Autoflowers in cornfield?

roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
I wanna try putting some autoflowers in a cornfield, but have never grown outside before. I read the farmers spray the corn with pesticides until the corn gets to a certain height, does anybody know how tall the corn gets before they stop spraying? By then would the corn be to tall and block all light for the small autos. I am highly interested in Pandora from Paradise seeds as my main strain, I was interested in Jock Horror from Nirvana but it seems to be unstable yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated + rep.


Well-Known Member
Ive grown in corn feilds before, never with autoflowers though. You will never lose where you grow as long as you remember where to go in at, then just count how many rows down. You have to find the right corn feilds though. Theres a thing called cow corn, and that is left out in the season much longer, as late as October here. People corn is harvested much earlier and not a good choice.
Okay, now here is the thing that a lot of people don't know. You start the plants early, but dont transplant into cornfeild until about mid july or later! Because like you were saying, the tractor drives through the rows spraying the corn, but as soon as the corn gets tall enough( waist high) the tractor does not have the clearance to drive through the rows. I always like to amend the soil with some extra manure and peat moss. Hope that helps. happy toking :blsmoke:

roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
Ive grown in corn feilds before, never with autoflowers though. You will never lose where you grow as long as you remember where to go in at, then just count how many rows down. You have to find the right corn feilds though. Theres a thing called cow corn, and that is left out in the season much longer, as late as October here. People corn is harvested much earlier and not a good choice. Okay, now here is the thing that a lot of people don't know. You start the plants early, but dont transplant into cornfeild until about mid july or later! Because like you were saying, the tractor drives through the rows spraying the corn, but as soon as the corn gets tall enough( waist high) the tractor does not have the clearance to drive through the rows. I always like to amend the soil with some extra manure and peat moss. Hope that helps. happy toking :blsmoke:
Thank you, that does help a lot. I'm using autoflowers because of how short the corn season is. What strain do you use that finishes before the corn?


Well-Known Member
Ive used many strains, almost all them indica dominant. When I said cow corn, Farmers grow that corn specifically for food for cows, they just grind it all up, but its left out much longer then regular corn. I can usually harvest before the corns pulled, I harvest between ocotober first and october 15th approximately, im usually on the safe side with those dates. If you saying your growing autoflowers, you only have a 2 month season or so you should have plenty of time, stick them in ground end of july early august, and have a nice harvest end of september.

roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
Ive used many strains, almost all them indica dominant. When I said cow corn, Farmers grow that corn specifically for food for cows, they just grind it all up, but its left out much longer then regular corn. I can usually harvest before the corns pulled, I harvest between ocotober first and october 15th approximately, im usually on the safe side with those dates. If you saying your growing autoflowers, you only have a 2 month season or so you should have plenty of time, stick them in ground end of july early august, and have a nice harvest end of september.
I always get some photoperiod freebies every time I order, I'll have to plant 2-3 and see what happens. Is height a problem or do you just top them?


Well-Known Member
yea, as far as height goes, I just wouldn't let the marijuana plants grow taller then the corn, might stand out a bit lol. I usually like to have 4 colas per plant, topping twice at least. When I first started I would only plant 2 plants per area, I was sketchy of helicopters, but after I while I got lazy, its less work when you got more plants in the same area as opposed to having them spread out every wheres. But yes planting them in the row is the idea, so if a fly-over happened it would probably be seen as corn. They plant corn pretty close together, I found I have to take out 2-3 plants of corn to have a nice spot for a marijuana plant with some sun penetration.