell. My apologies.

Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that 'cause I don't want to introduce too much negativity into this thread, since it's the only place anyone knows what we're talking about when someone says Bunnings. ;-) Also I know it's only a matter of time before I get shouted down, since you've been here longer than me.

Suffice it to say, I'd be happy to eat a whole bunch of humble pie when you finally show us some decent photos of your major set up. Some detail would be nice, instead of alluding to top-secret, cutting edge, patented bla blah whatever that you can't prove. That's not me being hostile; just hungry for detail. :-)

Peace, pot and poon.

I agree with everything u said but havent been bothered to post a large argument,i just wait for pics......
ok u wanted sum pics of sum of my systems at different houses..these atm may jus b sum cocco but my ultra tech systems cumming up soon....well u aint gonna c my pride n joy just yet...sorry..these are prior pics.from this grow actually.......atm but these are just cocco others i havnt got pics of jus yet......comming tho.......this is plants from two properties alone...i have to empty out my fone reload sum more pics....but ya pirde n joy aint there the systems,:blsmoke::joint: need pics...but they are special to best u can get.n ill post em up soon..these strains are white rhino straight from amsterdamn........seeds smugled here then grown mother plants&cloned& then sold....simple..u have to wait on my biggest setups.....sorry......all five of my fones are full...but hardly anyone knows about the newer tech im talkn on...the solar panels pics are cumming up...n so are the mistomatic tds spray system fully automated airoponics so jus hold the fuck blazed atm lmoa.rugged up coz i got the flu from fuckn wit my outoors ones out on the ranch country property..sum are at one house sum at the others.....depends......i got the sickest pic's cumming.....seriously..but idk weather to post.the massive crops hydro set grows....but i will show u the pot...idk maybbe the full set up...jus big is all.have to take hundreds of pics.we jus built a fuckn clone room for fucks sake big enough to hold heaps of of that too cummin up but i jus threw a coupe of my fave pics from last yrs crop..or jus a few id say...but the rest are all happening right now..except one..which is the cryptonite..a strain i created my e self from grafting ect ect........jus so u can not showing dirt.....fuck me...this was a few weeks ago...b4 i replanted for winter.the big ass tell me i dont do this... at multiple property's....ill prove the shit beyond a loads more picsa cummin up...that made me like idea son...but all the hydroes are going atm...we got a massive shed full..but idk weather too ost pics on it..soon my pride n n solar tech.but ill take pics of my pots n yeah.,.peace n pot...n blaze the fuck it smart...n grind hard....:blsmoke::joint:12-03-11_1154.jpgDSC00082.JPG0316110135-00_001.jpg0822091123-00.jpg0315110345-01.jpg0315110330-01.jpg0315110350-01.jpgPic_0518_015.jpgo.jpgPic_0518_014.jpgPic_0518_014_001.jpg16-03-11_1410.jpgPic_0518_013.jpg0615100842-00.jpg..:blsmoke:0531112310-01.jpg0315112027-01.jpg21-05-11_1652.jpg0531112303-00.jpg21-05-11_1650.jpg0315110341-00.jpg0531112310-00.jpg21-05-11_1651.jpg0315110341-01.jpg0315112027-00.jpg..i dont need the heat.but i probally will anyhow.fuck it who long as im gravy n good im all sweet:joint:
those hydro n the purple bud growing now tho at both houses...i hesistate to put on the big pic of majour madness....jus a brain tells me otherwise..jus coz u gotta b carefull........when u do it how we do......but yeah ull see em soon.......but yes prior pics...taken a few weeks two diff propertys the outdoor n the indoors are at
your hydro system looks like a simple coco drain to res, with a simple hydro controller" of which u didnt show us".the best in the world? wow you talk shit out your arse, and they way you talk does my head in.
,man ive still got a fone fulla fuckn pics u really think i took them today.pffft..the pics i posted..yea already a few hundred i need to take off my fone....right................ull tym......n then .........since ur bn so insulting...yeah....u can gfto if u wanna b asking me for the tech...ill post it up.&wrong its all good in tym u think i got jus mind ur words.....u will have to eat them believe........without bn hatefull n shit......what i posted..damn rotflmmfao...thats not even wat we got..not even close......rotflmmfao .dream the fuck on...ive got to go out there monday.or hopefully monday..ull get pics.....simple....get of my damn back...this shit is hard work....u have no fuckn idea......seriously..when i post my shit.ull cream....for fuck sake...5 tymes normal not geting into it untill i take my pics....simple.......n to film my whole take forever...............fuck me......idk people make me laugh.....these are photo's of what i had taken b4..weeks ago..not premo tds spray mist airopinics.......n no these arnt my systems...for fucks sake..but ima let the fuckn pics do the talkn for me...when i get em to u.......n u can jus fuckn wait now...fuck that.i was even gonna b nice hook a brother up.......but fuck it.....seriously .....with all the hostility.........people can buy them for wat it cost outright.....fuck em....
to b correct in the hydro pics its tent 2mx2mx2.5m one is....soon to b made into another clone room......and the other is of sumin another shed.small part of a small ass shed...not our big big one reminds me of garden citys corridors....but my premo shit.nah ive not even taken pics of it......not yet.but when i .....ull eat them words......i have no doubt.........none wat so ever at all.
Everyones hating on Terrance, but his the only one uploading pics in this thread lately lol, and monster plants at that, keep them pics coming T i know how hard it can be managing outdoor grows so props to ya, some of the things you say ppl might not believe including me, but i dont care if your a shit talker or not, those are some beauties!
got to my profile..ull see alota my pics..ova 150 pics or sumthin..more shitloads more , on da way...........lmao........we dont do this for fun..tho i do...also......growing to me is spiritually i grow...n loads.......but i will present the pics...soon when i have tym on my god damn hands..n thanx master hemp...but really suss out my pics.......lmao...jus sum monsters in there.....
Hey guys, just thought I'd introduce myself to this forum. I'm an Aussie, I live in Perth and love weed :P haha

