Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


what kinda of seeds comes out from pollinating an autoflower seed
photoperiod or autoflower and could I figure out the difference?


Well-Known Member
hey i just ordered some fast bud and number one auto fem seeds but i will have to be growing outdoors....i havnt heard much on ppl growing autos outdoors and what ive heard is that they dnt really act as autos if outdoors meaning size and lifecycle....if u hav any input or links to this matter i would greatly appreciate it!!
I just finished up a little known strain from Advanced Seeds called Low Girl outdoors. Bought it as a single seed from Attitude and wish I would have gotten more. Germed 2 weeks inside then moved outside. Showed sex after about 2 1/2 weeks and harvested at the end of week 7. I wanted to let it go longer, but the last time I checked on it something ate pretty much all my fan leaves! Figured without leaves it would be pointless and didn't want whatever it was to come back and finish it off, haha. Only got about 1/8 dry, but it is very good smoke. Could see it yeilding much more under better conditions, my plant didn't get enough light. I would definitely grow her again.

Put them in a spot where they will receive as much direct sunlight as possible.


Active Member
what kinda of seeds comes out from pollinating an autoflower seed
photoperiod or autoflower and could I figure out the difference?
Depends on how you got the seed...Did you pollinate an auto male with an auto female or a reg male with an auto female, or what?


Active Member
hey i just ordered some fast bud and number one auto fem seeds but i will have to be growing outdoors....i havnt heard much on ppl growing autos outdoors and what ive heard is that they dnt really act as autos if outdoors meaning size and lifecycle....if u hav any input or links to this matter i would greatly appreciate it!!
I'm having my first experience with autos if you want to stop on by and check it out the link is in my signature. Autos are supposed to "act as autos" no matter what light they are under. The sun is the most penetrating light possible and is also full spectrum, so I would assume they would do fine as long as you had some way to keep the animals away from them while they are really little. I started my autos indoors and then moved them outside at varying times, and the one that went outside first has grown the most. I don't know if its because they went outside, but they are all the same strain and that is the only thing I did different that I can think of...
I just finished up a little known strain from Advanced Seeds called Low Girl outdoors. Bought it as a single seed from Attitude and wish I would have gotten more. Germed 2 weeks inside then moved outside. Showed sex after about 2 1/2 weeks and harvested at the end of week 7. I wanted to let it go longer, but the last time I checked on it something ate pretty much all my fan leaves! Figured without leaves it would be pointless and didn't want whatever it was to come back and finish it off, haha. Only got about 1/8 dry, but it is very good smoke. Could see it yeilding much more under better conditions, my plant didn't get enough light. I would definitely grow her again.

Put them in a spot where they will receive as much direct sunlight as possible.

thanx alot!..i will do that and i will also check out these Low Girls you speak of...
I'm having my first experience with autos if you want to stop on by and check it out the link is in my signature. Autos are supposed to "act as autos" no matter what light they are under. The sun is the most penetrating light possible and is also full spectrum, so I would assume they would do fine as long as you had some way to keep the animals away from them while they are really little. I started my autos indoors and then moved them outside at varying times, and the one that went outside first has grown the most. I don't know if its because they went outside, but they are all the same strain and that is the only thing I did different that I can think of...
kool that makes me feel a little better about em...yea ill check out ur grow


Active Member
I am pollinating an auto female with regular male
I am doing one auto female with an auto male, and using that same auto male to pollinate my reg female. I've been told it will just end up being a reg plant with a little shorter flowering period. Thats just IMO tho


I grew Big Buddha Auto in a grow tent in my shed, they took about 3 1/2 - 4 months to finish cos it was quite cold in there at the time. I only yielded around 25g off 4 plants but that was due to my inexperience. The smoke was SWWEEEEETTT lol. Three were around 2' tall and one stayed about 10". If there are any questions about these you think I may be able to help with, ask away!! Here are a few pics I took about 2 weeks or so before I harvested:weed:

Happy Growing!!!!!!
Very nice pics you have there gwillim of the big buddah auto, my babies have a few more flowers showing which are starting to join into cola's what light did you use? Im just using sunshine lol. Ive gone a bit overboard with the LST, but this allowing the side branches to really fill out. Having started 30 together Ive noticed quite a bit of variation in size and vigour between the plants: 29 sprouted with most growing to nearly 3 feet, they all have the same light but several have remained small and have slightly crumpled mutant leaves. I even ended up with 2 males which I promptly chopped down ( this despite purchasing feminised! I guess despite using rodelisation / gibrellic acid / colloidal silver it is still possible to get y chromosomes in there ) Thanks for the info on how long these take to finish my friend. I anticipate these genetics will have a fairly standard flowering time of 9 weeks or so going off what you said / how they look. I'm glad that they are not as fast (to mature) as some auto strains as this can only increase yield. I noticed with these strains that flowering is fully auto but happens at different times between weeks 6-9 i my case. I like the idea of getting some DR beans mainly for the taste but I'm unimpressed with their size / yield / time to finish going off what Ive seen of other peoples grows maybe auto AK might be a better bet next time out .

