Aussie Growers Thread

Wogtaz Ryder

Well-Known Member
ha , yer i just went through about 30 pages and had about 30 to go , i gave in and clicked straight to the end.

Things are great!

Chilled with my plants for a while this morning , they are all loving life!

Laughing Buddha is preflowering like crazy , looks like it will be a big yielder.


Well-Known Member
Nice, I do like the buddha. Yeah we kind of had a pissup in here last night, so there was a lot of dribbling. Vey little useful info in those pages my friend but a few good laughs


Well-Known Member
What shall buck smoke? kush? moby dick? or bagseed? well bagseed is outta the question... i think moby... need some brightening up...


Well-Known Member
hey wogtaz did you happen to catch the shots of my laughing buddha? she is a superb plant to grow, long flower but well worth it i think, big yield for sure

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Big night tonight , misso droping the kids at grannys and then it sex , drugs and rock n roll . well not just rockn roll ( all sort of music) Thank fuck my nieghbours are like 350 metres away


Well-Known Member
Supa my misso spent last night in an evacuation centre, she's passed out now, so it will be sex drugs and heavy metal for me, but I will be by myself


Well-Known Member
@miyagi that sucks man!!
@Supa yeh went the moby the hearer has carried over some of the speediness... fuck you macbook spell check its herer..


Well-Known Member
true that night i had scissors in one hand and lemon stomper seeds in the other. i was so close to ripping her down and popping some new seeds im glad i didnt now i have a little hope she might mature a little more at least