Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7454695 said:
Ill get some more pics, sorry the diesel is a little out of focus, its right up the back of the tent so its hard to lean in and hold steady lol.
A small tip for your cam haze ;) try iso on 80, and try out different exposure levels, and you will find a nice balance where a bit of hand shake won't matter, the lower the ISO the quicker the shutter speed, then you just increase your EV (exposure value) to increase aperture (more light let in, so colours can saturate deeply for the quick shutter speed,) flash on ofcourse! pics look great man, glad to see you gettin the hang of the samsung!!

ohh and image stabaliser off will make clearer pics, with it turned on it will help with anti-shake, happy snappin man! wow wow wow.

Insane man. gorgeous variety!!!


Well-Known Member
FUCK THAT... was up on the roof last week sucks bad! yeh well supa does man not the BCS pheno tho she's the purp.. Just snagged a pack of beans C99 IBL..


Well-Known Member
Yeh me too man got a nice little write up here

GENETICS: Original C99 F1 Genetics

In 1997, I (MrSoul) discovered a few seeds in a bud of Jack Herer I bought @ "Sensi Smile" coffeeshop in Amsterdam while there to buy seeds.
I didn't expect much when I grew them, but one of those seeds from the JH bud produced a very special female that I call "Princess".
Therefore Princess' mother was a Jack Herer (IF we can believe what Sensi Smile printed on the package) and her father is a totally unidentified mystery plant.
I also got 2 more females (Genius & Cafe'Girl) & several males from those seeds.
I used pollen from one of the males on a heavy-yielding, dense, resinous ShivaSkunk (from Sensi Seedbank) female, then grew the resulting seeds to get males to produce pollen to cross Princess with, beginning the cubing process.
The first generation of seeds from Princess were called P.50 because they were 50% Princess.
I used males from the P.50 generation to back-cross to Princess to get P.75 and again back-crossed with the P.75 pollen to get P.88 and again with the P.88 pollen to get P.94 which is "Cinderella 99", a cubed version of Princess.
The name "Cinderella" was chosen because of the parallels between this story and the well-known fairy tale in which Cinderella becomes a Princess despite her humble beginning.

Most plants will be sativa-ish in structure. Stems will need bracing on most as well. Stretch will be about 1X. Feed her until tips burn during veg then back off the ppm's a bit until week 4 of flowering. Then a PK boost at 5 and six then flush a week. They will be done in 7 weeks but an odd one or two will go a bit further. I like mine at 49 dayz due to the insane sativa rush when taken at that mark. They will degrade in potency if let go long. Or at least swing more towards a couchlock or confusing high. Dont panic if fans start turning yellow and falling off sooner than you are used to. It is a trait with this strain. Hope this helps.

And did I mention the tropical greasy grapefruity/pineapple resin this plant will produce? One of a kind. If you walk blindfolded, into a room full of budding C99, you would not know that there was Marijuana being grown in there. You would think you stepped into a grapefruit or pineapple processing center. This plant is heaven for those concerned about odours indoors. Nobody, except maybe the experienced grower, would be able to detect what was going on. Even if you had no odor controls in place.

The cap

Well-Known Member
Hey guys.. Wanted some opinions.!!
My mate is growing the same stuff he did last time, same area, same nutes, same everything.. Although this time they are taking weeks longer are more immature really fluffy and not dense at all,
the only thing he is doing different that I have just thought about is he isn't using his extraction fan (cos of noise worries) but I have just thought could that make that big a difference???
I think maybe, but I have no idea really..!!!
Any thoughts appreciated..!!!

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
From here.

CO2 is an odorless, invisible, and non-flammable gas. It is also safe for humans in the maximum concentrations recommended for plant growth. The average level of CO2 in the atmosphere is about 300 PPM (parts per million). If the level decreases down below 200 PPM in an enclosed growing area, plant growth slows to a halt. Through the years of testing and research, the optimum enrichment level of CO2 for plant growth has been agreed to be about 1500 PPM. With CO2 enrichment, under good conditions, plant growth rates and flowering will increase 20-100%. CO2 can be used from seedling right through harvest.
That's my stab at it.

The cap

Well-Known Member
Its in a modified small tin shed in his garage (much to me telling him to do better than that!!!) so it just gets air through the gaps at the top of the roller doors front and back and from gaps in shed..

The cap

Well-Known Member
The more I think about it, the more I am sure it is the problem.. I'll be telling him to get it going NOW!!!!!

The cap

Well-Known Member
Already have mate, he's a lazy fucker like I was when I started but I soon learnt short cuts turned out to be long cuts in the long run...
If he used a box with insulation around fan do you think it would get too hot???
And with ducting is the insulated ducting quieter than the straight foil type..???? I'm sure this is an obvious question yet I've never tried either..


Well-Known Member
Nah the fan acts as a cooler itself dude and the insulated ducting makes a huge difference but it cost me $75 for 6 meters of 150mm