Bacon Shortage

Your post was not very clear. Context is needed.

Were the events at the Capitol Building in DC on Jan 6 the actions of patriots who were trying to save democracy or were they perpetrating violent insurrection?
It was a set up by whoever. Patriots were warned to stay away. The NYCPD warned the Capitol Police three days in advance that trouble was brewing. Pelosi and McConnell both knew three days in advance it was going to happen. The Capitol Police turned down the Washington DC PD request for help. It's just another Dem circle jerk for the MSM and to keep eyes off the election steal.
Maybe forward to all those bored medical workers being laid off for having nothing to do in their dead end jobs.
Our illustrious state government has failed it's unemployed workers fantastically. Especially because many of those unemployed are due to the state actions. Millions in fraud, people can't get any funds because someone else already got it. The offices are still all closed, don't bother calling. And good luck with the web pages.

But don't worry. They have so much staff here that if you aren't vaccinated the state has again decided they don't want you on the job anymore and fire you. Never mind the last year....
Also, in the United States we didn’t have a resurgence of Covid cases until the onset of the delta variant... which was after the initial vaccines were released. So if the delta variant a product of the virus attempting to mutate to attack a stronger immune system, was it the vaccines that caused this mutation or the body’s natural antibodies that caused this mutation? Or was it a combination of both?

All virus' mutate naturally. Some mutations can render that variation as harmless as the common cold which has a couple hundred variants and is in the same family as Covid or a mutation can be much more infectious like the Delta has proven to be. Some could kill almost all it infects but that is not to the virus' advantage as eventually it will run out of victims and die out as well. It's just evolution at a highly accelerated rate and has nothing to do with the vaccine itself. The more people available to infect means more mutations are possible so vaccinations make a smaller pool of victims. If the world had gone into a 3 week real lockdown like they did in Wuhan at the onset we could have beat this thing before it got out of hand like it is now. New and worse variations are very likely in the near future thanks to the large pool of unvaccinated people we have.

It has been found that people who have had the actual virus and survived have a weaker antibody response than what you get from the vaccines especially the newer mRNA so the vax is still recommended for them. Moderna is looking like the best one for continued protection and a higher resistance to serious illness than Pfizer. The wife and I both got our 2nd shots of that at the end of June.

I'm racing to get ready for a trip next Wednesday out to BC from northern Alberta here to visit my blind 94 yo mother and take her up to our family cabin for likely her last trip there so don't have time to respond to the rest of your mixed message. Good luck with whatever strategy you are following.

Our illustrious state government has failed it's unemployed workers fantastically. Especially because many of those unemployed are due to the state actions. Millions in fraud, people can't get any funds because someone else already got it. The offices are still all closed, don't bother calling. And good luck with the web pages.

But don't worry. They have so much staff here that if you aren't vaccinated the state has again decided they don't want you on the job anymore and fire you. Never mind the last year....

That's okay, sounds like there's not much to do there anyway.
It was a set up by whoever. Patriots were warned to stay away. The NYCPD warned the Capitol Police three days in advance that trouble was brewing. Pelosi and McConnell both knew three days in advance it was going to happen. The Capitol Police turned down the Washington DC PD request for help. It's just another Dem circle jerk for the MSM and to keep eyes off the election steal.
No. It was seditious behavior by MAGA acolytes. Consider Josh “Fistpump” Hawley.
It was a set up by whoever. Patriots were warned to stay away. The NYCPD warned the Capitol Police three days in advance that trouble was brewing. Pelosi and McConnell both knew three days in advance it was going to happen. The Capitol Police turned down the Washington DC PD request for help. It's just another Dem circle jerk for the MSM and to keep eyes off the election steal.
yeah, yeah, yeah, much needs to be investigated. That is under way. But your reply is irrelevant to my question.

I'm asking about the people who went there.

Were the events at the Capitol Building in DC on Jan 6 the actions of patriots who were trying to save democracy or were they perpetrating violent insurrection?
Well if I wanted to pleasure you I could. But you can do that yourself. Google is the password, though I generally use the Brave search engine. I ain't your flunky bub. Why should I get the info when you will critic the sources out of hand? I already know your denial arguments.....
This is how we do things here. Not sure why you have not caught on. When people post information they include a link where they got it from. It is not a pleasure thing, it is a way to be taken seriously. Otherwise a person can say anything or repeat anything, no mater how asinine, and think they got away with pulling the wool over people's eyes.

