Auto-flower solo cup contest entries -- post your picture and update here


Well-Known Member
Got you buddy.

Glad to see your doing your best AK. Even with the Christmas Flu. I swear every year some in our family gets sick and gets everyone else sick. EVERY YEAR.

Good spirits, stay green



thanks everyone, and merry christmas to all of you guys as well. i am glad to hear everyone is doing for the negative, our business some cant help but think the worst and its OK...I would hope if I went to jail I would have the support of this community,even though I know I would. regardless, lets forget that silliness, i do NOT plan on going to the fucking clink anytime soon, which I might add is a place where humans rights abuses are seen everyday, I HAVE been in county jail before, and how ''criminals'' are forced to live is nothing but fucking disgusting...especially in a country that is ''first world'' and where ''your innocent until proven guilty''....yea, right....''you are innocent until proven guilty BUT we're just going to lock you up like a caged fucking animal until your trial, good luck!...god bless 'murica''

fucking scumbags

maybe tonight all of us here on the outside can sit down and be really thankful that we arent locked up like that, and always remember, there are hundreds of thousands if not MILLIONS across the USA in a literal animal cage, a 10by8 with a sink and toilet for 3 people...conditions that we dont even let dogs live in...and while im on the subject, we shouldnt forget one of our great moderator friends FDD2BLK, who is currently in serving over a year federal prison for something that grows out of the ground naturally.

merry christmas everyone, keep these people in your thoughts and appreciate yourself, your family and your fellow human beings.




Well-Known Member
it was suppose to be a joke... you guys are so touchy lol

i suppose some are not used to the more complex humor.

glad to see everything is well ak


Staff member
thread closed until people can stop arguing.

this is why we dont host contests folks thanks for ruining it


god dammit guys, quit it with the bickering...i come here to check in with you all and the thread is closed...if we cant get along with this shit RIU brass will NEVER let me or any other mod for that matter host another contest, is that what we really want to happen? blu said it was a joke, its a joke, lets just leave it at that and forget about it...i was going to message all the judges tonight and try to update but now that the thread is closed im just pissed and am not going to be the one to re-open...when sunni feels everyone can get along better she will open and we will move ahead...until that time maybe you all can work it out via private, and i swear if i see this argument spilling into other threads I will shut this whole shit down...I feel i have been VERY nice up until now, but I am getting aggravated. its the holiday season, JUST GET ALONG.



alright, sunni was nice enough to open the thread back up, you should all be thankful she did, because i had no intention of doing so. lets see if we can all get along now and put every single post before this one behind us, a fresh start so to speak.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season, I am going to try to get ahold of the judges and see if we cant move this forward.


Hey guys, Now that we have hopefully moved past that nonsense we can get down to business,I have looked over all of the entries myself, now i am going to be getting all of the entries recorded and into a thread for the judges to make their picks, i have spoken with a couple of judges so far and they are basically just waiting for it to be made a bit easier which i am working on right now. more news to come soon guys.


not much bro, just trying to get everything sorted and in order so the judges can pic kthe winners! how about yourself? my holiday is going pretty ood so far.


Well-Known Member
oh nothing much chillin like a villian on penaclin like bob dylan haha finally got some shopping done today its gift cards for everyone my wifey been in the hosiptal last 5 days so ive been holding down the fort


Well-Known Member
this is a test post. ignore.
bongsmilie Ignored !!!!

happy holidays everyone

Kwanzaa or what ever it is you celebrate

i dont know what the scientoligists celebrate area 51 landing or something well happy crash day to you too


Well-Known Member
ok @ AK

ive gone through like half the thread im going cross eyed at the moment ill see what i can do to get a list and final weights and possibly a link to where they posted in the thread
to help out a bit


Well-Known Member
Hey bro. I wrote you a pm a week or so ago. I hope it found you and want lost on the worldwide web. lol.. haha ;) Just seeing how you was doing, also wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.. Have a good 1 bro..

not much bro, just trying to get everything sorted and in order so the judges can pic kthe winners! how about yourself? my holiday is going pretty ood so far.


what up all. i think i did get your PM dank, i will look back and respond ASAP! and tek thanks i have went back through the entire thread and looked as well. what i need to do is get every entry and pic ''quoted'' (with pic and text) so i can copy those posts into a new thread, for some reason thoug hwhen i press reply with quote, it is only taking the text and NOT the pics, which is my going to try maybe a different browser BUT...if you look on page 6...stew took ALL the entries from 1-6 and put them all in one post on page from there until page 20 is a few more entries and at 20-21 the pics of the entries stop coming so basically i have it narrowed down from, if you look on page 6 youll see about half of the entries that stew was kind enough to put into a single post, and then from 7-20 are the still just trying to figure out how im going to get them all together onto one thread, it might take a sec but ill get it figured out :)

dont worry guys i promise i am trying

