Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Had a little story while back one of the lads from over this way and his boss got really close workin all the same hours together having drinks after work and shit. One of the butchers found out that the boss ordered a bed for the apprentice for his birthday as a house warming present all was cool. Till one of the managers of the shop went in one morning early to bone some beef found the boss chocking the apprentice in the fridge fuck had a laugh i tell ya man!


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah, I think alot of people would never eat again if they saw what goes on with and around their food before they get it. Especially when I worked with food


Well-Known Member
Haha this one cunt I knew worked in a food warehouse for a major chain. He was order picking in a high rise machine and was overcome with the squirts. He slipped off his dacks, put the runny undies in a plastic bag and packed it into his pallet. The next day the pallet was returned to the DC from the store with a big fuss. The leading hands cleaned the shit off and sent the pallet back to the store again.
They threatened DNA testing and all so the dude fessed up and quit. Just another day contaminated food hits your shelves!


Well-Known Member
lol funny stuff miyagi. i used to work with a bloke. real westy. if he was busting for a shit and we were out woop woop he would take a shit. rip the front pocket off his shirt wipe his arse with it. then he would pocket it, take it home wash it and get his mrs to sow it back on good as new lol.
Yes, i did & those pics are making me drool Sam...Is that one of those grow your own kits? Can anyone still get those things?

Full moon tonight boys: smoke, snort, lick or eat them if you got 'em
Well... sort of. You can make / sterilise your own cakes, Inoculate them with you own (or some purchased) spores.

The Method is known as "PFTEK" as coined by a mycologist who calls himself "psilocybe fanaticus". see here --->
If you purchase spores, get them as a print and not a syringe, after all it WILL be scanned through customs.

Hey Miyags, did you ever put gipsum (calcium) and coffee water into your cubensis cakes? if not you should try it, I had shrooms that no shit look like the hulk. 52g one shroom (wet)... so i think it was around 5g dry... and for the record, I rekon it was stronger too.

It's long been known that adding 1 tablespoon(not ten percent) of gypsum to the basic brf recipe for 5 jars will improve performance. The cakes can also be hydrated with weak coffee rather than plain water, but no more than 1/2 drinking strength." <--- Psilocybe Fanaticus Forum Post

edit: 2x flushes of hulk shrooms, then a flush of tiny caps from a martini glass cake.

The cap

Well-Known Member
Hey Kents, Just a quick drop in before I'm off to play footy...
Wk4 Flower (5).jpgWk4 Flower (2).jpg

Week 4 Flower... Not as crystaly as your stuff...
But, I'm hoping..!!! Things are progressing OK, considering...
Take it easy...