How do you know I will criticize it out of hand? You do not have enough faith in your sources? Ask PJ, I have defended him on ocasion from the others when he posted some stuff that may be unpalatable but had some validity to it. But if you do not feel you can sit at the big boys table (a few gals here also) then I would understand.
Yea, you eat like kings the first few days, but we had so much there was no chance of using all of it. We were 13 days without power. I had a couple of older generators that I might could have got running, but I chose not to spend hours in the gas lines. We did buy a new generator and of course, the power came on the next day.

Same thing happened to me about 4 years ago. Had a wicked wind storm that snapped off a dozen new high voltage power poles along the highway that runs past my acreage and after 3 days at -10C the house was about to freeze up so had to cough up almost $700 for a 3KW pull start gas generator then wire up a plug in my furnace to get the heat on and keep the pipes from freezing up. An hour later the neighbour calls to see if we turned our power back on yet. DOH!

Got a Home Hardware flyer yesterday and see a 4500W electric start genset for $399 and it has wheels! DOH! again.

I always keep 2 5gal gas cans on hand and just pour them in the car every 6 months or so and fill with fresh gas so I can go a couple weeks before needing more. Fire up the genset to let the house heat up to 90F then shut down for a few hours. Reading a book instead of a screen doesn't bother me. Of course we haven't had a lengthy power outage since. DOH! again for the 3rd and last time. :D

yeah, yeah, yeah, much needs to be investigated. That is under way. But your reply is irrelevant to my question.

I'm asking about the people who went there.

Were the events at the Capitol Building in DC on Jan 6 the actions of patriots who were trying to save democracy or were they perpetrating violent insurrection?
Or patriots saving democracy so the people of color do not muck up their lives?
Same thing happened to me about 4 years ago. Had a wicked wind storm that snapped off a dozen new high voltage power poles along the highway that runs past my acreage and after 3 days at -10C the house was about to freeze up so had to cough up almost $700 for a 3KW pull start gas generator then wire up a plug in my furnace to get the heat on and keep the pipes from freezing up. An hour later the neighbour calls to see if we turned our power back on yet. DOH!

Got a Home Hardware flyer yesterday and see a 4500W electric start genset for $399 and it has wheels! DOH! again.

I always keep 2 5gal gas cans on hand and just pour them in the car every 6 months or so and fill with fresh gas so I can go a couple weeks before needing more. Fire up the genset to let the house heat up to 90F then shut down for a few hours. Reading a book instead of a screen doesn't bother me. Of course we haven't had a lengthy power outage since. DOH! again for the 3rd and last time. :D

I have a little genset that I have yet to take out of the box. About enough power to keep the furnace running and a few led lights.
When it comes to what happened on Jan 6, patriotism is in the eye of the beholder, it would seem. I'm just asking @Three Berries if that is what he saw on that day.
Everybody saw the same thing. the question is whether they can justify it or not. Our society's are built up of laws and conventions. With a president ripping down them for four years you could hardly expect his supporters to think those laws apply to them.
And all the other things I should get to before the weather turns. Feeling really crappy lately so the things I should be doing are being pushed back. I need to run a line into the house to go to the furnace, rewire it to run from the genset or the line. I need to hammerdrill a hole for it through the concrete. Maybe tomorrow.
I hear you. Good thoughts in your general direction.
I’ve noticed a big increase in food prices too. I picked up a small chicken the other day for dinner. $22 !!!! I almost fell over. Didn’t think I’d live long enough to see a small chicken cost over $20.

Seriously? That's crazy. I traded a dude weed for chickens a few times, they were fancy hippie chickens that he sold for 20 bucks each, so guess it's not that crazy. Wouldn't have bought them for cash at that price, but the value of weed is rather flexible if you grow a lot and don't really sell, so it worked out for everyone. Those eggs were exceptional.
And all the other things I should get to before the weather turns. Feeling really crappy lately so the things I should be doing are being pushed back. I need to run a line into the house to go to the furnace, rewire it to run from the genset or the line. I need to hammerdrill a hole for it through the concrete. Maybe tomorrow.

I left the male end of the plug I wired into my furnace and just capped it with an unwired female plug so now I just have to run the extension in from the genset and plug in the furnace if needed. I keep the genset in the heated shop so if/when the power goes out I can run it out to the carport and fire it up with a pull or two while it's still warmish. Shit starts hard when it's -30C.

I should wire in a 240 line so that all the lights will work off the genset too but when the furnace is running off it it feeds back to one side of the panel so some of the lights work.
