Bacon Shortage

In Australia we produce enough food to feed 75million people and our population is 25million. We be desperate to sell you guys some because the Chinese won't buy it off us anymore because we asked questions about the origins of covid.
We have shit loads of wine, seafood and wheat going for cheap!!
That’s awesome! And some some of your delicious looking weed as well please. Nothing compares to weed grown from down under.
I've heard about that. I've seen none of it in my personal experience other than some home appliances being unavailable. But food? I buy frugally. Shop sales and such. So, I'm not seeing any increase in food cost, much less anything like a shortage. This thread seems a bit hysterical to me.

Maybe it's because we, my family, are back in lockdown mode. We aren't going out to eat. We did mid summer when it seemed like we could but not now. We are still in an epidemic economy. It seems to me that we have to get this epidemic behind us before the economy can expand normally. Expect to see plenty of shortages then. Right now, it sounds more like temporary and localized supply issues and not a shortage. People who are feeling it, please don't take my comment as pointed at you. I don't know where the stories about shortages or inflation are coming from. I'm not seeing any shortages or price increases if any.

then i guess CNN is hysterical..personally? i don't write the just appears.
which store?

Well. I started the day in Bakersfield. So Walmart first. Then went home to the meat market in the cal city. Got a couple lbs of bacon. Meat market bacon cheaper and I can buy by the slice. Then went and scored the managers special at dollar general in town of chicken thighs (2lbs) as well party wings for Sunday’s game. (Those actually we’re pretty pricey at 9 dollars for 12 winglets) But the thighs were normal Around 5 bucks
So even the National Institiue of Health admitted they funded it. They even stopped funding it as a result of Trumps insistence upon looking into the issue.

But if you want to be technical the NIH funded ecoAlliance who then funded the Wuhan Lab. So Fauci thought he was being smart using a middleman.
You are a fool. Do you know how much research is funded from the same organizations? Research for the good of us all? Was the lab researching bat viruses? Yes. Why was it doing that? Because we got caught with our pants down when SARS hit and the medical community realized the next pandemic may come from bats again. The grant to Wuhan? I seem to recall around $50k. The price of a couple of university undergraduates. The same people that fund research on other transmissible diseases that can cause pandemics. Money from my neck of the woods studied AIDS and Ebola.

Obviously you just get your little bits of information from politically motivated sources and do not understand the importance of how our world is interconnected. From what I read it would seem like the lab had an accident and tried to cover it up, even from their government. Fauci doesn't track every place money is given out by organizations removed from his, he is far up the food chain for that (see, actually brought in food chain into a bacon thread).

People like you are a sad joke on the rest of us.
You are a fool. Do you know how much research is funded from the same organizations? Research for the good of us all? Was the lab researching bat viruses? Yes. Why was it doing that? Because we got caught with our pants down when SARS hit and the medical community realized the next pandemic may come from bats again. The grant to Wuhan? I seem to recall around $50k. The price of a couple of university undergraduates. The same people that fund research on other transmissible diseases that can cause pandemics. Money from my neck of the woods studied AIDS and Ebola.

Obviously you just get your little bits of information from politically motivated sources and do not understand the importance of how our world is interconnected. From what I read it would seem like the lab had an accident and tried to cover it up, even from their government. Fauci doesn't track every place money is given out by organizations removed from his, he is far up the food chain for that (see, actually brought in food chain into a bacon thread).

People like you are a sad joke on the rest of us.
Like taking corona virus and purposely spreading it in a bat cave. LOL that's they kind of research that really enriches the world. Chasing research grants are what gives you the Best Science you can buy!
I still have a couple lbs of bacon I made that I need to eat. The next bacon I make is going to be buckboard bacon. Bellies are just too damn expensive.

I recently made a post on another thread about stocking up because the supply chain is collapsing.

We did another couple hundred in shopping today. I'm picking up a chuck roll and pork loin tomorrow. Got about 25 lbs of chicken today. Gotta keep the freezer full. Already grabbed 25 lbs of high gluten flour for making bread and I'll likely grab another 50 lb bag along with 50 lbs of jasmine rice. I'm also getting 50 lbs of assorted dried beans. I'm not getting caught without essentials if things get scarce this winter.

I always keep a stock of supplies. 6 months minimum on supplies.
We did the whole beans and rice thing last year as covid was ramping up. Every time I would go shopping I would pick up a bag of each. Still have two ice chest full, so no need for more. Lots of canned meat, etc. We have always kept a month or two worth of food anyway. But we lost so much food in the hurricane, we are trying to to not keep all the freezers as full as they were then.
I have a ginormous stash of cane sugar.
Every time iv went to the store iv bought the dollar 1lb bag. That’s been for almost 2 years. Nothing to do with covid. And everything to do with a bitching wife and one argument about “never having sugar in the house”. I promised that would never happen again. And it won’t lol
Please show a source where you got this information.
From his brain.

A lot of stuff is still caught up in shipping backlogs due to Covid and even that blockage of the Suez canal months ago. Lack of computer chips is also causing backlogs in cars, appliances and other things that need them. Gonna be years of higher prices and shortages as long as Covid is messing things up. Our province is in medical emergency overload thanks to all the damn antivaxxers. Don't give a fuck about the society they live in so they should leave.

Also our west coast ports have reached capacity, and 100's of ships are waiting off shore to come in and unload.
The local cafe always has porkchops as their Tuesday special and for some reason it wasn't this week, so we ended up running to town for lunch. We bought groceries at Walmart, including bacon. I will admit to not looking at the price, but there seemed to be plenty on the shelves.
Please show a source where you got this information.
I read it yesterday. I'm pretty busy outside today with the glorious weather. Maybe you can find it. They said they were going to use some nano piecing delivery systems. Isn't research grate!!!!