Aussie Growers Thread

it's shit luck more than anything. i've just treated them with some chammomile tea and cinnamon - it should deal with the funghi, dunno if the few i've left and treated will make it but if they do they are going in the coco for a couple of weeks, then i'll put them on 16/8 veg for a good while to strengthen them up.

i had a brief tantrum, i'm back on track lol
haha ahh dnt let it get to ya mate it's spose to be fun

im stoked with my clones first go at it and 90% strike rate.

sorry just had to mention that
yeah it's ok, i'm happy for ya, truly lol this shit happens, and i refuse to quit. i've pushed a baby out of me, i can do near anything after that lol
I feel for you kmoo...:sad:
I've had bad luck with my L8st grow while the ones b4 went off really well....
so I cant complain too loudly....:wall:

still ..........shech..... this growing story is one that takes years to play out and get together.... each mistake takes you closer to perfection and means a lot of time till the next success...
the quest for stable mothers has driven me since I started indoor growing and its been a couple of years and I'm still striving for that illusive ideal.... that search has lead me to making bubble hash and learning a whole new and very handy way to get the most out of my mistakes....
growing indoors has also opened up the way for me to grow outdoors in a whole new way ... I guess what I'm trying to say is indoor growing is a lifestyle,hobby and therapy for me so the bad luck is never gonna deter me,,its just more to learn.... I LOVE it all :bigjoint:
if you'd ever visited a vagina personally ninj, you'd know that a baby shouldn't slide outa there lol

i know jats, thats why i calmed myself down after my ten minute tanty lol literally every day i find out something about growing i didn't know the day before, each mistake i make is a mistake i wont make again, each thing that goes wrong is something i learn how to deal with as it happens, so slowly but surely i know i'll get there.

congratulations on the seed arrival!
jats would you tell me more of this tincture notion you mentioned - i'm interested in the logistics of it all lol

i'm so pleasantly high right now, yay!!
There are threads on it and you could prob goggle it... but all I really know about it is ,,,you use alcohol to extract the thc from the plant and then make it up into a tincture by adding more alcohol to it.....then you only need to take a couple of drops under the tongue and away you smoke ,,,no oil.....nice..
I personally do love to smoke but know it is not good.......the devil in me :fire: loves the fire
ah yeah i looked into it briefly, but wasn't sure if that was what you meant coz that kinda alcohol being ingested seemed maybe a bit full on lol but i'll def read more into it.

i've been a cigarette smoker for many many years, i gave them up about a month ago now and honestly i find the act of smoking tedious now. i used to love it, LOVE it lol i'm thinking of getting a vaporizer

my devil is inclined towards other stuff lol
Unfortunately this is still on my to-do list.. Hahaha

I think this goes 4 every grower, it shows u aren't an arrogant Jackass :)

aww thanks dude! lol

i was looking at stuff online last night and i tells ya, sex toys have come leaps n bounds since i was last inclined to look at such a website, get yerself a practice fanny LOL
no sex is worth $180 lol dont get me wrong, love the intercourse but i can't imagine having to pay for it lol

and what with all this weed and growing consuming ones funds, i'd sooner wank

so i was ready to watch a movie with my home made pita chips and copperpot dip and my mum and little brother swing by, and demolish my snashta lol but that's cool coz they seemed totally peckish, but now i had to make more and i nearly couldn't coordinate the mission lol
Haha, lol, i wonder y ur mum and brother had the munchies.. I wonder if thats all ur goodies that they got stuck in2..
haha nah man she hasn't smoked weed since the late nineties and my bro is too young, they are super tasty in fairness lol

i usually get myself stoned most days, not to a crazy level just to get my buzz on and sleepy and good. tonight i've decided to test my boundaries lol

has anyone seen inglorious basterds?