Autoflowering leaves


New Member
This is my first grow, the plants are now 2 weeks old and the leaves have a healthy appearance but seem very heavy and are drooping.
Can you guess the origin of this?
Have I reasons to worry?


New Member
I only have this one when they were 12 day old but you can see this droopy leaves in the top left pot
Sorry for my english too... hope you understand



Well-Known Member
Shouldn't go by "days gone by", bro. You'll need to feel the soil with your fingertip, go a few inches down. If she still feels damp, don't water... It's very easy to tell with that method (opinion). Another way, is to feel how heavy your pot is right after watering, and right before. Soon or later you'll know when to water by the weight of your growing pot. Best of luck to ya!

And also, I've noticed that right after watering, many leaves will "droop". So if your experiencing this right after watering. That might be why


New Member
Shouldn't go by "days gone by", bro. You'll need to feel the soil with your fingertip, go a few inches down. If she still feels damp, don't water... It's very easy to tell with that method (opinion). Another way, is to feel how heavy your pot is right after watering, and right before. Soon or later you'll know when to water by the weight of your growing pot. Best of luck to ya!

And also, I've noticed that right after watering, many leaves will "droop". So if your experiencing this right after watering. That might be why
thanks a lot I will try that first way and I hope that overwatering is the problem because i think its easy to solve... Anyway do you know how can I like your reply?