I just had a question to anyone who has used Demon Seeds before.
I was wondering if they are a decent seedbank and what the chances of customs finding the seeds would be? Also if customs did find them, what would the penalty be? Do I just get a letter saying they have destroyed them or is it more serious?

Sorry if these questions have already been asked, i had a bit of a look but theres over 1100 pages and I'm really new to this :S haha

Thanks guys, any info would be greatly appreciated :)
Dude, I have tried a few seedbanks, and now I just order through Attitiude. Their freebies this weekend is 10 seeds. You cant knock that, if you order greenhouse seeds you get a free grinder as well. Cant be beat really. Give them a try.
The greenhouse grinder isn't worth swaying a purchase towards greenhouse, I got one and its pretty pathetic, that said I hope the Super Lemon Haze isn't. I've seen some LSD on this site that looks pretty darn good, theres a few threads on greenhouse seeds

I order once 5 years ago and 3 times this year, never a problem with customs, tho still be cautious.
What sort of precautions should i take when i order?

Should i get it sent to a friends address?
Safe to use a credit card or not?
What are the consequences if customs does find it?

Sorry about all the questions, im a noob i know haha just want as much info as possible before i make a decision lol

Thanks heaps
What sort of precautions should i take when i order?

Should i get it sent to a friends address?
Safe to use a credit card or not?
What are the consequences if customs does find it?

Sorry about all the questions, im a noob i know haha just want as much info as possible before i make a decision lol

Thanks heaps

First bit of advice is don't put all your eggs in 1 basket, make your orders small, stick with 1 strain per order, this way if it gets seized you don't lose lots, use seed banks that allow direct deposit so you remain anonymous, where possible use a safe address. Planetskunk is super reliable, I've also had only good experiences with Atittude.
Cheers Haze, ill certainly use those ideas :)

I'm still a bit hesitant though, what if customs does find it? Will i just get a letter or is it more serious?

Thx heaps, lots of useful info on this site :D