I will try to get some pics uploaded as these things march towards the finish. Im hoping off the remaining 24 that I will yield 14grams + per plant but this is just speculation. I wish they where ready now, they smell so good.... Im a complete CBD fiend so im gonna wait for "all amber" trichomes looks like I could be waiting another 6-7 weeks from here sigh....


Hi all, i have 2 auto lowlife ak47s 5weeks into grow, 1 has been budding for about 2 weeks fine 60cm tall bushy in 5ltr container, grown in all mix and only feeding with liquid fish mix (3ml per liter of water) once a week and now it is budding i use (2ml per liter of water) top max, but leaves are a bit small and now they are starting to curl at the edges i have read up and think it may be Magnesium deficiency so i hope buy spraying them with epsom salts should solve the prob i hope. ok thats number 1, now the other is the same in a 5ltr container grown in all mix and only feeding with liquid fish mix (3ml per liter of water) once a week. Plant is nice bushy 60cm tall but only a couple of hairs near the top and when i say a couple i mean a couple, what is going on here?


Very nice pics you have there gwillim of the big buddah auto, my babies have a few more flowers showing which are starting to join into cola's what light did you use? Im just using sunshine lol. Ive gone a bit overboard with the LST, but this allowing the side branches to really fill out. Having started 30 together Ive noticed quite a bit of variation in size and vigour between the plants: 29 sprouted with most growing to nearly 3 feet, they all have the same light but several have remained small and have slightly crumpled mutant leaves. I even ended up with 2 males which I promptly chopped down ( this despite purchasing feminised! I guess despite using rodelisation / gibrellic acid / colloidal silver it is still possible to get y chromosomes in there ) Thanks for the info on how long these take to finish my friend. I anticipate these genetics will have a fairly standard flowering time of 9 weeks or so going off what you said / how they look. I'm glad that they are not as fast (to mature) as some auto strains as this can only increase yield. I noticed with these strains that flowering is fully auto but happens at different times between weeks 6-9 i my case. I like the idea of getting some DR beans mainly for the taste but I'm unimpressed with their size / yield / time to finish going off what Ive seen of other peoples grows maybe auto AK might be a better bet next time out .

I will try to get some pics uploaded as these things march towards the finish. Im hoping off the remaining 24 that I will yield 14grams + per plant but this is just speculation. I wish they where ready now, they smell so good.... Im a complete CBD fiend so im gonna wait for "all amber" trichomes looks like I could be waiting another 6-7 weeks from here sigh....
I bought a full grow kit to start myself off mate, with a 200w CFL light which I found nowhere near powerful enough (hence the small yield). I've now upgraded to a 250w HPS and 4 20w CFL's (one above each plant) which has made a huge difference to my new grow and I've installed a room stat controlled tube greenhouse heater. Sunlight is always going to be the best if you've got the option so I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with your end result!! I can't comment on the AK's cos I've never grown or know anyone who's grown them! My grow atm is Big Buddha Cheese (Regular not Auto, that's why I haven't posted any pics on here but feel free to check them out in my profile). I'm using all biobizz soil and nutes which seem to be good!
I reckon you'll have no prob getting 14g(approx) from each one cos in the last week or so of my BBA grow I'd fitted the HPS and they really started to bloom, shame I left it so late:cuss:

Yeah, try and get some pics up when you can!!


Well-Known Member
What kind of yields do you guys average on your auto grows?
I have had trouble with my outdoor ones (mold and animal attacks), they have had about an eight on them so far. My flower power going now, I have gotten about an eight off of the lower branches, the top is still growing. I had to take them due to some fucked up sickness or something with the stems. But the bud has been good on all of the ones I have grown, outdoors so far have been big devil, fast bud, and flower power. Indoors I got about an eight to a quarter off of my Diesel Ryders, but they were under a 90w ufo most of their life, 5 females that is, and were seeded pretty good, 12/12 light cycle, not the best conditions to judge their yield on. But thats what I got in those conditions so they can do much better.


Well-Known Member
hey i just ordered some fast bud and number one auto fem seeds but i will have to be growing outdoors....i havnt heard much on ppl growing autos outdoors and what ive heard is that they dnt really act as autos if outdoors meaning size and lifecycle....if u hav any input or links to this matter i would greatly appreciate it!!
Check my thread in my signature, fast bud does good outdoors, mine didnt get much light in the beginning, but pulled through and got about 2 ft tall. Unfortunately it got ripped out of the ground by some animal so there are no finished pics, but there are some decent bud pictures on there, she just needed a few more weeks...


Active Member
My plants are dying!!! What should I do? I fed their first bloom nutes a week ago, 6 weeks in or so. I decided like an idiot to give a strong dose cus they were so old and getting their first bloom nutes. But noticed some frying leaves the next day. So I did a few weak flushes. But then I realized it was still kinda frying brown tips on lower leaves. So I got some more good water and did a decent flush. Since I kept watering all week to flush a little, I was a little worried about overwatering. So I put a few cups of hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy in a few gallons of water. The biggest plant is now getting so bad, every day WAYYY worse. Necrotic brown/black spots all over. SUCKS! More flushing? Or is it overwatered? Or is it deficient now?

I used 1/2 tsp dynagrow bloom per gal in a few gallons for 3 plants. Its only a 4-15-7 or something like that.... With ALL the micronutes