AW's Grow


Well-Known Member
ONA'd out! Whew! I opened a jar of ona gel for a test run. I put it in place, open, to see how far the smell would creep and be potent. Well, it is strong as hell throughout the whole house! I guess once I am flowering, we will smell nothing but ona. I have plenty of ona to use up, so I am not going to change anything up on this grow, but I do wonder about the possibilities of a carbon filter.I think that I would need a larger cfm fan to pull air through a carbon scrubber but I am achieving wonderful airflow with a single 6" booster fan, so I hate to have to get a new fan. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1844232View attachment 1844239 :peace:Just a couple update photos. Northern Light Blue is showing sex! I switched the schedule just 4-5 days ago! There are just a few whispy pistils, but they're there. You can see that the autoflower is also budding it's ass off,View attachment 1844233 hopefully it'll make for some nice 'early' smoke. I also included a shot of the White Rhino (back, left corner of the tent), it is just a shrubby cabbage of an Indica, fat ass leaves.

mr west

Well-Known Member
you have to post the picture url into the insert images box. In the quick reply box its along the top with the bold italicand underline. You will get the image url by right clicking the thumb nail of the uploaded pic and then jus paste in the


Well-Known Member
Looks like a jungle in there!!
Man, it's all about the conditions. You know of the eternal struggle I had with heat in my last grows. Being able to keep the babies in the 70's has been so awesome. That, and like you have always said, REFLECTIVITY. Every bit of light is so concentrated in there. I plan on doing this one right. No early "tasters", proper cure, ect. I have a pretty steady line on some decent schwag, so that'll keep my hand out of the goodie bag. I can't wait to smoke some decent herb. The brick weed here is so compacted, I damn near have to use channel locks to break it apart. Don't bother picking seeds out, they're just smashed in there. Griind it all.


Well-Known Member
Is this a feckin' Hermie? I noticed a couple of growths on the Church. What the fuck are these pray tell? Please not the Herm. Please not the Herm. No GenderBenders.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, kinda jumped the gun about "hermie". I guess I was taking for granted that the seed was feminized.


Well-Known Member
Well then, choppity chop for HIM. I need to max out my growing potential in light of this. I think I am going to get an old non-working refrigerator, convert to a grow cab, and put the existing autoflower +1 more autoflower (seed) in there with my spare 400w MH. 18/6


Well-Known Member
In the mean time...... Now that I have an empty "footprint" in the Jardin, I have started germing another AutoFlower seed. Seems like the best for the shitty situation. It will do fair on the current 12/12 cycle, but if I harvest all of my photo plants before this one, I can let it finish out 24/0. At least I'll get some smoke for the now empty growspace. It will be Diavolo II from Delicious Seeds (freebie). Here's what they have to say about it....

Delicious Seeds II Diavolo is a new cross of a Critical+ with a Ruderalis specially developed by the Delicious Seeds for indica and Critical lovers. This strain has very distinct autoflowering characteristics, she is extremely quick, extremely powerful and extremely pleasant.
Autoflowering characteristics grant Il Diavolo cannabis seeds the ability to completely flower without the need for reduction of day-light hours. Her seeds grow consistently well and finish under 24 hours of light - from sprouting to harvest - in 7 weeks, although you can achieve similar results with 18 hours of light per day. Like with any other autoflowering strains, you don't have to change the light period to induce flowering, or to have separate vegetative and flowering rooms.

Automatic seeds of Il Diavolo are resistant to plague and mould and show good response to nearly all growing methods. Some cannabis growers notice a light nutrient sensitivity and, as such, the seeds should be fed lightly. If you feed her lightly and never allow the medium to dry out, this marijuana variety will reward you with an extremely resinous and bulky main cola, medium branching with plenty of smaller, frosty nuggets and a truly delicious strong and fruity, berry-like aroma. Her yield is as much as 300 gr per m2 when growing indoors. Also suitable for outdoor cultivation.
These cannabis is definitely one of the best from the Delicious Seed. Its cannabis seeds are easy and fast growing, with a quite a commercial yield and a mixed high of 17% of THC, combining a couchlock and mild munchies effect, she is suitable for anyone who long for new experiences.