Auto Lemon-O-Matic Day 14 from seed


Well-Known Member

I've been growing my Auto Lemon-O-Matic seed for 14 days now.

It seems to be growing at a very slow pace, if you look at the picture i have attached
you will see the size on my plant so far.

I think i transplanted the plant in to a bigger pot (1g) to early and the plant has went in to shock
but since doing that it has grown the second set of leafs and if you scroll up you should be able to
start seeing the 3rd set of leafs coming through.

Here is the information on my seedling

Also in my grow box this is the information on the box

Size - H 1225 - W 455 D 455

im using 2 x 30 watt 6400 cfl bulbs

I cant understand why its not growing properly can it be because it should have a 125watt cfl bulb like this for one plant.

This is the light that im thinking of getting today.

If i purchase the above light do you think it will grow better?.

Plant at 14 days old from bracken the soil.



Well-Known Member
I'm no expert on growing autos or photos......but from what I've read the first two weeks of an auto is spent growing its tap-root.


Well-Known Member
so i guess its still growing then.

Do you think i should change to the 125watt bulb that should help them grow better?.
Leaf tips curling and yellow. will need more info - temps, proximity to light, watering schedule, soil composition but def she is not feeling great.


Well-Known Member
I have now added a 125w and 2x 30w cfl bulbs does this look better and will the plant grow better now?.



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like she might be overwatered. When plants are this young you want to water like every 4 days. You want the top of the soil to dry out slowly so the roots will grow down and out to find more water. This make your plant bigger and healthy. It almost looks like you are drowning her!
I think you might be too focused on the light. probably one of the little ones by itself is more then enough for now, even though they do look to be the wrong color. I was going to say overwatering too. MJ roots need air (dry soil) to grow, let her breathe.


It's just a sprout, even a 25w clf could provide enough light at this point, it's most likely overwatered. Are you using anything but just water? Don't fertilize for at least the first two weeks


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt fertilize the first 3-4 weeks unless you see some N deficiency. Dont make a schedule to water every 5 days. I used 4 days just as an example could be 3 or 5-6 depends on your conditions. I like to lift the pot and check the weight of it. Dry soil weighs way less than wet so i get a feel for it. Also stick a finger in soil. 3 inches down gets dry go ahead and water. Overwatering really stunts plants at a young age.


feel and know the weight of the pot, you will know the weight, use that as a reference to how hydrated they are. watching over your plants is like a father caring for a child. don't do too much, take a step back and let them grow on their own ;)


Totally agree, Light doesnt seem the issue because it hasnt stretched up, usually if a seedling doesnt get enough light they tend to stretch tall having a very long stem, which in your case is not true but in the picture you posted the soil looks very wet. even when the soil dries this time i would still leave it for a extra 12 hours before watering, another rule of thumb usually plants like to be watered at the beginning of the day/ light cycle. So for example you feel that the pot is light and needs watering the day before leave it till the morning to water unless you see the plant is wilting then water immediately.


Well-Known Member

Here is another update of my plant seems to be growing ok as you can prob see there is 2 new leafs starting to come though on the plant.

Look at the color difference now from an old picture and the new one she looks more happy now.

Taken on 10/4/13


Taken on 11/4/13 day 15


Well-Known Member
Do u guys think it's looking lot healthier that what it was yesterday also her color has came back again and growing.


Well-Known Member
do u see the difference in color i also have noticed since adding the new light it has straitened up aswell :)