Bad Neighbor, should I kill him or what?

Man that just sucks..with neighbors like that, who needs enemies..but then he is a coward of an enemy. He sounds like he needs a lesson in respect. And a second lesson in respect for his neighbors. If your presence at his front door doesnt command respect, then maybe grab a few friends to help reinforce the point. In my neighborhood the homes are of equal value you said yours are, when I moved in, my neighbors thought since I was the new guy, they could tell me how to act and what to do, that got cured quickly with a very forward conversation about boundaries and privacy. All but one took the message to heart, one was persistent on being a total douche, which turned very quickly once I invited my brothers over for a cookout. It's all in the presentation and how the message is delivered. I guess they thought since I was a suit and tie wearing guy (which is what they usually saw when I left for work and came home), that I would be a push over. But then I made sure they saw the HOG riding, massive 4x4 driving after hour and weekend me and my friends. The message became loud and clear that when someone pried into my business it was unacceptable, now we all get along great.
Man that just sucks..with neighbors like that, who needs enemies..but then he is a coward of an enemy. He sounds like he needs a lesson in respect. And a second lesson in respect for his neighbors. If your presence at his front door doesnt command respect, then maybe grab a few friends to help reinforce the point. In my neighborhood the homes are of equal value you said yours are, when I moved in, my neighbors thought since I was the new guy, they could tell me how to act and what to do, that got cured quickly with a very forward conversation about boundaries and privacy. All but one took the message to heart, one was persistent on being a total douche, which turned very quickly once I invited my brothers over for a cookout. It's all in the presentation and how the message is delivered. I guess they thought since I was a suit and tie wearing guy (which is what they usually saw when I left for work and came home), that I would be a push over. But then I made sure they saw the HOG riding, massive 4x4 driving after hour and weekend me and my friends. The message became loud and clear that when someone pried into my business it was unacceptable, now we all get along great.
And you didn't even have to kill any helpless animals. That's awesome.
Killing pets and leaving them on the front lawn worked for me. Not horses or anything that big. but if their cat or Fido shows up with a .22 pellet in it's head, I believe he will think next time before lifting the phone (if he thinks you did it, just wave and smile next time you see him)

Chicken shit move.
If you're looking to escalate a situation, kill an innocent pet - yeah, good call.

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Yesterday I was sitting on my couch with my son playing games and I here a mans voice at my front gate, about 15 feet from my front door. I open the door and look out and see 2 firemen and 2 cops. They are investigating a "strange chemical smell" and want to check my backyard. After I shut down the a/c to my grow room I let them into the yard and they didn't find anything making any kind of smell and they left.

At first I had no idea why my neighbor called them and reported a "chemical smell". But after talking with a fellow grower/friend last night we figured it out. If he reported a marijuana smell then no one would have came because no one gives a fuck about MJ. They probably thought meth lab and that's why they came in force to investigate. We live in a nice middle class neighborhood, average home price is around $700k, and I'm the youngest homo'ner here.

This guy is hating on me and mine. What should I do to "fix" him.

700 k homes are middle class :shock: ?

I'm farther away than I thought in the game of life.

I'd move, I know it sounds rash..but if you can afford 700k house then go get some land and build a house with more distance between neighbors. A shitty neighbor like that will only get crazier as they age n these old guys got way too much time on their hands.
Ok, here's what you do.

Grab yourself a nice grow tent, put that fucker in the garage. And grow yourself two nice 3 footers. And when the buds start to develop, go in the middle of the night with the two plants and place them somewhere "tucked away" in your neighbors yard. The next morning, call the police and complain of weird smells coming from your neighbors yard.

And if you can, grab yourself an eight-ball of coke, do a few lines yourself for good measure, then toss the bag on the ground with a straw on their back porch.
700 k homes are middle class :shock: ?

I'm farther away than I thought in the game of life.

I'd move, I know it sounds rash..but if you can afford 700k house then go get some land and build a house with more distance between neighbors. A shitty neighbor like that will only get crazier as they age n these old guys got way too much time on their hands.

this.......up here in the north woods that kinda cheez would get you a damn nice house on 3-400 acres. fuck neighbors man
Of you'd gotten rid of most the plants I'd of happily let her in to put her at ease...she's seems ight especially when he said she wouldnt call the cops. I've had my landlord come into my gaff to do work when I was out with 5 plants upstairs haha
A few plants=24. We are within our limit tho but she would have just expected 4-6 Plants and has no business really. She knew it was legal and tried to say the 'community' don't like it instead! Lol

This place is on the ground floor so it was never supposed to be a huge grow. I go for top floor usually. All the neighbours could see inside it from the meeting point in the hallway. That was a year ago. I wouldnt do more unless I bought an ozone generator. :)
You take an old style bulb and heat the base and remove. Fill bulb with gel and glue base back on and screw it into porch light.

Brake light wires cut and wired together shoved in the gas tank. Boom.

Rattle snake in the mail box.

Or shit on their front porch wipe and stick the tp to the door.

Concrete in a septic line.

Gasoline in a super soaker and spell fuck you on the lawn.
Now we are talking.
If he has a nice lawn and plantings, go out before dawn with a gallon of Roundup and spray the shit out of them. That would be fun, and it's quick and easy.
That's messed up. Killing an innocent animal. We visited my father one time and the neighbor shot my cocker spaniel with a .22 for crapping in his yard.

All the while his dogs come in dads yard a lot. I thought for a second my dad was going to
Chicken shit move.
If you're looking to escalate a situation, kill an innocent pet - yeah, good call.

so instead dump poison on the ground n contaminate everything.....very well thought out....your showing your intelligence now.
Man, can't anyone tell when someone is fucking around. Did you also believe that guy that said put a rattlesnake in the guy's mailbox? You shouldn't take the shit you read on this OP (kill the neighbour?) so seriously, especially if my name is attached to it. Sorry for the confusion, I'm bad.
no, i don't kid around about killing animals for no reason or poisoning the environment. kill or poison the human, i can live with that.