Bad Neighbor, should I kill him or what?

i feel bad-

something similar to this happened to me, and caused great grief. it didnt involve marijuana, directly, but was very unpleasant nonetheless.

trust me. if that lady is already goin to your business associates, shes already told anyone that she has thought could have made an immediate impact on the situation. because i know this type of narcissist, i can predict what she'll do next, right?

be ready for video and audio recording of yourself and families movement s and actions. its what comes next.

anyway. here's the cure. you have to start acting as though this is hurting you. find a counselor/therapist that takes your insurance, and go there, immediately. talk about this subject. grab your heart, say things like , my hearrt!, ohhhhhhh, my heart!

if you have insurance use it. go too the doc, and say the neighbor lady is buggin the hell outta me. say it makes your chest tight. hard to breathe.

when she gets fired up next time,(give her a reason, but nothin conspicuous, like workin on the fence, or lighting a brush fire or mowing that portion yourself for awhile. while shes foaming at the mouth, you call the fuzz. tell them the truth, crazy lady is threatening you, making you chest hurt, and stopping work and maintenance on your property.

let them know shes watching you, and contacting your associates(stalking). for sure she will try and use and video camera to try and make a video if she can( my neighbor lady got a miracle ear thing). you will have to get photos of this, a game trail cam comes to mind. cammoed out so as not to draw attention. they even have ones that are ip able, so they can send live photos and vid straight to your phone through a website. get pics of her gettin pics.

then, when all is setup properly, and she has exposed herself many times, and you have documented the INJURY caused by her, shrink, doc, police, hardware store guy/stripper.

have her prosecuted and sue her. she has obviously already slandered you, and harassed threatened your livelihood. get a protection order against her at the time of filing.

trust me. her life will be such a hell, she will think a truck hit her. felonies and civil lawsuits are a bitch.
at that time you can either give her a deal, or stick it too her.

do things in this manner. nothing aggressive, or over the top. all in the back ground kinda.

then drop the hammer.

never know. maybe they move and oyu can buy there house super cheap, right?
5 gallon bucket of gas, throw a bunch of Styrofoam in it, until it becomes a think gel. Place somewhere vulnerable on his house, light on fire, then toss a 5 gallon propane tank on top of the napalm. Make sure to do it on the furthest side away from your house of course
5 gallon bucket of gas, throw a bunch of Styrofoam in it, until it becomes a think gel. Place somewhere vulnerable on his house, light on fire, then toss a 5 gallon propane tank on top of the napalm. Make sure to do it on the furthest side away from your house of course

You take an old style bulb and heat the base and remove. Fill bulb with gel and glue base back on and screw it into porch light.

Brake light wires cut and wired together shoved in the gas tank. Boom.

Rattle snake in the mail box.

Or shit on their front porch wipe and stick the tp to the door.

Concrete in a septic line.

Gasoline in a super soaker and spell fuck you on the lawn.
Nice work! You did the right thing.

My bf had a similar thing recently. He didn't listen to me regarding ventilation at harvest and stunk out the whole block, maybe even the street.

The president pulled us aside and asked us if we had plants. I admitted it immediately and said we were allowed some for personal. He said he smokes hash but the smell from weed is too strong.

There was a meeting the next day so I reduced the grow to a personal size that night (exiting the building with plants in the early hours to a nearby location). I took down a whole grow room in less than an hour.

Bf went to the block meeting which was outside his front door and I told him to leave all our doors open so they could see/smell inside. I said no to making coffee, burning inscense etc. After 45 mins of talking, an old lady from upstairs asked about the recent plants/smell. He admitted he had been cutting and didn't realise it would smell so much, she wanted to check it was just a few but he declined and said the police could see it. She said she wouldnt call them.

I'm keeping it quiet round there with 2x600w but might swap to 2 x1000w. I'm using a carbon filter too.

ONA blocks / gel work great but in this case ventilation had been ignored.
I hope you beat the shit out of him
Yesterday I was sitting on my couch with my son playing games and I here a mans voice at my front gate, about 15 feet from my front door. I open the door and look out and see 2 firemen and 2 cops. They are investigating a "strange chemical smell" and want to check my backyard. After I shut down the a/c to my grow room I let them into the yard and they didn't find anything making any kind of smell and they left.

At first I had no idea why my neighbor called them and reported a "chemical smell". But after talking with a fellow grower/friend last night we figured it out. If he reported a marijuana smell then no one would have came because no one gives a fuck about MJ. They probably thought meth lab and that's why they came in force to investigate. We live in a nice middle class neighborhood, average home price is around $700k, and I'm the youngest homo'ner here.

This guy is hating on me and mine. What should I do to "fix" him.
Killing pets and leaving them on the front lawn worked for me. Not horses or anything that big. but if their cat or Fido shows up with a .22 pellet in it's head, I believe he will think next time before lifting the phone (if he thinks you did it, just wave and smile next time you see him)
Why don't you file a complaint against them? Isn't harassment illegal? If she's consistently bitching to the cops about you then they know she's obsessing about the situation n throw in a little "she threatened my kids n has a very threatening tone when I'm in her presence..not to mention saying shed file more bogus complaints n repeatedly says she has family members in the force so has no problem getting a swat team to raid my house, i normally wouldn't be concerned with such bogus claims but I've a young family and don't want my children seeing or hearing these things" that way the more she complains the worse it will look for her.
I hope you beat the shit out of him
This is the reason that all the neighbours know. One old dear wanted to take a look but he declined her and said it would be ok if the police came round. Which it would.

Trust me I wasn't happy and restricted that place to 2 lights ever since.

Ps I verbally beat him for it but he did man up and face the music.
Of you'd gotten rid of most the plants I'd of happily let her in to put her at ease...she's seems ight especially when he said she wouldnt call the cops. I've had my landlord come into my gaff to do work when I was out with 5 plants upstairs haha
Killing pets and leaving them on the front lawn worked for me. Not horses or anything that big. but if their cat or Fido shows up with a .22 pellet in it's head, I believe he will think next time before lifting the phone (if he thinks you did it, just wave and smile next time you see him)
That's messed up. Killing an innocent animal. We visited my father one time and the neighbor shot my cocker spaniel with a .22 for crapping in his yard.

All the while his dogs come in dads yard a lot. I thought for a second my dad was going to kill the guy.

Shit like that can escalate fast. To the point of serious violence.